Join us this month to talk about how food can control us, what's good, why it's good, what's bad, why it's bad.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

  • How is this quote misrepresented and misunderstood?

  • This quote is often misunderstood in the modern world because the information given out to people today is often convoluted. There is all this information about "proper" diets and "healthy" food most of which is nonsense and NON-science.

  • An example of this is, that is out in the open, is the "diet" sugar compound Aspartame is an artificial (chemical) sweetener widely used in various food and beverage products since the 1980s, including diet drinks, chewing gum, gelatin, ice cream, dairy products such as yogurt, breakfast cereal, toothpaste and medications such as cough drops and chewable vitamins. This is used in many, many "diet" products and sold as a substitute for sugar to lose weight. Aspartame is considered bad for health and the cause of conditions such as cancer. It is not even permitted in some countries. Most "expert" doctors may say that this sweetener substitute is not harmful but the ones who are being honest or simple just have proper care about health will tell you that aspartame and all artificial sweeteners are far worse for you that just regular organic sugar. (Dr. Melissa Young*)

  • Salt and with biology;

Salt for consumption:

You will want to research more on this topic about different salts and their uses. For the biology they play an important role in protection from infections, illness, inflammation, stress, impurities…etc. Charcoal is also very good for the biology. You will want to research your BMI (Body Mass Index) and see what level of salt consumption you want or where your levels are at that does not go over the top before you go into just eating lots of salt. Main stream medicine will tell you all salt is bad for you in large does (and some point this is true) but really it is only the table salt you get at the store that causes people lots of health problems. So anything that is pink or charcoal salts will benefit the internal biology.  


Table salt is created by super heating natural salt to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, which destroys most beneficial compounds. Fortified with essential iodine, table salt is also bleached and devoid of trace elements. This type of salt can often contains additives to slow moisture absorption so it is easy to sprinkle in your salt shaker. This highly refined version of salt is responsible for many sodium-related health issues, whereas unrefined salts heal the body instead of harming it.


Sea salt from the ocean undergoes an evaporation process to separate the salt from the water. Sea salt contains a small amount of natural iodine, although not nearly as much as iodized salt. It is typically much less refined than table salt and comes in both fine and coarse varieties.

Himalayan Pink

These salts come from ancient seabeds in the Himalayan mountains. Their pink color comes from their rich iron content. This salt is quite rich in minerals, containing all 84 essential trace elements required by your body. Pink salt can assist in many bodily functions, such as reducing muscle cramps, promoting blood sugar health and promoting healthy pH in your cells.


Colored by the clay from where it’s harvested, grey salt is often called Celtic Sea Salt. It is hand-raked in Brittany, France, where the natural clay and sand create moist, mineral-rich crystals. This salt generally retains its moistness.

Grey salt can help to restore electrolyte balance, has alkalizing properties and can prevent muscle cramps, much like pink salt.

Fleur de sel

Also called the “flower of the salt”. It is hand-harvested along the French coastline in the same pools as grey salt. This salt does not contain a lot of nutritional value.


Originating from Hawaii, black lava salt is unrefined and volcanic. Its black color is due to its content of activated charcoal, which is great for digestion and removing impurities in the body. There is also another black salt, kala namak, which originates from India and is actually pink once it’s ground. It is highly sulfuric in taste and content. It is thought to be a beneficial digestive aid.


Another Hawaiian salt, red salt gets its color from the volcanic Hawaiian clay called alaea. As water evaporates, this salt gets trapped in tidal pools, where it mixes with the alaea. It is estimated to contain the highest concentration of essential trace minerals of any salt and is especially iron rich.

Persian Blue

This unique salt harvested from an ancient salt lake in Iran is extremely mineral rich and slightly sweet. Its blue color comes not from mineral content, but from the natural compression of the salt’s structure over the millennia. The same beautiful effect is seen in blue glacial ice, where the molecular structure has been compressed to the point that it begins to refract light differently


Smoked salts have no significant nutritional benefits over normal sea salt. In fact, they are simply sea salts smoked at low temperatures over a bed of coals, which lends a lovely smokey flavor to the crystals and a grey or tan color. They have no health benefits beyond those associated with regular sea salt.

Salt for external application:

This is just a variety of external uses for salts. You may not need any of these things but I know there are way to use salt external like making a cream of using steam to help with this one part of the body or the other. Your pores will absorb the salt elements so again you want to do some research on how to go about this the safe and correct way.

Canker Sores

Rinsing your mouth with salt water can ease the pain and help you heal faster. Stir a teaspoon of salt into a half-cup or so of water. Swish and spit. Do this several times a day until your canker sores are gone.

Ingrown Toenail

This is when the edge of your toenail curves down and gets trapped in your skin. It often affects the big toe. To ease swelling and tenderness, soak your foot in warm salt water several times a day. Follow with antibiotic ointment and a bandage. See your doctor if it doesn’t improve or gets worse.

Stuffy or Runny Nose

Salt is a proven way to help you breathe easier when you’ve got a cold, the flu, or allergies. A bonus: It’s affordable, too. Look for over-the-counter saline nose sprays at the drugstore. Or use a neti pot to rinse out your nasal passages with salt water.

Psoriasis and Eczema

Mineral-rich salt water is in places like the Dead Sea in the Middle East and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Soaking in water like this helps moisturize the skin and ease redness. And if you have psoriasis or eczema, it can relieve the scaly patches and inflammation. To do this at home, add Dead Sea salts or Epsom salts to your tub and soak for about 15 minutes. Even a cup of plain table salt in your bath water can ease eczema symptoms.


Baking soda is a type of salt, and it’s also a natural antacid. Stir about a teaspoon into a glass of cold water after a meal. If you get heartburn a lot, don’t keep treating it yourself. See a doctor to make sure there’s nothing else going on. And keep in mind that baking soda has sodium in it.

Bug Bites or Stings

A paste made from baking soda and a little bit of water can help with any itching, stinging, or minor swelling. It also helps with rashes from hives, angioedema, or from contact with plants like poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.

Sore Throat

Gargling with salt water -- about 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in a cup of warm water -- can ease swelling and make a sore, scratchy throat feel better.

Tired Feet

Two cups of Epsom salt dissolved in a gallon of warm water is a common remedy for achy feet. The salt has magnesium, which helps keep your muscles working well.

Bad Breath

Baking soda can fight microbes in your mouth and can neutralize bad breath for up to 3 hours. Make a mouthwash with half a teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water. Swish for a minute 3-4 times per day.

Stop Heat Cramps

If you exercise or do physical work in the heat long enough, you can lose fluid and salt in your sweat. This can cause sharp pains, especially in your arms, belly, and calves. To keep this from happening, you need to take in fluids and salt. You can make your own sports drink by mixing a teaspoon of salt in a quart of water. 


Follow the dosage directions to dissolve some Epsom salt in a glass of water (it’s usually 2-6 teaspoons per day). You can add lemon juice to make it taste better. This will usually help you go in 1/2 hour to 6 hours. 

Teeth Stains

A few studies show that toothpaste with baking soda whitens your teeth better than the kind without it. The soda scrubs away surface stains but won't scratch your pearly whites.

Salt for protection from non-physical/astral entities:

Salt is like bug spray to entities so even just having the proper amount of salt in your diet and/or using it as a normal part of your external use may ward off things that want to attach themselves to you or cause you distress. I have also heard things like people lining there house/property with a salt barrier and this can act like a defense system. People will also put bowls of salt in the windows. If you have any crystals you can put a crystal in a bowl of salt on the windows and this can work as an amplification system to ward off. The salt will absurd the "toxin" from the environment. You would want to renew the salt every so often. Carrying around crystal, especially amethyst, works well to keep entities from invading your space. Salt water is a simple but powerful spiritual remedy to counteract harmful unseen black energy and drain it out of our system. By doing so, we don’t waste our spiritual practice in counteracting black energy.

Salt water remedy helps in healing the pessimistic nature of a person he is holding to get the negative energy out.

The salt remedy has strong ability to absorb the negative, dull, low energies around you, leaving the energy fresh and pure.

The salt remedy is helpful in clearing out the evil powers from your house by placing salt lumps at corners of your house and replacing them regularly.

One should flush out the salt water after the healing session to get rid of negative vibration from the house.

You should not allow anyone to touch or use their used salt water as it will result in chaos at home and will create an obstacle in draining out the negativities.

You can also wipe your floors with salt water to wash out the negative vibes from home and workplace.

On a side note. You may want to look more into charcoal as well. It has amazing qualities in extracting impurities.

  • Bleaching on food issue in culture;

  • This practice of bleaching food is an entirely aesthetic one. Yes, some foods are naturally white but not on a large scale. Nature colors things in a more natural way on its own. Eggs can be white are not bleach white, sugar can be white but is not bleach white, salt can be white but is not bleach white. Even things in nature that can be white food manufactures will bleach our food because we have been trained subconsciously that we will not accept "pure and clean" looking food.

  • When you think about it this way what kind of conditioned responses can this lead to in our lives? We end up shunning away from things that are not astatically pleasing in every aspect of our lives.

  • All things that we consume is bad for us if we abuse it however the key is moderation. Practice self-control.

  • Nature has everything we would need as far as a healthy diet goes but it takes an individual personal responsibility in order to create that healthy diet for oneself. Stop leaving it to others to tell you how to take care of your own body.

  • Food operates as nourishment, medicine, emotional comfort, ceremonial, traditional, relational experience and self-care. Why? What is the purpose?

  • Food has both positive and negative aspects in our history. It takes, again personal responsibility, to use our discernment and figure out what is healthy and what is unhealthy.

  • In our ancient world food what treated with care and how we used it in regards to our lives was respectful consideration. This means that these people understood that moderation was important. Only the foolish would disrespect their physical bodies by over eating and abusing "feel- good" food in order seek pleasure. This is the only reason people over eat. The act of over eating and eating for "comfort" is escapism and an aspect of fear.

  • Today food is over used as an excuse in order to force groups of people together and celebrate the traditions of over eating for pleasures or escapism. This has led to a the only way people connect with each other is with food. No one is connecting based from who they are spiritually. The excuse is always food.

  • In today's food supply is full of chemicals and unhealthy elements so we now have a compounded problem of unhealthy food gathering traditions and unhealthy illness causing food.

  • Yes, some of the traditions we have like using food to bring our families together, developing an actual healthy diet (through the work of personal research) and using it as medicine to help in alleviating illness are all good things and can be used as community empowering events but the use of food for this must be coupled with some kind of pro-action and building proper relationships outside of food connections.

  • Nature has most (if not all) the answers to health and wellness. Some of these answers may still be in the realm of mystery however we discover these mysteries by using man's intuition and intervention in order to uncover them. How do we balance this relationship within ourselves and encourage this understanding/behavior in our environments?

  • This requires individual personal responsibility. This takes time and care and will. This takes the practice of thought, emotion and action. All answers one gets from an external source is for the consideration file in one's head till one can confirm the validity of whatever information. 

  • Because we now have in the modern world an official medical "authority" (which was not established in America until 1765 by John Morgan and William Shippen of Philadelphia, both graduates of Edinburgh, founded the first medical school in the country, now part of the University of Pennsylvania. Additional medical schools were founded at Kings College (now Columbia University) in 1768 and at Harvard in 1783) that at first may have had good intentions but has slowly been corrupted and infiltrated by the parasite class making our knowledge about health and illness distorted. This has all but removed the ability we all have to make proper discernment about our health. Instead of listening to our own internal compass on what direction to go into we scurry like starving, sick animals towards the nearest medical "authority" that says they have all the answers.

  • As a side note, authentic doctors who follow the true code of health will be able to say to you, "I don't know. I will have to look into that for you." If your doctor acts like you are not a normal person with capable thought ability and treats you as if you have to do as they say then get a new doctor.

  • The best way to go about understanding our own personal health is to go inward, do personal research and learn how to discern what makes sense and what sounds like nonsense. Stop just believing others and learn the information it takes to KNOW and not just believe.

  • Ancient food knowledge vs. modern day food knowledge.

  • This is all about research. Research GMO, Monsanto, farmers are being pushed out in the modern world, about what the FDA is up to and WHY is exists. Read books (don't just watch YT video after YT video by self-proclaimed experts with "insider contacts"). Learn history. Learn about what doctors are doing today and what they did in the past. Read the back of label in the grocery store (even if other people think your being stupid for it). Learn how to grow food and herbs. Practice thought, emotion and action within your life when it comes to food and health and you will reap those rewards. It requires care and will.

  • The FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) was established June 30th of 1906 and was first created to enforce the Pure Food and Drug Act that passed in that same year. In this capacity, the FDA is charged with protecting the health of the US public, to ensure the quality of its food, medicine, and cosmetics. President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Food and Drugs Act, known as the Wiley Act, a reference to chemist Harvey Washington Wiley, MD. Called the father of the FDA, Dr. Wiley demonstrated his concern about chemical preservatives in foods by calling them adulterants. This prohibited the sale of mis-branded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce and laid a foundation for the nation's first consumer protection agency. The agency was charged with protecting the health of the US public, to ensure the quality of its food, medicine, and cosmetics. Standards of Identity (SOI) was established in 1939, and since then, the agency has established more than 250 SOIs. Products like milk, milk chocolate, various breads, peanut butter, and ketchup have a SOI. For the first time, the FDA had authority to regulate medical devices and cosmetics, and to establish standards for foods. Drugs and devices were required to provide adequate directions for use; falsely labeled uses were misbranded; and there was no longer a need to establish intent to defraud to prove misbranding.

  • What types of food promote health vs what types of food promote sickness?

  • Foods that promote health is anything that is grown naturally and with thought, emotion and action. It is food that has not been usurped by any state control.

  • Foods that promote sickness you can bet is almost EVERYTHING you will find in a grocery store. Include any chains stores like Trader Joes or Sprouts. All grocery stores no matter private or chain have a buying manger and that person can choose what to bring into the store and what not too. Some places will be better than others (so this requires trial and error as well as research on the individuals end) but the majority are just following the trends of what people are buying.

  • The challenge is to go into any grocery store and read the back labels. Find out what all the ingredients in these products really are. DISERN what is acceptable and what is not. Meet the managers that control stock. See what kind of influence you can make on them in regards to what products to put on the shelf. This is a community effort.

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