Art Assessment Part 2
Let’s continue from Part 1.
In 2022 the FUNL 2 conference was presented and was FULL of amazing presenters, educators and artists of many fields. It stands for Freedom Under Natural Law ( and was hosted by Will Keller (Exploring the Depths of the Human Mind through Natural Law) and Chris Jantzen (Truth | Freedom End Evil). It aired on September 10th and 11th in 2022.
You can still find both days available for replay right here:
Convergence | FUNL 2 Conference - Day 1 September 10th, 2022
and here:
Convergence | FUNL 2 Conference - Day 2 September 11th, 2022
I was very proud and honored to be able to contribute this art and many other pieces to this conference. Take some time to go and check out all that this conference and all its presenters have to offer. You won't regret it.
Stay tuned to these series of articles that I will be doing about the art that was presented in this conference and writing out a breakdown behind all the work. There will also be a big announcement at the end of this series you won't want to miss!
For now, let's breakdown this piece and dive in a bit.
There is quite a lot of symbolism in this piece, and I should think it to be an obvious message. We have the typical inauthentic woman who lives in a materialist, atheist world full of false care and idolatry while also almost entirely ignoring the real issues. This is a woman who is thoughtless, careless and selfish. She is watching the world with an external viewpoint never looking past what is offered to her. She stays within her comfort zone. To go within would destroy everything about the person she has created for herself.
This world is full of inversion and deception. The parasite class offers us this shiny, perfect vision of the world and most of us will take it. We have plenty of things to distract us and idolize or latch on to create an identity around. We never question. We never dig deeper. We fear the truth because it is unknown. And unfortunately for us the parasite class knows this about us. They know exactly how to feed themselves from our insecurities.
They want a Hell-World. They want a world where God has no power at all. They want a world where there are no consequences for their actions. For ANY action. They want us to just forgive and forget all the crimes against humanity that they commit. The entire system they came up with is based on a forgive and forget mentality. The criminal justice system is all about protecting the guilty. They don’t want to just escape God’s Law but to break it entirely. And they want us to allow it.
When we don’t say “No!” or when we say nothing at all the parasite class takes this as saying “Yes!”. They take our silence and our inaction against them as consent to do anything they choose. That includes poisoning our food, water, medicine, minds, heart, children, media, education, culture, faith … and anything else you can think of. They do this because they consider themselves superior to us. Because they consider us to be nothing more than slaves. Because they fear death and the consequences of their actions. Because they want to shape us to be more like them. They want us to easily accept the atrocity with nothing more than a shrug of our shoulders. These parasites thrive on our indifference to them.
All the imagery in this particular piece should show you that there is an external falsehood to an internal reality. Look past what has been presented. Stop taking everything for face value. Read between the lines. Show, by example, that everything that the parasite class thinks us to be is wrong. That we are indominable. That we see through ALL the facade.
The circus came to town, and we all got caught up in it. We became fascinated with the glamour, the glitz and the magic that was presented to us. We laughed at the clowns and cheered for the elephants. But now, that the lights have dimmed, we can see what was truly shown to us. The circus tent is old and dirty, the performers are degenerate criminals and the animals are abused.
Well, I am here to say to that parasite class … to that illusionary circus of clowns and criminals … you are nothing. You are not elite. You are not illuminated. You are not special in anyway. You are mentally ill psychopaths, and you are nothing more than a parasite living off a host that has not yet discovered how to cure themselves of you.
Your day is coming, parasite.