Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal had a Peace rally on Saturday July 23rd posted on his site 

 Gerald speaks a lot about why there is No talk of Peace only about more weapons, more war? 

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I know why. I've known why for decades.

$$ has been at the expense of health, family, community for decades and the people have been helping.

Instead of protecting children, building and strengthening families and communities since the 70s the REAL wealth was allowed to be polluted, deteriorate while everyone kept the $$ machine rolling.

There's no debt $$ in solutions, in conflict resolution, in "peace".

Solutions ARE the profit. Peace IS profit,The REAL profit of which $$ is the exact OPPOSITE of.

 We are living in the culmination of problems, dysfunction and corruption that has existed for decades.

What is Peace? Where is it? Who knows how to have it? What does it entail?

 I studied healthy relationship skills, active listening, mirroring techniques, healthy boundaries, dysfunctional, abusive relationships due to the utter terror and trauma I lived in the 70s, 80s, 90s into today.

I did everything I could to get away from the horrific dysfunction and abuse by everyone around me as a child, teen into young adulthood.

 There's no question about it, people were sick.

NO one, and I mean NO one knew how to relate, how to have healthy relationships.

 "Family" and “community” was the exact OPPOSITE of what it should be; robbing you, using you emotionally to bail them out, to fill their emotional needs instead of the other way around.

It was obvious already there was something not human about those around me.

 Its difficult to translate the horror, terror a person feels being around those who should care and protect you the most but, instead abandon, use, rob, neglect, gaslight, treat you like your life has No value.

And when you tell others what is happening, when you speak the truth about what is happening they minimize it, guilt you for standing up for yourself, make excuses for the abusers instead of validating what you experienced and offering support. 

This is as Inverted from how Health and Nature function as you can get.

It’s clearly the Social version of Climate Destruction. The systematic destruction of health.

People were like Robots, unconscious, programmed to carry out a mission to keep fracking the physical and emotional health of the most vulnerable.

 How can we have "Peace" anywhere in the world when people don't even know what Health is, what real Peace IS?

how to treat one another in their own "families" and "communities?"

What is and isn’t deviant?

When Sick is normalized for decades, how will we be able to navigate our way back to sanity and health?

 When right is “wrong” and Wrong is “right?”

 When people protect and excuse abusers in "power" and make the truth teller the “bad guy?”

 Since the 70s people's idea of "peace" was shutting up the healthy truth teller, making you feel like what you experienced didn't happen, or it wasn't what you thought.

 Making you feel like you can't even trust your own body, your own senses and visceral experiences.

 Making you second guess yourself. Putting you at odds with your own bodies feedback and gut instincts.


 This is how our healthy immune system gets destroyed.

Pinning mind against body. The mentality was, because you had a mind you can use it to shut your body up rather than use it to translate what the body was saying.

The MATH, the FACTS, the feedback the body was giving back wasn’t the answer as far as they were concerned.

The Math,health could be tweaked, denied, the #’s fudged.

“NO” was Never “NO”. Lines weren’t LINES to be heeded only crossed over and over and over again.

The Most innocent and vulnerable were here to be Pillaged, robbed, polluted, to inherit the BILL, NOT Trees, gardens to be planted and cultivated for a future.

Only cut down, trampled on to keep the death $$ machine going and to prop up Sociopath, Demonic “leaders”.

When does the public ever grow up and be Leaders? Healthy adults? When does the cord ever get cut?

Why aren’t more people talking about the Dysfunctional, abusive, enabling, co- dependency I studied and saw for 50 years?

Isn’t that a part of health?

It isn't just the bodies adverse responses to an injection that so many people are reporting on lately.

The body also has emotional and psychological/physical responses to adversity and will do a very good job of making its findings known.

 The problem is those around you Not listening.

In my, and millions of other people's experiences, its the PEOPLE who created this horrible country we are living in today.

 THEY are the ones who have been in on it for decades. Unconsciously or otherwise.

Enabling the Criminals in "power" and robbing it from the most vulnerable and innocent.

 They Unconsciously behave in ways that perpetuate their own and their child's abuse and enslavement.

 I was aware of the Poverty mentality I was born into and did everything I could to change it.

 Abuse and dysfunction gets passed down generation to generation with people being completely oblivious to their own actions.

 The fact that I had to take matters into my own hands as a teen and young adult to understand what was going on all around me made me wonder; 

 Those running Corporations, government, those in other positions of "authority" must have good conflict resolution skills, healthy communication skills, healthy listening skills?

 I studied so diligently because I didn't want it to be so obvious that I was dragged up. 

 I was desperate for a better life and did not want to turn out like the ignorant, uneducated, unaccomplished people I was surrounded by.

I truly beleived we are here to reach our Healthy potential, out dreams, to be what we are put on this earth to be.

So many around me, however, didn’t feel that way. They believed they are here to follow and obey.

 Little did I know that the entire Country, especially those in "authority" are the most sick, abusive, deranged, unskilled, death promoting people on the planet.

 It’s difficult to practice healthy relationship skills. Its uncomfortable to take the time to listen to someone, especially when you're in "power".

Its been handed down through the generations in "families" that might makes right and rule with fear, “power”, “authority” is always “right” because that's how this Corporate death government rules.

 Its not difficult at all to understand the family as the micro government.

The US Corporate death government is the abusive "parent".

 Not even neighbors or relatives had healthy relationship skills and knew how to listen, validate, mirror, comfort, etc.

 Why don't so many people know how to be human?

 Why don't so many people have basic emotional health? 

 Why do so many people perpetuate coldness, emotional deprivation, denial of what another tells them? Especially a vulnerable person.

The perpetuation of an endless drought, an emotionally barren desert.

 I am not ashamed or afraid to admit to being loved starved my entire life since 1970.

 This is not a reflection of me. Its a reflection of this SICK society that has only gotten worse since.

 How many people have healthy relationship skills, healthy families? Truly? Fit families? 

  Where is the Love? What in the HELL is going on?

Healthy emotional Needs for Love, caring, soothing, comfort, nurturing, validation, support, to be mirrored, heard, have been regarded as “weak”.

It’s been ALL about being “tough”. That’s the Amerikan way. BE TOUGH.

Even for females.

Caring is “weak”, compassion is “weak”, listening to someone is “wrong”. Tell them to “Just get over it”.

Be at WAR with your own Body. Be in your HEAD ALL the time. Don’t Trust what your body says. it’s steering you “Wrong”.

Shut it up, push down what you really feel. Put on an image of “confidence”, that everything is great, never show vulnerability, never need help, do everything yourself.

I, and MILLIONS of others, were “raised” on an Emotional Starvation diet.

Periods of the alleviation of torture and abuse but, not enough to get you out of the health, love hole you were so deeply buried in. 

 I don't even believe help exists in this country.

 I don't believe love, health, in a significant amount, exists.

 It hasn't been planted and cultivated in so long.

 The facts speak for themselves.

There’s a Lot of Emotional Farming that needs to happen for us to survive.

When will there be more focus on the “family/ Community” as the # 1 destroyer of health?

How can we have “Peace”, be healthy when we can’t even recognize the Legitimate grievances, feedback of those right around us?

Where’s the MINDFULNESS?