“This is where humanity is at on a large scale. At least for this moment in history.
Thinking they know shit while absorbing mindless entertainment and dribbling diarrhea from every orifice. Babies aren't always cute. I mean, at least this one isn't. This is what it looks like to me whenever someone is whining over something frivolous. Most of the complaints I hear are first-world non-problems. I won't say it's everyone because that would be untrue, but it is the vast majority.
People have forgotten what really matters. They are all too busy being concerned about what is happening on TV or online to look out the window. Every time some supposed disaster occurs and airs live on TV or is being shared on social media you have every bleeding heart having a "bad day" over it. They let a story they hear that they have no way of confirming and don't even try to confirm independently, tell them what to think, how to feel and in what way they should react to it. They get so emotionally wrapped up in whatever issue they are being told to fret about that they forget that even if it was true (which most of the time it's not) that there is not one single thing they will do about it, even if they could. The ONLY result will be that these people will complain about it, make a social media post of the horrors they just heard and then go back to watching TV or scrolling on social media like nothing ever happened. Business as usual. And the parasite class KNOWS that this is going to be the result. The parasite class has managed to capitalize on public outrage. What a grift!
It's a nation of emotionally triggered toddlers who need a mommy and daddy government to babysit them.
Now, we all have problems and there is always going to be things we would like to have differently but life isn't perfect. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you have. You have to make lemonade. And if it gets real tough add some strawberries to that lemonade. Put your shoulders up and behave like an adult. We are not always going to have things the way we prefer. Obstacles are always going to be in the way, but we are the ones who have to figure out how to make it right. It doesn't matter who put the obstacle there.
My point is … it's usually not as bad as people think but because people have also lost their ability to think before they speak, to use discernment and judgment before they act. It's all emotion and action. No thought. This is a spectrum though. You have this one side; all emotion and action being displayed on the vast scale of people who are mainly victims of a larger problem. Which is the parasite class running our home like a slave planet. The other side of this spectrum is the psychopathic, parasite class using only the tools of thought and action, feeding on us and our compliance. Feeding on our outrage.
This world we have managed to create here is so chaotic and fractured that we have no idea which way is up or down, left or right … we really are a hot mess. We don’t even know how to communicate with each other anymore. And we have no one to blame but ourselves. We brought all of this onto ourselves because we never even ONCE said no to the oppressors. Not in any way that mattered in the end. Every time we did push back, we never stuck to our guns and continued fighting. We "win the war" and then we go back to "normal". Then we forget. Anyone who studies history at all should be able to recognize this pattern. I'm an amateur and I can see the pattern.
If you would like this to change then by now, after reading through this entire book, I hope you realize what the answer is in order to create that change. That is … Get your thoughts, emotions and actions in order. Clean up your inner self. Be honest about the situation. Take it one day at a time. Be authentic and live in reality. Accept truth over fantasy. Say no to all false authority. Correct the wrongs when it is appropriate and celebrate the things that really matter. Connect and be part of your fellow human race. This is not rocketing science. Let go and be natural. Don’t be played and learn to trust more of your own instincts.
I would really like to see things change in the world so I am going to do what I can in order to see at least a little bit of that change while I can. What do I have to really lose? My freedom? The parasite class already has that so … let's go clean this mess up.
You don’t have to listen to parasites and give them your attention. You don’t have to fall for their bullshit. You can change and see truth. You can grow. It’s okay to wrong. It’s okay to re-evaluate and come to a new conclusion. It's okay to change your mind. That is what we are here to do. To create experience and conquer fear and adversary. No matter how formidable. It will come to you easier than you think. And I know we are all capable.
Because we are all just fractions of Spirit. And that Spirit is made of love and truth.”
This is the chapter in my book that talks about this piece. My full book is easy to find on my LinkTree:
I was inspired to do this particular piece because of Mark Passio and one of the episodes on his last season he did at What On Earth Is Happening. I actually think it was his last show of the season. I do highly recommend this work and I would take his advice if you are considering looking into it. Start from episode one. It looks like this on this website. (He didn’t hide it!)

He also created The One Great Work Network where you can find many content educators who all have something valuable to contribute. Go forth kids and explore!

A few months ago, I was very honored to be asked to join this great group of guys and gals. I have to admit that I was not in any way expecting it. I mean, what do I really have to offer except for maybe some useful advice, a small peak into the history we should consider looking into and the will to tell people what they don’t like to hear. I have never been one to shy away from difficulty. Maybe that is what I have to offer the world. Resilience and unwavering truth.
You can now find all the “best of” here at this page on The One Great Network website:

I am very excited about what is to come next! Stay tuned for the next and final instalment on this art assessment process!