Cory Endrulat

Cory Edmund Endrulat is a fellow human being and messenger of nature. Often referred to as an abolitionist (voluntaryist), author, speaker, inventor, teacher Of Natural Law, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (certified by the Institute For Integrative Nutrition) and video content creator. Host of the End Of Slavery Summit, featuring about 50 speakers and hundreds of resources. Main editor of The Liberator 2 newspaper, online and in-person, for advocating a voluntary free world, allowing anyone to collaborate and make a greater impact. He encapsulated the philosophy of nature in what he calls Naturosophy. His books include "Slavery Gone For Good: Modern Abolitionism," "Sapientia Naturae: The Wisdom Of Nature," "Naturosophy: The Guidebook," "Nature's Radical Honesty: A practical application of Naturosophy" & "Government Is Unnatural, Anarchy Is Natural: A practical analysis therein Naturosophy." Originally from Pennsylvania, the birthplace of American independence. Specializing on topics concerning health, education, freedom, morality, self-created philosophy and action. All his works connects to his mission and message known as "Nature Is The Answer," a movement created for anyone to use in sharing timeless and universal knowledge through the generations. His content includes interviews, resources, news, analysis, dot-connecting, documentaries, seminars, recipes, podcasts, live-streams and more! He is not afraid to talk about what some may call "taboo" subjects and actively encourages seeking beyond the consumer-based echo-chambers of society. Former populist statist, NaturalNewsBlogs writer and World of Warcraft guild leader. Share your own expertise with him and get involved with The Liberator 2 because we absolutely can change the world, but it depends on the movement that is all of us!