Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wednesdays 4-6pm ET (audio only) Then Replayed Thursdays 7-9pm ET on (with video)
I have been criminalized and gaslit for speaking truth about, for having Healthy Adverse Responses to health debilitating abuse, pollution, poison at "home" since 1970. It's BEEN a "Crime" to be Healthy mentally physically and spiritually for over a half century By the VERY people "family" and "neighbors", who are supposed to defend, fight, advocate for you more than anyone in the world and yet, No matter HOW pervasive the issue of Child abuse and indoctrination IS, people do Not get outraged, they do NOT rise up for the abused they do NOT hold abusers to account BUT, do the EXACT OPPOSITE. They made/ make Excuses for and ENABLED the abusers to carry on with their abuse and neglect of the most innocent and Vulnerable.
A DEBT system at it's FINEST.
Reading a piece I found in a write up by The People's Voice
SCHOOL OF FOOLS by Chris Stevens
Now that I have acquired concrete evidence of the child-rapes committed by so-called 'teachers' Alun Pickford; Nick Pulman, and Jim Twelves, there is a sufficient foundation to expose the entire school. The truth is that most teachers at Aldenham were child-rapists. Aldenham School does not merely have an unfortunate problem with teachers raping students, but it has been designed for this explicit purpose.
Children Destroyed

Not only were teachers like Pickford, Pulman, and Twelves raping students, but the effect of their abuse induced older students to rape, harass, beat, and torment those younger than them. As just one example, students Oliver Jones and Dev Patel, photographed below at Aldenham, would regularly abuse me.