Join us this month for a discussion about authentic love, Imbolc and the Wheel of Fortune card. How do you celebrate your love for yourself and for the love of others?

"The mediator between head and hands must be the heart." - Metropolis (1927)

The basics of authentic love and the definitions:

Agape Love:

Agape love is the love for all knowledge and all nature. It is the love of truth. It is what the entire universe uses to create with. If mind is the most powerful tool we can use in our physical bodies then agape love is the most powerful thing we can create and express from it.

Love, even for those who would violate the rights Spirit gives us, will always be the ultimate force against evil. Using love will always connect us to Spirit and this will allow us to develop into the sovereign beings we are meant to be. Even in times of frustration and anger I can still use agape love to control my emotion.

I know we live in Hell-World so most are not yet ready to fully understand this. They will use hate as the a weapon to fight their enemies instead of the power of love.

Such as when our founding fathers fought in the Revolutionary War. They fought not because they hated their enemies but because they loved the sovereignty of Spirit and their physical expressions Spirit is connecting with. They fought because they loved the Law, truth and freedom.

Eros Love:

Eros love is the intimate connection one will have with a lover. When two people connect on a heart to heart/soul to soul level and can feel the vibration between each other. You know it is real when you can feel the connection. Your heart neurons will even respond to this. When you have this true connection your heart will manifest a physical reaction. This is what happens when I even just think about my husband who is not just my spouse but my best friend. If there is such a thing as soul mates he is mine and I can feel it.

Philos Love:

Philos love is the love we have for our family and friends. The love we have for our children we birth is the strongest connection we can have in the physical as these beings came from us. The connection may be somewhat stronger for mother to child but this is only because the physical body of the child developed inside the womb of the woman.

Fathers have the same connection only this comes from the emotional connection they have with the mother and the energy that comes from the new life form being developed. We can also have this connection with the friends we develop throughout our lives. People who create such a strong impression on us that it effects our highest selves.


Artwork by Diddles25 (

The Irish and Scottish goddess Brighid means "the Exalted One". She is originally a sun goddess and a fire goddess. She has three facets; The Fire of the Forge (as a goddess of craftsmen), The Fire of the Muse (as a goddess of poets) and The Fire of Hearth (as a goddess of home and healing). She is looked upon when in need of protection and health during times of childbirth or unstable home life and is associated with wells and springs.

The legends and rituals attributed to the goddess were later incorporated in the sainthood by early Christians. February 1st (St. Brigid's Day) is the Imbolc festival. This is a holiday associated with agrarianism and the beginning of springtime. Early Christians may have attributed this symbology to the cross over the sun (See: The Wheel of Fortune Card information below). The cross in made of straw typically and hung from the rafters of a home for protection.

The earliest story we have on Valentine's Day is the pagan holiday Lupercalia. This occurred for centuries in the middle of February to celebrate fertility. Men would strip naked and sacrifice a goat or dog. Young boys would then take strips of hide from the sacrificed animals and use it to whip young woman in order to promote fertility.

Lupercalia also known as Lupercal was a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome observed annually from February 13 through 15 to purify the city, promoting health and fertility. Lupercalia was also known as  Februatus, after the purification instruments called februa, the basis for the month named Februarius. Unlike Valentine's Day, however, Lupercalia was a bloody, violent and sexually charged celebration awash with animal sacrifice, random matchmaking and coupling in the hopes of warding off evil spirits and infertility. Pope Gelasius I outlawed the festival during his pontificate between 492 and 496. Traditionally, many believe that other Christian holidays in February, like Candlemas or Valentine's Day, replaced Lupercalia.

The Wheel of Fortune Card:

The Wheel of Fortune Card (Rider Waite Tarot Deck)

#10. Wheel of Fortune:

  • The Wheel of Fortune sits in the Malkuth position of the Tree of Life and is the representation of base consciousness of the self.

  • The wheel has three layers within it; the most inner circle is the creative force, the center circle is the formative power and the most outer circle id the material world.

  • The two crosses inside the wheel (the lesser cross and the greater cross) together creates the eight-pointed star that is the representation of universal radiant energy and knowledge.

  • This card is the representation of perpetual motion of an active universe, the flux of human life within it, the ups and downs of life and good luck.

  • The lesser cross runs in the clockwise position and is the representation of the four seasons, the equinoxes and the christen Cross of St. George.

  • Depicted around the lesser cross are the letters TARO (the name of the Book of Life) and has multiple variations of meanings; ROTA is the Latin noun (rota) of wheel, TARO is phonetic equivalent and the name of the Book of Life, AROT is the Latin verb (arare) of cultivate or grow, ORAT is the Latin verb (orare) of plead, TORA is the phonetic equivalent and the name of the Hebrew book of Torah and ATOR is the name of the Egyptian Goddess of Love Hathor.

  • The greater cross runs in the counter-clockwise position and is the representation of the fixed signs of the Zodiac, the great cross of the galaxy, the mid-points of the four seasons, the major sabbaths and the christen Cross of St. Andrew.

  • Depicted around the greater cross are the Hebrew letters Y (YOD), H (HAI), V (VAL) and H (HAI) and is the Hebrew name of Yahweh (God).

  • The four corners of the card are the four gospels or arch angels, four fixed signs of the Zodiac and the four mid-points of the seasons.

  • The bottom left corner of the card sits a winged lion with an open book and is the representation of Michael who is the biblical book of Mathew, the zodiac sign of Leo, the element of fire and the wand in the Book of Life.

  • The top right corner of the card sits a winged man with an open book and is the representation of Raphael who is the biblical book of Mark, the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the element of are and the sword in the Book of Life.

  • The bottom right corner of the card sits a winged bull with an open book and is the representation of Gabriel who is the biblical book of Luke, the zodiac sign of Taurus, the element of earth and the coin in the Book of Life.

  • The top left corner of the card sits an eagle with an open book and is the representation of Uriel who is the biblical book of John, the zodiac sign of Scorpio, the element of water and the cup in the Book of Life.

  • The three figures that sit on the outer most edge of the greater cross are the Sphinx who holds the sword of Truth, the Jackal and the Serpent and is the representation of (Sphinx) the Guardian of the Gateway to knowledge, the greater understanding of the self and the power of choice and the (Jackal and Serpent) who are the advisories that we can choose to hold us back from greater enlightenment and personal growth.

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