Join me and the girls this month wit out special guest Katrina Monaghan as we discuss the long-term effects of unhealed trauma and where this can lead.

"How unhealed trauma leaves a hurtful legacy on children and families."

  • Coming away from promiscuity and someone's perspective after that.

  • How it's not the answer for young woman and our youth.

  • Many get lost in hook up culture and they don’t feel welcome in anything other than the red pill movement or in very toxic spaces.

  • Some people in these various freedom movements kind of say things with a narrow brush (by accident/off-the-cuff due to a lack of experience) and without the nuance or stories from people who may have fit that brush at one point.

  • Stories from those with these experiences get lost in translation because they still feel shame from those stories and then what can help people often doesn’t and then it’s just regurgitation and people need concrete examples to want to change and I know in my experience, hearings other stories reduced the shame.

  • Leading by example

  • Where is the venerability?

  • There are a lot of advertising markets to people with insecure attachments because it's those people who will look into marketing when they don't have the answers coming from their parents or any reliable influence.

  • There's lots of finger pointing too, with "what is promiscuity?" I used to judge porn stars and prostitutes while negating I was in the culture myself.... lots of "well at least I'm not doing that"

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You can find out all about Leslie Powers here at her website:
You can find out more about Brittany Ashby here at her LinkTree:
You can find out more about Sara Cross here at her LinkTree:
You can find out more about Katrina Monaghan and his work here: