Hi Catherine,

Thank you so much for putting yourself out at One Great Network. Your speech is so important, and you’re not alone.
I am a Swedish woman, Ulrika Viltvinge, 55 years old, born I Stockholm suburbs in a working class neighborhood . All my life I have, like you- talked with people about the madness, inequality, the abuse (physical and psychological), the unhealthy ways, the abuse of animals, the destruction of the environment, the evil bank system, the even more darker evil medical abuse system. I was considered strange, crazy, annoying, odd, boring etc for speaking out about this things. I was put under a dark spell and heavy mind control and got totally lost in the matrix for many many years. I was born awake but put to sleep with nasty food, poisonous ”medicin” and mind control manipulation by the evil system. I woke slowly up agan about nine years ago when I decided to quit all medicin and take back my health with clean food and better ways of living. I has been a long road in hell for me, but I’m proud I made it to the other side though Im still every day working on improving my health.
Now I found the love of my life, Fadi from Middle East and where making our ways slowly to be selfsufficient and cutting cords step by step from the system, by growing our own food and fixing our own things.

We are anarchist and vegan small scale  farmers. Our goal is the go to the countryside and build a food forest and have big green houses. We will fight the system in our ways as long as we still breathe.

I respect you so much for speaking out the truth. We need people like you so much to awake and change the society to get out of the victim abuse cycle.

Love to hear from you!

Ulrika Viltvinge