The World HATES Truth Tellers, Vinny Eastwood with Sassy Cass and Manda
Let's be honest, the truth community didn't have a great time at school did we? The outcasts of a cult indoctrination system designed to stop people from thinking, creating, questioning and to actively shun those who do.
So here we are, a bunch of misfits with nothing more in common than the guiding principles of karmic universal law, doing what's right because of the inherent consequences of doing wrong.
Up against a cadre of elites and their billions of cult indoctrinated, government worshiping slaves.
In the final battle at the end of the movies, there's always something that was set up earlier on that turns up at the last minute to save the day.
Unfortunately this isn't a movie, the ones that we're waiting on to save the day are ourselves!
Welcome Ladies, gentlemen, fellow slaves of the global plantation.
The Vinny Eastwood IS Bad News!
It's like the news, but WORSE!
It’s the lighter side of genocide,
Just because we’re being exterminated,
Doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it,
Otherwise, what’s the point of being killed?
The Vinny Eastwood Show,
Where the only thing worse than
living in a high tech global police state
run by child trafficking satanists…
is Vinny’s jokes.
The Vinny Eastwood Show
Exposing Scumbaggery Since 2008!
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Vinny & The Vendettas
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