Initiation Into The One Great Work
Presentation by Will Keller  
Will Tell Truth LIVE Show

The One Great Work is vital and necessary for Freedom. What is the One Great Work? Why is it important? What skills are required? What is holding you back from activating?? There will be Q&A after the presentation. 

Will Keller is a Freedom activist, animist, anarchist, public speaker and a father. Will is the co-host of Natural Freedom League video series, a content creator for the One Great Work Network and co-creator of the FUNL Conferences (Freedom Under Natural Law). Will Keller is devoted and morally obligated to increase awareness on the causal factors of suffering for humanity and to expand the understanding of the current human condition by educating the public on crucial topics such as conscious parenting, human psychology, objective morality, Natural Rights and Natural Law. All of these topics are inseparable for understand and achieving True Freedom for Humanity.

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