Join us today on the topic of the holidays and what this really means.

Join us in this video in discussing the good and bad aspects of the holidays. What does this mean as an individual, what is some history and how does it affect us today? Should we allow the history of our own personal lives or that of our global culture paint how we operate today?

There are two kinds of people when it comes to the holidays. There are the people who go all in and it's all about the decoration, getting together and the baby Jesus or there are people who are on the fence and don’t really care about it much but will celebrate the holidays because everyone else does. A lot of people are now also completely deciding that anyone who does celebrate a holiday is a slave to either state or church because what these man-made systems that have been set in place and have operated smoothly for many, many centuries now. While these people are trying with their efforts to bring people together, they are actually driving them away with the constant barrage of "nah-uh" push-back whenever any topic is brought up. People who even think the same way as others cannot manage to see eye to eye on any topic, much less the holidays.

Christmas in the modern world is used as a way to reconnect with people they care about, enjoy some down time and maybe give a few gifts. This holiday does have a very dark background, however. This holiday season is based on an ancient festival season called Saturnalia which is a high holiday for what is essentially ancient Satanists. This was celebrated from December 17th - 23rd of the Julian Calander. There is a lot of history that has taken place between then and now, so context is important. Long story short, this holiday eventually evolved in what we have today where people actually go around thinking that Christmas is about Jesus and gifts. Keep in mind that Saturnalia is a dark holiday for satanists. Explaining the symbolism is for another day as this is an extensive topic.

Today Christmas is at best a time for thanks and gratitude and at worst a weaponized ploy to encourage false care and empathy, consumerism and to propagate a lie that this season was ever about the birth of true morality placed into the world and an idol to bow down to in hopes for salvation.

Learn your history because this will set you up better in regards on how to deal with "the holidays". That does not mean that whenever you discover all the terrible history parts on a topic that you throw the baby out with the bathwater. Whenever people jump on either one side or the other of any given idea, they are playing straight into the hands of the people who are in control of these systems. This creates disorder and division. So, when you think about the holidays and you decide that you are not going to participate in that because of such history (that’s all well and good) but consider first that this entire season has been weaponized against us and this reaction of either going all in or throwing it all out is exactly what the dark occult, parasitic class wants us to do. They want us to divide ourselves so that we never can come together as a human community.

So, my conclusion to this is … take it back. Yes, the holidays have a dark history that is just gruesome and full of all manner of debauchery. The majority of us do not celebrate in this way because most of us would like to be the kind of people who are moral, ethical and just want to spend this time with our loved ones.  That is the only thing that "the holidays" should represent.

Our history matters but our future and how we decide to go forward with our future matters more.

And on a side note, who cares what ancient satanists or modern day satanists really care about. We should only care about what they want as far as making sure that they do not GET what they want. These dark occult, parasitic class of people are nothing more than dumb animals scurrying around at the bottom of the barrel hoping to latch onto some poor naive fool. They are only the boss of you if you let them be by not standing your ground and defending your inherent God-given rights.

Let us know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. And to all of our family community out there ... Happy Holidays.


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