Patricia Lager

Patty Lager is an anarchist, a naturopath, and a college professor. Although Patty began her journey working to become an allopathic medical doctor, she soon realized that drugs and surgeries often left people worse off than they began before these interventions. She began to see that the business of medicine was exactly that: a business. Former cheerleaders turned pharmaceutical sales reps were responsible for educating physicians about the drugs they were pushing, and there were many incentives offered to influence physicians to prescribe more of the drugs they were selling. After leaving medical school, Patty later went into medical research working to attain a Ph.D. in immunology. She observed that most of the research performed in universities was ultimately funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Being an ethical vegan, it was very challenging for her to participate in animal research. Patty knew she had to leave medicine and scientism behind as they were not virtuous industries. Patty took time off, spent time playing music in several bands, and later became a college professor. She primarily teaches human anatomy and physiology. Even though many of her students are working to enter the allopathic medical field, Patty stresses the importance of Nature as she explains the physiological processes within the body. Patty has been teaching for over 20 years, and during this time she did become a Traditional Naturopath (NOT licensed nor restricted by the state). She has spent most of her personal time studying natural hygiene, herbal medicine, and homeopathy. Patty has been personally mentored by both Dr. Robert Morse and Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Patty also considers Rudolf Steiner a spiritual mentor and enjoys reading his many great works. Outside of teaching, she helps ill clients regain lost health by offering health consultations through her website, Natural Law Health. Patty also educates natural health professionals about the human body.