Child abuse and the Abusive “Family/Parents” IS the same as the US Gov and Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Period.

For those who think they weren’t “abused” as children at “home” then just look at how much you were not raised to Self Actualize, to be who you authentically are, to be smart, fit, unique.

Child neglect is more than just abuse, it’s also NOT being raised to reach one’s healthy potential.

I was silenced and gaslit since 1970 for speaking truth about who abused me as a child then teen. I was treated like the Bad Guy while the “leaders” were excused and enabled.

The message was clear; the youth don’t count. You’re NOTHING, you’re here for the “authority”, not the other way around.

Might Made “Right”. “Parents” were following the lead of the abusers of the country.

Abusers are the SAME no matter what the size.

It’s just that those with more leverage can do more harm to more people.

If the Evil US Corp, for “profit” Gov can attack and kill 34 sailors aboard the Liberty and get away with it, cover it up this long, IMAGINE what it’s been doing and what it thinks of YOU.

I cannot help, when I hear the story of the USS Liberty, that I’m listening to my own story. I am listening to people who lived something similar to what I’ve been gaslit since 1970 for speaking about.

It isn’t difficult Math to do to figure out that a corrupt, evil Gov will create abusive “Parents”. This is a simple deduction to make. The longer those running the Corp “Gov” act in ways contrary to the interests of it’s people AND gets to build momentum for decades, the “Family” system will invariably become the same and catch the disease.

And it HAS, decades ago and was normalized.

I have long said,, we don’t need to always know what’s going on in the White House, the Pentagon, Corp board rooms, the Bilderberg meetings to know about Gov corruption. One can see it just by being honest about what’s going on in their OWN “HOME”. The Dysfunctional, Abusive “Family”, “parenting” that has going on for decades. If people are honest enough to admit the truth.

A Test to Judge How Good Your Parents Were

What I experienced since the early 70’s were people ALL criminalizing and gaslighting ME for speaking truth about failing, abusive people in “authority”. How Dare my body be healthy and have perfectly healthy Adverse Responses to the unhealthy conditions and people you’re trapped by as a child.

The Healthy child was long treated like THEY were the Pathological one, the Sick one if their health exposed the frauds in “authority”. Instead of being a healthy parent and responding to the child’s feedback and expressions with caring, support, understanding, validation, many get treated like “criminals”, like there’s something “wrong” with you.

The “Parent’s” needs are put before the child’s when it’s supposed to be the OTHER way around!

WHY isn’t there MORE focus on the “Family” system in the US? WHY is’t it taken more seriously that “parents” are abusive than Corrupt Corp Govs?

It seems pretty obvious that the people just pass down the abuse they tolerate from their Corp, Slave Gov when they should have been saying “NO” and standing up to them. But, they, instead, found it much easier to adopt the abusive stance from their Evil Gov and get off on the “power” they have over vulnerable people.

The Energy that the gov sucks from the people they just suck from their children FOR the Gov thereby creating total Satanists.

The mental illness that gets perpetuated through generations when “parents” are not emotionally healthy and rob from their children has catastrophic consequences.

Over enough decades those born and extracted from will be non human.

It’s already been normalized to have nature and health functioning inverted. For the vulnerable to excuse and prop up their Failing “Leaders” at their own expense.

If “parents”, or any “adult” person, condition a child that the child is responsible for the needs of the “parent/adult” instead of the other way around they have, in essence, succeeded in inverting health and nature for which it’s very difficult to come back from.

Before the Jab injuries I tried since the 70’s to tell people about the disabling effects of child abuse and neglect. Child neglect was SO NORMALIZED.

The SCIENCE of child development was SO Mangled and desecrated already by the 70’s that nothing was thought of treating children as adults and that the ‘adults” could rob from the child’s health bank account with NO ill effects; “just get over it”, is what has opened the door for the child rape, sex with children and having children “consent” to sex and sex changes happening today.

“Parents” have literally been working for the CIA, Corp Gov for decades! They should have been on the payroll!

The fact that the crew of the USS Liberty can survive attempted Murder, those who did at least, by their own Gov, then be silenced for 56 years, IMAGINE what can be done to children?

There is NO question about it; the more people who reproduce over the decades after being dumbed down and enslaved themselves by their “gov” , will inevitably do the SAME to their children.

So ALL we need to do is look closer at the “family” system as a Blood Sample of the larger system. Work at that level and we can take back our country.

I can’t BELIEVE TO THIS DAY, that I lived what I lived for this many decades and it STILL GOES ON. People just don’t “SEE” it, or they don’t WANT to “see” it.

Those RIGHT around you are ENEMIES devaluing you, crippling your health. I was surrounded by enemies my entire life! You never stand a chance at being anything when you enter this world and those right around you are ALL IN ON IT.

When people come into this world and enter an already LOW BAR, Low Standard, inhumane conditions, they’re already acclimated. No abuse needed.

If the surviving crew of the USS Liberty have not been able to receive justice, feel vindicated, were threatened to be silent for 50 years, a few of them passed away in recent years, then what is happening to children? Those who live entire lives in silence about their abuse?

The crew of the USS Liberty were used as total Pawns by their Corp Gov who feel so entitled to use and abuse the VERY people they’re supposed to be FOR then AGAIN, I ask, if people sit by and tolerate CHILD ABUSE by “parents” then how are YOU not an accomplice to crime!?

The abuse of children IS IN OUR FACE! IT IS a CRIME in our midst.

How can Amerikans believe the US Corp Gov is out spreading “democracy” to Iraq, Afghanistan now Ukraine when we have had the horrific abuse and sacrifice of children right in our face?

This is why I’m showing the Parallels to the USS Liberty attack by the US Corp Gov to child abuse and the “Family”. How can people possibly believe the GOV is For their “good” when the VERY people who should be protected are, instead Sacrificed?

How can we Possibly have child abuse when we’re supposed to have a Gov BY, FOR and OF the people? Wouldn’t “parents” be BY, FOR and OF their children?

Yet, we’ve lived with child neglect and the sacrificing of the most vulnerable and innocent for decades as normal. So many people got OFF on having “power’ over vulnerable people when they should have been defending them!

Whether or not the attack on the Liberty was an “accident” is what too many people get hoodwinked by. It’s totally irrelevant whether or not it was an “accident” because, no matter HOW you slice it, 34 crew were BLOWN to Bits and even more seriously maimed for life! They’re DEAD. Period and someone Must pay!

All my life I heard; “your poor mother”, “She didn’t mean it”, the abuse was unintentional”, YET I was the one left Maimed for life with No way to recover!

The abuse and disabling of people as children by “parents” and others has been the GREATEST betrayal in History!

When you get maimed as a child by those you Know you don’t get justice, reparations, a trial, vindicated. You get MORE abuse and you even get to pay for your own “recovery!” Your own “clean up” of someone else’s mess!

As a single, vulnerable person TOTALLY ALONE, people take total advantage and seek to elevate themselves at your expense yet again!

Like the Liberty survivors; it wasn’t the original abuses for 2 decades that was the worst, it was the on going cover up and criminalizing and silencing the victim!

Look at the documentary The KEEPERS, the movie SPOTLIGHT, The Franklin Credit Union scandal, and on and on of people horrifically abused then abused again and again when their abuses get swept under the rug and the abusers get enabled.

The murderers of the USS Liberty Crew AND Abusers of Children most certainly MEAN IT.

The Cover up afterwards PROVES it wasn’t a “mistake”.

One KNOWS when someone is TRULY sorry and a COVER UP ISN’T IT.

I can’t believe what I lived for over 5 decades, “family” and “community” are Enemies and it hasn’t ended yet! It just perpetuates from the “top” down.

It’s the simple TRUTH. I’m sick of all the dysfunction! All the, “you’re not allowed to speak truth about ‘authority’” or criticize them in any way, BS!


Sacrificing Liberty Movie

The true story of the USS. Liberty is more shocking than any spy novel written by Tom Clancy. The most top-secret spy ship in the world. Its client was the NSA. The ship and its 294 U.S. Navy sailors were rushed to the Mediterranean Sea. Only the White House and Pentagon knew that Israel was ready to attack Arab nations. The USS. Liberty was deliberately sent into a kill zone. The casualties were staggering: 34 killed and 174 wounded. The coverup began immediately and has continued since 1967. Until now! The aging survivors have finally told their true story. Sacrificing Liberty sets the record straight.

  • The truth told for the first time about Israel’s massacre of U.S.S. Liberty crewmen.

  • Lost video footage seen for the first time in decades.

  • Shocking first-time eye-witness testimony from the men who survived on June 8, 1967.

  • Gut-wrenching descriptions of the carnage unleashed by Israeli gunboats, warplanes, and submarines.

  • Connecting the dots that link LBJ to a failed false flag operation to start a war with Egypt.

  • Heart-breaking descriptions of human body recovery.

  • Uncensored U.S.S. Liberty crewmen telling their true stories for the first time in 53 years.

  • The role of Senator John McCain’s father in the government coverup.

  • The uncovering of LBJ’s Mossad mistress in the White House.

  • The fuse that lit the fire of war in the Middle East that is still burning today.

  • How brave American men prevented a nuclear war by refusing to die on June 8, 1967.

Totally “Incompetent”, Abusive “authority” has been NOTHING NEW to people as children and yet, nothing has been done to fully eradicate it for many decades. But, it’s ok for “adults” to complain about corrupt “leaders”, finally, after decades of enabling them?!

There is No doubt that the story of the USS Liberty attack June 8th 1967 is, and has been since, an attack on us ALL.

The Commander of the Liberty, William Loren McGonagle, was given the medal of honor not at the White House by the “president” but, at the Washington Navy Yard at an unpublicized ceremony. What do these facts say? Does these scream Loyalty to the crew of the Liberty? Or does it SCREAM, “Screw you, we’re just sorry you all survived?”

I said since the 70’s that I felt like my own “mother” was trying to kill me. Maybe she didn’t try to physically murder me but, there’s NO question that she spent tons of energy trying to diminish me, murder my spirit along with most people around me.

Most working class people have had NO idea how to fully Live! What they’re purpose in life is and that they’re here for much more than they were taught.

“Human” Psych/Abusers of “authority”, function the same no matter what the scale. So the Abusers in the “home” act the same way the abusers of the government do. Abuse their “authority” then dump their guilt onto the innocent to bear.

They care about their own status, their own “advancement” at the expense of the VERY people they’re supposed to be defending.

In part 2 of near the 50 min mark survivor and author Phil Tourney describes his meeting with “Admiral” Kidd when they returned to Malta. (The ship was dry docked in Malta and bypassed Crete which was closer. The crew suspected the reason for that was so that they ship might sink en-route to Malta.)

Admiral Isaac C. Kidd

Tourney describes the meeting as Kidd acting very father-like. Appearing sincerely concerned about what Tourney saw after he took of his metals and tossed them onto a metal table making a clanking sound. Kidd groomed Tourney into feeling that Kidd was genuinely concerned to know the truth.

After Tourney told Kidd what he saw and who did what to whom, Kidd took his metals off the table and put them back on, “his face turning beet red” and told Tourney, “I’m going to tell you something sailor, I’m an admiral again, If you ever repeat one word about the USS Liberty and Who did it to you I guarantee you I’ll see you in Leavenworth or worse. You know what worse means?”.

Tourney replied, “What did you leave us alone out there for?” Kidd replies, “I’m an admiral now, you address me as Admiral or sir, period”.

After Tourney left the room he beat on the door and swore at the “admiral” saying “Fuck you Admiral, fuck you! I hope you hear me!”

This is Exactly where the “Parenting” of TOO many of our countries children came from.

It hasn’t been Only the survivors of the USS Liberty who have been screwed over by the criminal, terrorist US Corp/Israel Gov. ALL Americans have in one way or another to some extent. Without even realizing they’re being abused over time, groomed by their abusers they turn around and do the SAME Might makes “Right” attitude to their own children.

If there’s ONE “positive” thing about an incident like the USS Liberty attack by “Authority”,, when abuse isn’t gradual over time, when it’s Sudden and Violent, it’s NOT confusing! It’s CLEAR, Crystal Clear!

Phil Tourney is telling my story about abuse of “authority” going on in Millions of “homes”, “Families” across the country for decades.

“Respect authority”, has long been a mantra in the US irregardless if they earned it or not. This is how we have ended up where we have.

OVER DUE to take a long hard look at the “Family”.