Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on showing the parallels of Child Abuse, the Abusive "Family" AND dysfunctional community that I lived and studied since the 70s with the Ongoing abuse and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by ISRAEL and it's the Palestinians via Hamas who have the RIGHT to DEFEND Themselves!
With Zohar who I met during the leg on the Flotilla to Gaza in did in June 2018 from Gijon, Spain to Cascais, Portugal
and Prof. Norman Finkelstein on Jimmy Dore who I've met and known for about a decade doing a Perfect job describing the Abuse and genocide of Palestinians.
It's an ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, Period, by Israel on the Palestinians for 70 years!
The Deliberate CONFUSING and SPINNING of WHO is the Abuser and WHO is the ABUSEE is Classic Psych 101 I lived since 1970.
The ABUSER was the one people around me excused and Enabled to Continue while the Innocent Truth teller was shamed and guilted. It's been in "Families" for decades.
This is the AIM being done to Palestine. To BREAK Them like they tried to Break me do just be a ROBOT, Order Follower and be OCCUPIED and USED by the Satanic, Moloch feeding, Corp US Gov and ROB us ALL of our Authenticity. it's been an Issue I've studied and have been gaslit for speaking about since the 70s!
With Zohar Chamberlain Regev
Intro Video