Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Thurs 7-9pm ET AND Revolution.Radio studio B Wed 4-6pm ET on the MACRO scale of abuse and dysfunction I have been criminalized for speaking about since 1970.
The attack on the HEALTH of the most vulnerable i a place they should have been the MOST protected, cultivated and, instead were sacrificed, robbed, thrown under the bus.
What is Mental Health and fitness? Does any know? Have any? Aren't "parents"/community supposed to raise their children to their Healthy Potential? Since when did it become normal to live small, enslaved, order following, working class? ALL of which were CLEAR SIGNS, if people Knew what Health was, of DISABILITY, COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in IMMEDIATE NEED of Attention.
Ramzy Baroud TikTok video
The Trends Journal site
Cat Watters twitter/X
Letter to the ICJ link
Former IDF soldier Meital Yaniv on Democracy Now
South Africa has strong evidence and "will win a cease-and-desist order against Israel for genocide against the Palestinians," says international human rights lawyer Francis Boyle.