Why You're Not Allowed to say the J word, Rising Tide Media Featuring Vinny Eastwood, Dave Gahary, Ayo Kithiman, Guiseppe Vofanculo
Voltaire once said something along the lines of if you want to know who rules over you, find out who you're not allowed to question.
It's been said that for only 2% of the population, the United states Jewish population seem to occupy a disproportionate number of positions of power and influence is this by accident? Or by working together for a single goal?
Why can't you talk openly about this subject without being called names and having organisations and lobby groups come after you?
Today we discover why you can't say the J word, because if we knew exactly what the problem was, something could be done about it.

Sign the petition to free Billy and Vinny! https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-billy-tk-and-vinny-eastwood


Welcome Ladies, gentlemen, fellow slaves of the global plantation.
The Vinny Eastwood IS Bad News!
It's like the news, but WORSE!
It’s the lighter side of genocide,
Just because we’re being exterminated,
Doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it,
Otherwise, what’s the point of being killed?
The Vinny Eastwood Show,
Where the only thing worse than
living in a high tech global police state
run by child trafficking satanists…
is Vinny’s jokes.

The Vinny Eastwood Show
Exposing Scumbaggery Since 2008!

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Vinny & The Vendettas
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