There's been so much talk since the Plandemic then the Jab rollout and its injuries that I am pushed to write about a subject I've been intensely passionate about for 5 decades.

Psych health, child abuse, neglect, abusive relationships and the blatant lack of emotional health by literally everyone i was surrounded by starting in the early 70s.

Simply put, the destruction of what I call our PSYCHE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

Those experiencing the harsh truth for the first time might appreciate those of us who are ALL TOO familiar with those in “Authority” deliberately, unapologetically driving right over you.

Despite the obvious harm. Line Crossing by “power” is NORMAL.

 With so much talk over the last 2.5 years about our healthy immune system that can handle covid.

How the Jab weakens our immune system and creates anti body dependent enhancement (which is basically making the body depend on the jab to function, like Any Abusive relationship does), making the jabbed more susceptible to covid and the stories of people who suddenly die after receiving one or more jabs, I hear people describing similar experiences and facts that I was silenced for saying for 5 decades.

I wonder if we’re not in such a level of social Debt, health debt by now that there just aren’t enough healthy people to give a shit.

 For those who didn't experience it it might not seem trivial. “Just get over it”, is the usual response.

But, that would be the kind of health ignorant statement I’m trying to get people to see.

It’s too easy to brush people aside.

 But, to those who experienced abuse, especially as children, know that it can maim your health as much or worse than any "vaccine".

 I am going to continue to repeat myself until my last breath on this issue.

The ignorance about health, especially psych/emotional, has been perpetuating for a long time.

The Very thing we should value the most, be the most knowledgeable about, be proficient in, instead, too many are WAY too mis or uniformed.

I can’t imagine what that is Due to?

Could it be because our society is NOT healthy and is actually at WAR with health and natural law because those things expose the Frauds in “power?”

 I know what I lived, I know what I felt, experienced and witnessed and NO ONE is going to minimize it, dismiss it, silence me ANYMORE!

The normalization of treating some people like they have no value is a MAN MADE concept, Not from NATURE.

SO we don’t have to make the effort to hear them, regard them, see their worth and face our own internal limitations.

Why is it so difficult to treat another, even our own family, child, with value? Why isn’t it built in as it should be?

Why doesn’t our society function that way in the first place?

Because there’s no Debt $ in it that’s why.

It’s TOO HARD to do things Nature’s way. To go through life unconscious, not be present, slow down to nature’s pace.

Even if it would save our Lives.

it’s Much Easier to just keep the momentum going even though the vicious cycle needs to be broken.

We’ve been conditioned like Pavlov’s dog to salivate to man made $ over what’s REAL.

The harm to health, physically and emotionally, that can be done by "family" AND other people around you when you're a vulnerable child is indescribable.

 I want to include ALL forms of child abuse. 

If we lived in a healthier society we would respect nature and health and adhere to it’s ways.

If we’re not doing that, what are we doing? ILLEGITIMATE.

Children would be Raised according to their stage of development.

Child rearing would be used as a guide, a goal post to navigate. Like an athlete scoring a goal.

Its completely mind blowing to me that we actually live in a country and world where CHILDREN are abused, sexually abused, sex trafficked and SRAd; Satanic Ritual Abuse.

 It proves the low standard societies have sunk to and accept as normal.

 To this day, I know people who Still maintain a totally unscientific stance they've held for 5 decades.

 You see, just like RFK is saying recently, it's about the SCIENCE. 

‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 92: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Debuts NEW Book

That is how I've lived for 5 decades.

Its about the Science, the Facts, the Math that I experienced that no one wanted to hear because it was inconvenient and exposed those in "authority" as failures or fraudulent.

Those in “Authority” have the label of “Authority’ Minus the Ingredients!

Those in “power” should be vetted the MOST. That’s how you know they’re Legit.

And yet, it’s the opposite! Seriously, WTF?

 Those in "authority" "won", were bailed out no matter how blatantly incompetent or abusive they were.

MIGHT MADE “RIGHT”. The GMO way. Follow MAN even though he’s TOTALLY misaligned from Natural Law.

It was a completely reflective, unconscious response from everyone around me as a child into teen, young adult and to This day!

 Denial of the facts and evidence staring right at people and coming from the voice of their own child and neighbor.

 How people were, are so willing to throw their own under the bus to protect the fraudulent system and "authority" is astounding to say the least.

 In dysfunctional, abusive environments Health and intelligence is a "Crime".

 I really don't understand why more focus doesn't go on child abuse and neglect in the "home".

 Its a place where health gets destroyed more than any other place on earth. 

It lowers the immune system of societies and those experiencing it.

 It teaches people to accept what they should not accept, to be treated how they should Not be treated.

 Many young people have developed many problems from stresses and dysfunctions at "home" over the decades.

This System has created an “Adult/Authority” vs those who’s side they’re supposed to be society.

Police Kill citizens, Banks rob people, the military kill innocent citizens who did nothing to us, health care and “doctors” are now killing patients.

Following orders like Adult Children rather than thinking for themselves and challengng “authority”.

Not selling it out for Debt $ and a “Career”.

My aim is to simply help create a healthier and fitter world physically, emotionally, spiritually and socially.

If that’s a bad thing, then I don't know.

 I need to share how utterly sick I felt living in my own "home" and community starting in the early 70s.

 I hear people today sharing about how physically sick they felt after a jab or 2. 

 If you can feel as sick as I felt as a child, teen, young adult being around those who are supposed to be "family", neighbors, who are supposed to be "safe & effective", care about you more than anyone in the world then, it's ridiculous to expect Fauci, Big Pharma, the CDC, the FDA, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, or the US Corporate government to care about your health. 

 It makes absolutely No sense for people to blindly give their trust over to a Corporate government that has a Horrible track record of endless wars, pollution, bank bailouts, for profit prisons, separating children from parents at the border, letting Epstein's cronies off the hook and allowing Chevron to totally own the SDNY court, "judge" Loretta Preska that put Steven Donziger in jail instead of their CEOs!

 The harm to my health since the 70s was unmistakable and yet, when I tried to seek refuge, emotional support, someone to at least recognize and give weight to what was happening to me all I received was being shamed, gaslit, excuses for the abusers.

 It hasn't ended.

 I say this to point out the Facts, the Science and how people, for 5 decades, have done their damndest to fudge the facts, the science.

 If I was there, lived it, felt it, that was the answer! The Math, the science.

 The facts are the facts.

 You don't need to be a "scientist", a "judge", "doctor" to deny reality and push your own agenda.

 Anyone can do it.

And did it they did! Against their own children.

 The people have been doing the bidding of their abusers for over a half century.

 I feel like so many more people are now finding out what it’s been like for the millions who's lives have been taken out at the alter of Corporate "profit".

 It takes effort to stand up for others and too many people are too complacent and lazy. 

 They'll just lower the bar on your life and treat you like you don't count. Your life doesn't matter.

 Again, I say, if that’s how you get treated at "home" for 5 decades it doesn't take a rocket scientist to imagine what the Corporate, War Mongering, Death government can do.

ALL the facts have been right there for anyone to grasp. 

 Everyone went in the Opposite direction of fitness and alignment with science.

 They didn't have the self worth to acknowledge it.