Let’s continue from Part 4. To read all the rest of the series please refer back to my main Substack page.

"This world has been running the same since … who knows when. Is it really worth going back into history as far as you can go just to find the source of the problems we face today? Maybe. Maybe not. It seems like a tiresome, thankless task. But if we were all very honest with ourselves, we would step back and evaluate all this more closely. Or maybe even … with just a wider perspective. We can see what the problem is, but it is so large and so overwhelming that we will only tire ourselves out before too long trying to dig through it all. That is why we all need each other because we as individuals can’t do everything ourselves. We wish, right! When we work as a team to discover all the important parts, we eventually can all figure things out.

People like to think we are a modern people living in an age of high-level technology. They think that we are healthier, living longer lives, with modern amenities and we are at the height of human civilization. But I don’t think that is the full truth. This seems to be a pattern that continuously cycles. I don’t think this is the first time we have seen such a height in technology or advancement as an Earth Human species. We’ve been here before. What seems to be closer to the truth is that this is the same system that has been operating on this planet for several thousand years and the only thing that has really changed is the imagery and the outlet. How it is presented and how it spreads. Each new generation that the ruling parasite class is allowed to hold its rein over us is a new opportunity for them to make a fresh start. New era, new me! They can reinvent the old and make it look new again. Even when it's not. And as things get worse, they get better at doing it.

Within reality that is operated always by Gods Law there is always a consequence to the actions or inaction that take place. The parasite class can’t even get away from it even though they try. Eventually, everyone gets exactly what they deserve. For better or worse. However, this ruling class did find a loophole that allows them to get away with their crimes for as long as possible without having to face the inevitable consequence. That is, our indifference to them. Some of us don’t even think that they exist. I am sure that is exactly what they want.

So, they divide and conquer us over and over again. And we are never the wiser for it.

We have corrupted faith, corrupted representation and corrupted health. And that corruption has the benefit of well-trained guard dogs who are paid for … wait for it … US! This is a story as old as time.

History tells us everything we need in order to recognize this and has even provided the solutions to it. The real question is how many times will we repeat history? Are we capable of learning the lesson here? Are we meant to learn it.

Are we meant to repeat this pattern until all fractions of Source catch up to each other and are on the same page?

Or is all this about experience and Source itself is a neutral creature experiencing everything that is to be in order to gain more understanding? Is Source just waiting around to see what we might do with the gifts we have been given?

These are questions that I think no one asks. And why would they? They are difficult and don’t really seem to have any answers that make sense.

Maybe the answer is simple. So simple that people think that it can’t possibly be true. I find that people often do not like simple answers, so they over complicate it with questions that are convoluted. Maybe the questions above are too convoluted. People making the questions over complicated and over thought out are taking too much time on the problem at hand. They are focusing on the assessment of the problem and not the root cause or the solution. So, let's make it simple.

Question: What is the meaning of life and death?

Answer: To experience it.

Question: What do we do when confronted with experiences of the positive or the negative in this physical reality?

Answer: We handle it like spiritually and emotionally sound adults who have their “house” (their thoughts, emotions and actions) in order in whatever way is appropriate to the situation.

When faced with what life has to offer and all experiences that can take place, we must understand that it will always be our own personal responsibility to take care of it. God (or whatever you want to call it) gave us Law as well as gifts that allow us to handle any situation

It is time to learn how to do that. So, get your house in order."

This is the chapter in my book that talks about this piece. You can find the new extended version of my book here now available on Amazon or Etsy for order. If you would like to support me, my family and the work I do please consider buying a copy.

Amazon.com: Sara Cross: books, biography, latest update

View Books by Sara Cross by SaraCrossArt on Etsy

This piece I was particularly happy with just because I was trying display a quick timeline in the message and I think it succeeded, but I'll let you all be the judge. I wanted to show that this problem we have of a "slave master" is not a new one. There was no shift in history, which some think that we did not always have a parasite class in power, where we suddenly had this particular problem. These parasites who are in control of this world have been in control for a very long time. I imagine that this has been the system since the very beginning. Well before organized religion or government, before the cataclysm, before what we have a written history that we could confirm.

I bet if we were to sift through The Vatican Library, we would find all sorts of wonders and historical evidence that would send people into a whirlwind. Our full human history has been hidden from us and what we do know has been somewhat distorted so that we have to really study just to figure out the truth about it. It's a task but I think in the end it will be worth it.

Stay tuned for the next instalment on this art assessment process!

Stay tuned for Part 5 of my countdown art assessment announcement!