Catherine Watters

The latest manipulation and over reach by Corp Gov with COVID/Jabs has brought Health into focus that much more. The issue I have been trying to bring attention to since the 70s. Our health has been under attack physically, emotionally & spiritually for a long time. My focus has been on the "family" AND "community" for 5 decades since that was my Wake Up Call to the larger Abusive system starting in the early 70s. The Micro of the Macro. By 1972 at the age of 8 I felt my health Severely suffering.Due to the Unmistakable assault on health RIGHT in the "Family" AND "community" that has been INVERTED and most people are NOT even Aware of it.I focused on Psych health, healthy relationships, what is and isn't dysfunctional and Abusive, enabling & co-dependent.   Psych/Emotional health has been robbed and reduced so much and it's been seen as "Normal". Most people have NO idea what it means to live to their Full Healthy potential physically, emotionally, to reach their dreams and NOT just have a "job". But, to Actually THRIVE. It's been THROUGH the "Family" system and the community where people LEARN to set the bar LOW on their own Quality of Life.  There have been Way too many Health Deficient people creating MORE health deficient people. "Parents" acting on behalf of the Gov against those who's side they're Supposed to be on and Defend.  If people do not understand how a Healthy Family, Healthy relationships are supposed to work, what Self Actualizing is and how far we are from it, if people can't admit they are ILL  and deficient emotionally then they will be unable to protect their Physical health. The bodies Healthy Emotional responses have been Pathologized rather than Heard in the Average person While those with a lot of Debt $$ or "Position" can be Total Deviants with Impunity. The bodies responses should be seen as THE ANSWER in ANY BODY whether it's the bodies Physical OR EMOTIONAL/MENTAL responses OR whether someone has $$ and "Position" or not. Our system has been that you can only Get Away with something IF you have $$ and "Position" and those who do not have their Health Criminalized by the DEVIANTS who are the REAL Sick.