With all the recent discussion and focus on physical health due to the roll out of covid and the “vaccine”, the immune system, masking children being abuse, I had to write about the ACE Study and it’s Proven health effects that have existed and have become the New Normal decades ago. So much of what I hear today from Real doctors speaking out about covid/”vaccine” misinformation; covid recovery being 99.97%, covid being no worse than the seasonal flu, meds like Ivermectin and hydrochloroquin being suppressed because they are cheaper and work, etc, I have to write about the micro of the macro that I spent decades studying, witnessing, being censored for pointing out. Child Abuse, the abusive family, dysfunction and enabling from the community.

 The Family and Community have been the micro of the macro for decades. The literal scaled down version of Big Pharma, Banks, Big Corporations with “parents” passing to their own children what the Government and Corporations do to them rather than parents pushing back. I started calling it The Family Industrial Complex. Depending upon the level of education, leverage, position in society a family has usually determines their likelihood of saying “no” to the Government while those with the least education and $ have become sacrificed, polluted and Catch the Disease over the decades. Made in the image of disaster capitalism. It hasn’t been only the environment that has been compromised and polluted for decades,, it’s been families, health, especially psychologically, Spiritually; Self esteem, dignity, self actualization, being the authentic person we are meant to be. The “family/community” has been GMO’d.

Judge for yourself.

 Here is the ACE Study which stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences.
This is the CDC description of ACE’s,
https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/ fastfact.html? CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fviolenceprevention%2Facestudy %2Ffastfact.html

Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). For example:

  • experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect

  • witnessing violence in the home or community

  • having a family member attempt or die by suicide

    Also included are aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding, such as growing up in a household with:

  • substance use problems

  • mental health problems

  • instability due to parental separation or household members being in jail or prison

    ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance use problems in adulthood. ACEs can also negatively impact education, job opportunities, and earning potential. However, ACEs can be prevented.

Please note the examples above are not meant to be a complete list of adverse experiences. There are many other traumatic experiences that could impact health and wellbeing.

The point is,, Just like Adverse responses to “vaccines”, a child’s body has had Adverse responses to the “home/parents”, a place they should be the most safe, supported and nurtured. If the Family has long been a place where millions of children suffer Adverse responses leaving them with life long illness and diseases physically and emotionally leading to an increase in the likihood for committing a crime, alcoholism and suicide, than why should we expect better from Big Pharma, Banks, Pfizer, Astra Zenaca, DuPont, NIH, Health Care? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Who created who or do they each feed the other? A vicious cycle of abuse.

Here are some of the consequences, diseases/conditions resulting from ACE’s; What are the consequences?

ACEs can have lasting, negative effects on health, well-being, as well as life opportunities such as education and job potential. These experiences can increase the risks of injury, sexually transmitted infections, maternal and child health problems (including teen pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and fetal death), involvement in sex trafficking, and a wide range of chronic diseases and leading causes of death such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and suicide.

ACEs and associated social determinants of health, such as living in under-resourced or racially segregated neighborhoods, frequently moving, and experiencing food insecurity, can cause toxic stress (extended or prolonged stress). Toxic stress from ACEs can change brain development and affect such things as attention, decision-making, learning, and response to stress.

Children growing up with toxic stress may have difficulty forming healthy and stable relationships. They may also have unstable work histories as adults and struggle with finances, jobs, and depression throughout life. These effects can also be passed on to their own children. Some children may face further exposure to toxic stress from historical and ongoing traumas due to systemic racism or the impacts of poverty resulting from limited educational and economic opportunities.

To better protect our own physical health and that of our children we need to build our health up Beyond just the physical into emotional, healthy relationship skills, healthy self worth, active listening, healthy boundaries, self empowerment, spiritual health. Then, our physical health would have more protection, more cushion. The REAL bank account. Without higher levels of health and fitness physically, emotionally and Spiritually our physical health has No protection. We are in “Debt” which impairs our judgement. We are actually working against our own health and well being. We did not get enough of a battery charge early in life and instead our battery was drained by the very people ensured to protect us, so we are constantly doing the doggie paddle to keep our battery from dying completely. Having a low battery emotionally and spiritually we cannot protect our physical health. We will be working against our own best interest and funding our own enslavement.

This is the AE STUDY Questionaire link https://acestoohigh.com/got-your-ace-score/

The most important thing to remember is that the ACE score is meant as a guideline: If you experienced other types of toxic stress over months or years, then those would likely increase your risk of health consequences, depending on the positive childhood experiences you had (see below).

Prior to your 18th birthday:

  1. Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often... Swear at you, insult you, put you down, or humiliate you? or Act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?
    No___If Yes, enter 1

  2. Did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often... Push, grab, slap, or throw something at you? or Ever hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured? No___If Yes, enter 1 __

  3. Did an adult or person at least 5 years older than you ever... Touch or fondle you or have you touch their body in a sexual way? or Attempt or actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?
    No___If Yes, enter 1

  4. Did you often or very often feel that ... No one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special? or Your family didn’t look out for each other, feel close to each other, or support each other?
    No___If Yes, enter 1

  5. Did you often or very often feel that ... You didn’t have enough to eat, had to wear dirty clothes, and had no one to protect you? or Your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you or take you to the doctor if you needed it?
    No___If Yes, enter 1

  6. Were your parents ever separated or divorced? No___If Yes, enter 1 __

  7. Was your mother or stepmother:
    Often or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at her? or Sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard? or Ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes or threatened with a gun or knife? No___If Yes, enter 1

  8. Did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic, or who used street drugs?

    No___If Yes, enter 1 __

  9. Was a household member depressed or mentally ill, or did a household member attempt

    suicide? No___If Yes, enter 1 __

  10. Did a household member go to prison?

    No___If Yes, enter 1 __

Now add up your “Yes” answers: _ This is your ACE Score

Compare the ACE study to VAERS. It’s the same thing on a different scale.


Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co- managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention.


Healthcare providers are required to report to VAERS the following adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination [under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)], and other adverse events if later revised by CDC:

  • Vaccine administration errors, whether or not associated with an adverse event (AE)

  • Serious AEs regardless of causality. Serious AEs per FDA are defined as:

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

A life-threatening AE;
Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to

conduct normal life functions;
A congenital anomaly/birth defect;
An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may

jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to

prevent one of the outcomes listed above.

  • Cases of Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome

  • Cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death

    Healthcare providers are encouraged to report to VAERS any additional clinically significant AEs following vaccination, even if they are not sure if vaccination caused the event.

    Also report any additional select AEs and/or any revised safety reporting requirements per FDA’s conditions of authorized use of vaccine(s) throughout the duration of any COVID-19 Vaccine being authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

    Children from Adverse family/community environments cannot fight back on their own. Their psych/physical health has been getting extracted instead of cultivated and protected. They are unable to get traction, by design, which would lead to a stable life and health.

How can we expect the US Government, Corporations, banks, Big Pharma to care about Safety and Efficacy of “vaccines” when millions of people are learning to accept a low bar on the quality of their life and health right in the “home” and “community?”

How can the quality of the “family” system not be an indication of the quality of our Government and country? A blood sample? Children should not learn early in life that adults in power will fail them and be acclimated to it and accept that they are here to Pay the Bill.

My body had a adverse response to living in a neglectful, abusive environment since 1970 at the age of 6. The body is smart. There’s No getting around that and Boy, did those around me try for 5 decades. No different than Louis Pasteur getting rid of the animals who’s responses to his experiments were contrary to what he wanted, the “family”, in too many instances and for many decades has been nothing but, an experiment. Too many “parents” have No idea what they’re doing and get herded into the situation they’re in because it’s what’s expected of them. They end up “raising” their child the same way they were, which is not necessarily healthy. The way the system wants at our expense. The US is One giant abusive/dysfunctional relationship. Not many of us have been truly raised to be our healthy, authentic selves that adds to the social biodiversity and would be the Immune system keeping Big Corps from acquiring so much leverage.

So many of us are “raised” to feed the system that was already in existence hundreds of years before were were ever born. We are not here to challenge that system, we are “raised” to propel it at our own expense.

I was treated like my Body’s response was “wrong” rather than the actions of those in charge who created the response. I was silenced and guilted by those around me in and outside the “home” who flipped the situation around and treated me like I was the one who was responsible for the “parent” and to be understanding of them instead of the other way around. Totally backwards economics. A complete disconnect from reality and the laws of nature.

Being health was literally a Crime. It was clear my health was being made over physically, emotionally and spiritually because my body gave people around me feedback they didn’t like. People would have had to rethink society and would have had to push the system back and hold their “leaders” accountable 5 decades ago. But, that was not an option. Standing up to the system was not something working class people felt they had a right to do. “Whoever said life was fair?” I heard a lot. The Government was corrupt and “There’s nothing you can do about it”. So you just pass the bill down to the most innocent and make excuses for the “leaders” on the micro level who are acting on their behalf training “future” generations to accept rights violations like it’s normal.

What I lived was Torture. I was pinned between my body’s healthy responses and everyone around me treating me like there was something wrong with me for responding the way I did. Everyone came from an intellectual perspective rather than a Physical/Body/Factual perspective. They didn’t want to accept the Answer that “NO”

Meant “NO”. That they were crossing a line created by nature, call it God. They made it an intellectual matter and acted as if it was possible to just decide in my mind, like they did, to dismiss the facts, override the Math and “decide” something otherwise.

No one wanted to accept the reality that nature, the body had limitations and was giving them CLEAR feedback to their actions so they could then, adjust themselves. Like we do when we learn to walk and ride bikes as children. No child sits there after falling from a bike and Denies they fell. Or while playing an instrument Deny they missed a chord. No one would master Any skill if that were the case. No wonder we haven’t mastered being healthy adults and flying from the nest into our 50‘s because somewhere along the line from learning to ride a bike as a child to being “grown” too many people denied being wrong or making mistakes when you’re in “power” because there’s No one to hold you to account. Why acknowledge the accurate feedback your child is giving you when you can just squash them and get away with it? The feedback from the child is no different than the laws of physics giving you feedback when you fall riding a bike, skiing, playing an instrument, etc. But, a child or other vulnerable person just gets Smashed and not valued. The micro of Palestinian genocide. You just get chipped away at for decades instead of raised and protected. The health version of Climate change. If children are being undermined instead of Fully raised how can we Not have the health destruction we have today?

Anything less than raising children to their FULL, healthy potential, to Self Actualization is an illness. Nature goes in the direction of cultivating and lifting children up. If that isn’t the direction we’ve been going in something is Very wrong. What direction have we been going in? Making illness normal instead of acknowledging the dysfunction for what it is then, taking steps in a healthier direction has perpetuated debt and sickness on top of sickness for decades.

Man made has been rearranging nature and health as long as I’ve been on this earth since 1970 and before. The immune system isn’t just physical in our cells inside the body. It’s also built into our psych when, as children, the body KNOWS who is and isn’t in our best interest and responds accordingly. When Millions upon millions of children in the US and around the world are being conditioned at “home” to respect those who are failing them and accept the low bar, our psych immune system has been getting rewired to function the opposite of how it’s meant to. That’s how abusers in “power” get away with it for so long. It doesn’t take a scientist to know what kind of a society we will create when the lines heath and nature draws continue to get trampled over. It’s here. We’re In it. We don’t need letters after our name or “high” positions to be valuable. Just by the fact that we are BORN and have DNA in us that Knows makes us valuable. We have been too conditioned to function in a man made way by a man made, sick system that thinks man made $ is real profit over the Real Profit of helping and caring.

How do we Get to BE authentic, healthy people in those “high” positions if we are not loved and valued while taken through each stage of our development? Otherwise we end up developmentally arrested in a costume and an imposter for $ the rest of our lives afraid to speak up against rights violations when the time is needed for us to do so.

There’s NO skipping over nature’s process without consequences.

How can Grown people rely on doctors, lawyers, priests, health care, corporations, banks, the government when millions of children never had parents or any adult to rely on? Abused people get abused over and over by the system and end up in jail for the sole crime of being a victim then having a normal response to that victimization. That gets in the way of the $ system and exposes it for what it IS. A Debt system.

The normal psychological response to being abused gets pathologized and the victim is treated as if they could have responded another way,, as if there’s some invisible Health Bank Account laying around somewhere at their disposal to tap into anytime they want instead of the Powers That Be accepting the Fact that the “criminals” are injured people in need of help and support. The Healthy family and healthy child rearing is a Threat to the never ending for “profit” $ system because it sees $ as “wealth” over the actual wealth of raising a child and treating one another with value. $$ has been replacing nature and health as “value” for decades.

Since being abandoned early then being criminalized for standing up to the abuser and the abuser excused and enabled for years I learned early that I could not take for granted that anyone in any position anywhere would be who they were supposed to be. I had to rely on myself and take a closer look. Because I studied abuse, dysfunctional, co dependent relationships and most people didn’t I ended up knowing more than those in “authority” where ever I went. The workplace was no different than Home.