Catherine Watters of the Family Industrial Complex show NOW on Revolution.Radio Studio B every Wednesday 4-6pm ET THEN replayed every Thursdays 7-9pm ET on
With USS Liberty Survivor Ernest Gallo-
Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas.
One of the most explosive and hidden secrets in U.S. history – one that has never been previously told, Remember the Liberty explores how a sitting U.S. president collaborated with Israeli leaders in the fomentation of a war between them and their Arab neighbors. A war that would ensure a victory for Israel, and include the acquisition of additional land. This book will finally identify the real cause of the vicious attack on a U.S. Naval ship. After the botched plan was executed, the ship refused to sink even after being hit by a torpedo, leading the attack to be cancelled and a massive cover-up invoked. Including severe threats for the crew members to "keep their lips sealed." That cover-up is barely still in place, and completely exposed. Written largely by the survivors themselves, the truth is finally being told with the real story revealed.
The Story of the USS Liberty and it's survivors parallels the abuse of Children in "Families" and "communities" that I have tried speaking out about since the 70s.
It's all the SAME abuse of "power", Micro and Macro, that HAS been sacrificing the VERY people they're Supposedly there to Defend. Completely Inverted.
It's BEEN in going on in BILLIONS of Abusive, dysfunctional, Indoctrinating, Child Abusing "Families" over decades like it's Normal.
When LBJ said of the crew of the USS Liberty June 8, 1967, "I don't care about a few dead sailors... I will not embarrass my ally Israel", that pretty much said it ALL about that "leaders" of the US Sacrifice those they're supposed to be looking out FOR.
That mentality can't NOT "trickle down" to the People who are confronted with that SAME "dilemna" of, either resisting that narrative and defending ther own children, thereby going UP AGAINST their abusive "Leaders" to Defend those their supposed to defend OR, over time, sacrificing and selling out ther own children and becoming more LIKE their Abusers.
Not paying attention over time is NOT an excuse. Time should always have been designated to keeping abusive "leaders" in CHECK.