Join us this month to meet The Girls Club!

The last six months have been so amazing! The Girl's Club was formed in November of 2023 and has only grown into such a great group of women. Woman who knows what morality and ethics truly are, who have an affinity for truth and actively express their most authentic selves.

Together we are, Leslie Powers, Brittany Ashby, Brittany Anderson and Sara Cross.

Through our individual journeys we have discovered that there is an element missing within the message of speaking truth. That is, there are not enough physical woman speaking out actively.

Typically, even though all men and woman are equal we all have unique traits that contribute to a truly moral world. The physical man has a great ability to create a physical action based on the non-physical thought and emotion while the physical woman has a great ability to tap into the thought and emotion that inspires action. It is a beautiful syncing up of the microcosm and the macrocosm. This is, in my perspective, the most natural process and behavior for all life.

That being said, the world is facing a dark age. We are slipping into madness, disorder and a world where our spiritual connections to who and what we really are is so fragile that we are fracturing. So, exception must be made in order to get back to a balance that is natural so that life continues to enhance in all the right ways.

This means we all need to learn how to "bend like a reed in the wind." We must all face the fears we have and step up to the proverbial plate. As the team that we are in this reality we must be able to step out of our comfort zones and enact the ability of action, that we ALL have access to, and do what is required in order to correct the dysfunction. It means, though our perspectives on all the small things can vary, we are all part of the same team, and we must act like it.  

It does not matter if we disagree on this detail or that detail. What matters is if we know the difference between Right and Wrong and how we enforce this using Thought, Emotion and Action. It matters how we practice Non-violence, Self-Defensive Force and Care.

We are a TEAM. So, let's huddle guys! What is the plan and how are we going to enforce it?

Reading from “Priestess of Avalon; Priestess of the Goddess” by Kathy Jones

You can find this book on Amazon here:

The Nine Morgens

The Nine Morgens are nine sisters who are the essence of the feminine in nature, in the weather and in womankind. They are dakinis, also known as sky dancers, space-goers, celestial woman, cloud fairies, faeries, Valkeries and Furies. Elemental in character, they are said to be pristine and peerless. They are the feminine principle of wisdom that manifests in female forms to benefit all human beings. They are wisdom protectors and they beckon to us through vibration and sound. They help us to overcome our resistances to the spiritual path. They give us experiences of the ineffable reality or divine grace. They carry the dying through the gateways to death. In Buddhism they are known as emanations of enlightened mind, who hold the bodhisattva committed to seek enlightenment not for oneself alone, but for the benefit of all sentient beings. There is extensive information available on the nature of dakinis within the Buddist and Hindu traditions. For further information see the website:

In Avalon the Nine Morgens are particularly connected to trees and plants, to animals, insects and birds, and to the play on the weather upon the landscape in the form of clouds, sunshine, wind, rain, ice and snow. Sometimes, Nolava, Lady of Avalone is recognized as Morgen la Fay or Morgana, but each of the Nine Morgens presents a different aspect of feminine being. The combination of their virtues teaches us about the movement and flow of energy, and how to work together spiritually and practically in circles and in community. Through exploring the wonderful character and qualities of the Nine Sisters we can learn more about the divinity and nature of the Goddess.

In legend Nine Morgens dwell on the island of Avalon. They are Nine Sisters of Avalon, Nine Priestesses, Faery Queens and Crones. The Morgens were first described by the mythical Welsh poet Taliesin in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s 12th century Vita Merlinii, and expanded upon by later poets and storytellers. Their names are given in different variations as Thitis, Cliton, Thetis, Gliten, Glitonea, Moronoe, Mazoe, Tyronoe, and Morgen la Fey - Morgen the Faery and Morgen the Fate, who appears in legend as faery woman, priestess and Goddess.

Like other circles of Nine Maidens, Druidesses, Seeresses, Saints, Fates and Goddesses remembered and celebrated all over western Europe (see The Quest for The Nine Maidens by Stuart McHardy, Luath Press) the Nine Morgen sisters are a rich source of inspiration. They encompass all the qualities of the Goddess on the continua between light and dark, sweet and sour, positive and negative, sexual and ascetic, creative and destructive. Like the Greek Muses they are famous for their learning and knowledge of the seven liberal arts, particularly of astronomy/astrology, mathematics and physics. In her story the Morgens are renowned as priestesses and as healers, for the skill with herbs, for the beauty and sensuality. for their music and dance, for prophecy and their ability to shapeshift, to appear in different places in a moment of time.”

Check out the rest of this beautifully written book at the amazon link provided above.

Check out more about our Hosts!

You can find out all about Leslie Powers here at her website:

You can find out more about Brittany Ashby here at her LinkTree:

You can find out more about Sara Cross here at her LinkTree: