By minute 10 Whitney Webb is getting into one of the, if not THE most important topic there is to understand, that of the Dysfunctional, Abusive "Family".

Speaking about Robert Maxwell in his pursuit of power and that of his children, wanting to be like the Kennedy family, he was trying to get Ghislaine to hook up with either a son of RFK or JFK.

She refers to the "Psychology" of Robert Maxwell and his seemingly "narcissistic elements", due to the trauma of his past. His Trauma I believe having family members killed in the Holocaust.

Webb goes on to explain how Narcissistic "parents" see their "children as extensions of themselves", using his children to build his empire.

Webb tells the story of a brother of Ghislaine Maxwell, that at the age of 15 yrs old was put into a vegetative state after a car accident just days after Ghislaine was born.

This led Ghislaine to develop childhood anorexia due to being abandoned for the first 3 years of her life.

Then Ghislaine gets showered with attention a few years later going from one extreme to another "having a psychological effect on her."

I wanted to write a substack on this video interview Whitney Webb did with Glenn Beck in appreciation and gratitude for her focusing on the effects abuse, neglect and being used by a parent has on children.

One thing that now stands out in my own experiences of trying to speak out about abuse since the 70's, not just in the "family" but, also being shamed and criminalized for it when I sought support and advocacy from others; My body, as a teen, stood up to my Abuser.

What seems clear in listening to this interview is how many people are not conscious of their abuse and trauma. It remains unconscious for the duration of their lives. Of both Robert Maxwell and Ghislaine.

I spent decades since the 70's "working on myself", being VERY aware of being used and dissenting strongly against it.

What has been the point of trying to "recover" and "heal" from abuse and all the dysfunction, trying to be "healthy", when the country and world are run by people who have Clear unresolved issues yet, who can rule and acquire "power" and rage horrific abuse on others with impunity?

In my total naivety in the 70's, 80's, 90's into the 2000's I believed that in order to be "Successful" and "accomplished" one had to be healthy. To actually get things RIGHT.

I truly believed we lived in a fairly legitimate system, despite the glaring dysfunction I was surrounded by, and that, if people had a lot of $, achieved success, position, status, that they did so legitimately.

Of course I understood that some people were corrupt and criminal, I just never dreamed the world, country could be run by totally insane people who have impunity and get enabled.

By all rights I should be in a MUCH better position AND have a lot of $$ by now having dotted the i's and crossed the t's more time than I can count. I truly believed that by aligning WITH the MATH, WITH the SCIENCE and actually getting things RIGHT a person achieved success and recognition.

Meanwhile, the EXACT OPPOSITE HAPPENED. Nailing the Facts just got me attacked and discredited. That means it's NOT and hasn't been about what is right, it's about who's got the Leverage.

If you're vulnerable you just get taken out, undermined and ROBBED of the Rightful credit you deserve! Look at Nicola Tesla.

So much Corruption is at the level of "Family". I don't know why it's not talked about more. It certainly doesn't go Viral.

It's amazing to me now the amount of people walking around, "privileged" and Not, who've been traumatized and abused and are totally, seemingly, unaware of how it effects and controls their lives and to what extent.

If I had known that you can be a total degenerate, deviant, sociopath, Pedo and be more "successful" and "Powerful" than the majority of people I would have lived my life totally different.

What is the point of trying to be healthy and decent, to be Fit in Mind, Body and Spirit? It literally gets you the opposite of what it should.

I had NO idea our country/world was SO ILL. A Massive Dysfunctional, Abusive "family".

Ghislaine was "managed" by her father, including her romantic life. Her father managed what jobs Ghislaine had. "She was very dependent on him".

Webb makes the point that when Robert Maxwell died in 1991 it makes sense that Ghislaine would attach herself to someone with similar characteristics.

More people need to look at how their "upbringing" and Family have influenced their lives and "choices".

The "family", "parents" have been the micro Government for decades turning children into whatever the system wants at the expense of who they authentically are.

Webb put together 1000 pages of information on Epstein and his extensions due to the extent of his tentacles. Due to the names, she said, people probably would not know she had to explain and add many pieces to the puzzle.

My question is, Why aren't More people familiar with this information or doing their own research?

I've always had an idea of what a healthy, mature, responsible adult functioned like. Knowing and delving into the rampant corruption that's going on for decades in the US Corp, for "profit" death Gov should be a priority by now.

Since hearing about Epstein, 9/11, the bank bailout, NSA Spying exposed by Edward Snowden, the "blood Lust" revealed by Chelsea Manning and the volumes of information exposed by Julian Assange of Wikileaks, why haven't more people taken responsibility and done their exercise in challenging and exposing the Crimes of their Rogue Gov?


I hear it said often, "I have to work full time to feed my family". If all people are going to do is go to "work" everyday then all that's happening is the funding of the abuse.

What is the point of "work?" "Working" only keeps the corrupt system going. While the people are distracted "working" they are being and have been getting Robbed blind in the last 50 years.

WHEN will it be a priority to go after the abusers?

Since Occupy Wall Street, the crash/ bailout of 08, the fraudulent War on "terror" which has been a war OF Terror and the Epstein scandal the country has declined. WHY?

What is it going to take to get Adults to behave like adults?

I had no choice but to take responsibility for myself since I was a child, teen in the 70's, early 80's. It was a No Brainer that the "Grown Ups" around me were NOT in my best interest but, the exact opposite.

If a young person can do it, so can Grown people.



To think I spent my life studying and learning how HEALTHY relationships are supposed to function only to end up living in an Insane Asylum.

It is STUNNING to learn today the extent of and history of Child abuse. How children have existed for decades to be sacrificed in one way or another to one degree or another FOR the Sociopaths. And "Parents" and other "adults" have been helping.

The most vulnerable HAVE to be sacrificed in a system where "elites" plot everyday for decades to acquire more "power" for themselves at the expense of the people. Nature and Health are Inverted.

"Sexual Blackmail" has been used in American history in political scandals and the use of minors was "disturbingly common".


By minute 15 Glenn Beck makes the point about characters like Jason Borne existing. "if you are important in Washington they are going to Manage you. If you are not Rock Solid in who you are, in what is right and wrong, THEY GOT YOU".

"People in our 'National Security State' realized they can make a lot of $$ working with organized crime and shielding them".

"J. Edgar Hoover was blackmailed by the Mob". That's how a DEBT system functions not a Healthy system and Healthy relationships. What I felt and called out in 1970.

If the PEOPLE refused to participate in the dysfunction and were committed to being healthy and building healthy families and communities instead of going along with the dysfunction we could have been in a much better place by now.

"Top people in our Congress and Senate knew what Epstein was up to and nothing was done", min 27.

I guess I'm just used to being around people who are not on your side all my life, since the age of 6 so ALL of this corruption and abuse of "power" is not difficult AT ALL for me to accept.

I've spent 5 decades trying to speak out about the abuse in my own "home" and have been guilted for doing so ever since. I may not have lived the level of abuse others have but, I KNOW trauma, abuse, depression and terror very well.

I KNEW what I experienced in my own "home" as a teen in the late 70's, early 80's was CRIMINAL and yet ALL around be swept it under the rug, made ME the bad guy and excused and enabled the Abusers in "Authority".

That MATH over 5 decades equals the mess we are in today.

"WHEN YOU BECOME MORE OF A LIABILITY THAN AN ASSET, THINGS HAPPEN", referring to the murder of Robert Maxwell in 1991, min 29:30.

Sounds like what's been happening to the Public.

"I don't want the Government to be run by organized crime", Whitney Webb. 34:30

When we have had abuse of children by "parents" for decades that has been the Micro of the Macro, CLEAR symptom of the larger problem.

Did you want to grow up in Abuse or support and people who are on your side?

You don't need to KNOW ALL of what Webb is exposing. You need to look at what's right in front of you. The Corruption has seeped into every facet of life like PFOA.

"I think that's true for most Americans", Webb. If that's true then WHY have people been enabling the abusers and NOT rising up against them? Why does the same Criminal system continue after each crisis and no one goes to prison?

Why do the people continue to tolerate abuse only enabling it to the next false flag?

PROTECT THE CHILDREN! What should be regarded as the most valuable asset has been treated like GARBAGE in the past 50 years.

Children will give it to you Straight. They Give Honest Feedback. They need Adults healthy enough to handle it.

STOP Drugging your children, STOP making their Healthy Adverse responses to this Evil system a pathology when you should be LISTENING to it!

It occurs at the level of Family and Community where those who are supposed to be the future are being exterminated.


I do not wish to break down the entire interview as it is lengthy but, just focus on the pertinent points;

"why should the regular person care", Beck. Epstein's significant financial crimes have been a microcosm of the looting of the American public for decades.

"Catherine Austin Fitts The Missing Money & Mark Skidmore who have calculated 21 TRILLION $$ of tax payer money that's gone missing", Webb.

"We have to understand what we're facing in order to solve it", Webb. After Beck says, "You're not improving my mood much".

The BEST reply she could have. Which is exactly How we have arrived where we have. Most people Don't WANT to know the Facts, the data.

I lived with that mentality for decades. Let's just deny reality and sweep the unpleasantries under the carpet. They're too "negative", be "positive" but, not in reality only in fiction.

We have to Face and Deal with the "Negative" and make it Positive IN REALITY. Not by kicking the debt can down the road for decades.

That just gets you worse later.

"My kids are going to live in this world", Webb. What a REAL parent sounds and functions like. The OPPOSITE of what I experienced for 5 decades and still do to THIS DAY.

The Bailing out of the Pillagers in "power" in the "family" is how it All starts.

"I think every parent does at this point", Webb. That is definitely Not true. MANY "parents" are horrible abusers.

"There would be 2 races, the 'elite' who are intellectual and attractive and then a dwarf- like, troll- like, squat, underclass that eats bugs", Webb. 48:40.

We have already had that for the past 50 years. it's just happening to more people. it's been normal to have a certain % of the population sacrificed, "poor", homeless. Now it's everyone's turn.

"How do you create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively rebel", Webb. 49:15

We have had this for 50 years. Webb is 33 years old and learning what I knew in the 70's and was crushed for. This is RIGHT in "Families".

"Kids in general into the gears of the machine". "the lockdown was for the children when it clearly wasn't".

Webb and Beck and others are learning about Abusive relationships, what so many have known very well very early in life for decades.


"We're too dependent on corporations that have a lot of nasty agendas or do bad things, Illegal wars, no accountability at the 'highest' levels of government, if people my age don't start doing something it's going to get really bad".

"Stop talking about that, I have Netflix and beer so I don't care, everything's fine". 1:15:00

Near 1:17:00 and 1:18 about putting a mine near Machu Picchu and moving south for minerals in Chile, not just polluting the north.

NEVER EVER Trust the Sociopaths that be, Wall Street because ALL they are about is Debt note $$ "profit" when the REAL Profit IS Nature and health!

there is NO Debt $$ in Solutions, the solution IS the Profit.

Thank you Whitney Webb.