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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.
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This week we are going to go over some history I have put together on Hippocrates and the Hippocratic Oath. Let's find out what it really is.
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So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.
"Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients."
- Hippocrate
Hippocrates of Kos (c.460– c.370 BC), also known as Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the classical period who is considered to be the "Father of Medicine" and made contributions to the field of medicine that stand alone and is still being used today. He was the first to employ the use of prognosis and clinical observation, the systematic categorization of diseases or also known as humoral theory. The Hippocratic school of medicine revolutionized the practice of medicine, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields with which it had traditionally been associated (theurgy or magical practice and philosophy). This made is possible for the practice of medicine to become a legitimate profession.
The Hippocratic Corpus might be the first official medical study guide offered to the field of medicine for all practicing physicians to refer to. Hippocrates is commonly portrayed as the shining example of the physician and credited with creating the Hippocratic Oath, which is still relevant and in use today. He is also credited with greatly advancing the systematic study of clinical medicine, summing up the medical knowledge of previous schools, and prescribing practices for physicians through the Hippocratic Corpus and other works.
Hippocrates thought that a complete knowledge of the nature of the body was necessary for medicine. He taught and practiced medicine throughout his life as a traveling physician. He is believed of being the first person to confirm that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition and gods. He distinguished the difference of practicing medicine from religion, believing and arguing that disease was not a punishment inflicted by the gods but rather the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. Indeed, there is not a single mention of a mystical illness in the entirety of the Hippocratic Corpus.
Ancient Greek schools of medicine were split (into the Knidian and Koan) on how to deal with disease.
The Knidian school of medicine focused on diagnosis. Medicine at the time of Hippocrates knew almost nothing of human anatomy and physiology because of the Greek taboo forbidding the dissection of humans. The Knidian school consequently failed to distinguish when one disease caused many possible series of symptoms.
The Hippocratic school of Koan school achieved greater success by applying general diagnoses and passive treatments. Its focus was on patient care and prognosis, not diagnosis. It could effectively treat diseases and allowed for a great development in clinical practice.
Hippocratic medicine and its philosophy are far removed from that of modern medicine but because of this advancement in the ancient times modern day physicians can focus more on specific diagnosis and specialized treatment, both of which were espoused by the Knidian school.
Hippocratic medicine was humble and passive. The therapeutic approach was based on "the healing power of nature". According to this doctrine, the body contains within itself the power to re-balance the four humours and to heal itself (physis). Hippocratic therapy focused on simply easing this natural process. To this end, Hippocrates believed "rest and immobilization were of capital importance". Treatment was gentle and emphasized keeping the patient clean and sterile.
Hippocrates was reluctant to administer drugs and engage in specialized treatment that might prove to be based off of a misdiagnosis. Treatments he prescribed included fasting and the consumption of a mix of honey and vinegar. However, potent drugs were used if seen as necessary. This passive approach was very successful in treating relatively simple ailments such as broken bones which required traction to stretch the skeletal system and relieve pressure on the injured area. This may be where the concept of physical therapy was first employed in practicing medicine.
One of the strengths of Hippocratic medicine was its emphasis on prognosis. In Hippocrates' time, medicinal therapy was quite immature, and often the best thing that physicians could do was to evaluate an illness and predict its likely progression based upon data collected in past detailed case histories.
Hippocratic medicine was notable for its strict professionalism, discipline, and rigorous practice. The Hippocratic work "On the Physician" recommends that physicians always be well kempt, honest, calm, understanding, and serious. The Hippocratic physician was meant to pay careful attention to all aspects of his practice and presentation.
The Hippocratic School gave importance to the clinical doctrines of observation and documentation. These doctrines dictate that physicians record their findings and their medicinal methods in a very clear and objective manner, so that these records may be passed down and employed by other physicians such as taking regular notice of many symptoms including complexion, pulse, fever, pains, movement, and excretions including extended clinical observations into family history and environment. He set the standard that to practice medicine one owes the art of detailed clinical inspection, observation and investigation.
Hippocrates and his followers were first to describe many diseases and medical conditions. He is given credit for the first description of clubbing of the fingers, an important diagnostic sign in chronic lung disease, lung cancer and cyanotic heart disease. Hippocrates began to categorize illnesses as acute, chronic, endemic and epidemic, and use terms such as, exacerbation, relapse, resolution, crisis, paroxysm, peak, and convalescence. Another of his major contributions may be found in his descriptions of the symptomatology, physical findings, surgical treatment and prognosis of thoracic empyema. His teachings remain relevant to present-day students of pulmonary medicine and surgery. He was also the first documented chest surgeon and his findings and techniques, while crude, such as the use of lead pipes to drain chest wall abscess, are still valid and used with more modern, less invasive technology.
He often used lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise to treat diseases such as diabetes, what is today called lifestyle medicine. Hippocrates may be the first to quote "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food" but this may be based on his past with educating himself on medicinal history practiced by others and his own experience practicing medicine. The exact origins remain unknown for this quote as we do not know all of his personal history or where his inspirations came from. Regardless of the origin, it is true in nature and should be considered wise advice.
The Hippocratic Corpus is a collection of around seventy early medical works collected in Alexandrian Greece. The question of whether Hippocrates himself was the author of any of the treatises in the corpus has not been conclusively answered, but current debate revolves around only a few of the treatises seen as potentially authored by him. Because of the variety of subjects, writing styles and apparent date of construction, the Hippocratic Corpus could not have been written by one person. The corpus came to be known by his name because of his fame, possibly all medical works were classified under 'Hippocrates' by a librarian in Alexandria. The volumes were probably produced by his students and followers. The collection contains textbooks, lectures, research, notes and philosophical essays on various subjects in medicine. Notable among the treatises of the Corpus are The Hippocratic Oath, The Book of Prognostics, On Regimen in Acute Diseases, Aphorisms, On Airs, Waters and Places, Instruments of Reduction, On The Sacred Disease.
The Hippocratic Oath, a seminal document on the ethics of medical practice, was attributed to Hippocrates in antiquity although new information shows it may have been written after his death to serve as an example of how to conduct yourself properly as a physician. In modern times it serves as a foundation for other, similar oaths and laws that define good medical practice and morals.
After Hippocrates time many aspiring scholars who practiced in science and medicine used his knowledge to enhance the field of medicine. A Greek physician named Galen (AD 129 to AD 200) perpetuated the tradition of Hippocratic medicine, making some advancements, but also some regressions. In the Middle Ages, the Islamic world adopted Hippocratic methods and developed new medical technologies. After the European Renaissance, Hippocratic methods were revived in western Europe and even further expanded in the 19th century. Notable among those who employed Hippocrates' rigorous clinical techniques were Thomas Sydenham, William Heberden, Jean-Martin Charcot and William Osler. Henri Huchard, a French physician, said that these revivals make up "the whole history of internal medicine."
It is interesting to note that Hippocrates focused on natural medicine and had specialty interest in pulmonology health. I would wonder what he may think of our most recent events of medical tyranny using lockdowns, masks and forced medical treatment to heal the "sick". Would he coldly evaluate this and find this to be ethical practice, or would he be shocked to find a lack of consideration in medical investigation?
Somehow I do not think he would have approved of such fear-mongering behavior. A man who is able to take such steps as he did for the better of man-kind is not a man who fears truth.
The Hippocrates' Oath (translated by Amelia Arenas):
"I swear before my gods, my ancestors, my teachers, my fellow healers and apprentices, and by the arts and knowledge I was privileged to learn, that I will stand by these words:
I will love those who taught me these arts as I love my parents, and I will offer my skills to the young with the same generosity that they were given to me. And I will never ask them for gold, but demand that they stand by this covenant in return. I also swear that if I earn fame and wealth, I will share it with my master’s and my students.
I will soothe the pain of anyone who needs my art, and if I don't know how, I will seek the counsel of my teachers.
I will offer those who suffer all my attention, my science and my love. Never will I betray them or risk their well-being to satisfy my vanity. I will not hurt my fellow or put a knife to his flesh if I do not know how, or give him an herb to soothe his pain, even if he begs for it in anguish, if it may take away his breath.
I will never harm my suffering friend, because life is sacred, from the tender fruit that he once was in his mother's womb to that first sigh, he gave out between her legs when he opened his eyes to the world.
I will try to understand his sorrows, but his secrets will never leave my ears. Under no circumstance I will use his body to advance my knowledge or my fame, unless in his last moment, he or his widow give me his corpse, so that his death may help me understand how to soothe another's pain.
I pray that the attention I give to those who put themselves in my hands be rewarded with happiness. And in honor of the knowledge I've received from my teachers, I swear to care for anyone who suffers, prince or slave.
If I ever break this oath, let my gods take away my knowledge of this art and my own health.
Here speaks a citizen, a servant of people. May I be destroyed if I betray these words."
This is the solemn oath taken by Hippocrates and the students of the Hippocratic School of Science and Medicine. They wrote this, included it and intended for it to be part of and practiced while one was entrusted with the people's needs. It was considered the obligation one took on and a contract one verbally agreed to before they were given the privilege of treating humanities well-being.
If you are a doctor, a healer, a scientist or any other student in health read this statement as many times as is necessary for it to really sink in. If you are someone who wants to benefit humanity by "healing the sick" read this statement very carefully. Think about it in detail. Analyze every single fragment of this statement. Think about what each portion is really saying. Hold it up to all science and practicing medicine.
Does todays use of science and medicine line up with this statement that is meant to be the standard for ethical and moral practice? If you think that this statement is meant to be taken as subjective and is matter of perspective you would be misguided. This is a definitive description that is meant to be the parameters for the practice of ethical science and medicine.
This is a promise to the people, to those in need from the people who feel a soul-deep obligation to humanity. Recent modern events has betrayed this promise. What are going to do about it? The Oath itself gives us the answer to this question.
This is an example of how the Hippocrates Oath is stated today in modern times.
Declaration of a New Doctor (by the University of Exeter; College of Medicine and Health)
"As a new doctor, and a member of the medical profession:
I solemnly pledge that I will do my best to serve humanity - caring for the sick, promoting good health and alleviating pain and suffering.
I will care for all patients equally and not allow prejudice to influence my practice.
I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patients and will uphold their confidentiality.
I will acknowledge my patients' physical, psychological, and social needs and assist them to make informed decisions that reflect their own value and beliefs.
I will respect, support and give gratitude to my teachers, colleagues and all those who sustain the NHS.
I will reflect on my practice and recognize my limits.
I will seek to increase my understanding of skills and promote the advancement of medicine as both a teacher and a learner.
I will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources and oppose policies in breach of human rights.
I will look after my own physical, mental and emotional well-being in my personal and professional life.
I shall never intentionally cause harm to my patients and will have the utmost respect for human life.
I will practice medicine with integrity, humility, honesty and compassion.
I recognize that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility, and I will not abuse my position.
I make this declaration sincerely, freely and upon my honor."
This is rewritten in more recent day terminology but the promise that is made from speaking these words remains the same.
If you are a doctor, a scientist or a student of science and medicine and you have not taken this oath I would take the time to reevaluate if you are able to truly uphold this promise to the people.
If you have taken this oath at your graduation from medical school and you have wavered from this promise you have sworn to than I would suggest you reflect on your actions as a practicing medical professional and figure out if you have gone wrong. If you have not upheld all the principles of this oath, you have broken your promise to all humankind.
I would even suggest that if you have not held up to the standards of this oath you should resign from your career immediately as you have brought shame to your field and have shown your lack of respect for humanities well-being. There are consequences to all actions. The consequence to breaking this promise is that the privilege of receiving trust and being allowed to treat the health of your fellow man is revoked.
When you put the white lab-coat on you are now a servant of the people. You are choosing to take on the burden of humanities weaknesses, illnesses and deaths. You are choosing to sacrifice your time and energy for the physical betterment of others.
If you cannot find yourself being able to uphold this oath than it is your responsibility to choose another path. Make this choice in a conscientious way after you have reflected on this promise you are thinking about taking. Do not take the lives of your fellow human beings for granted by becoming a medical professional if you are unable to uphold and stand up for this promise that is being made.
Humanity needs its healers and scientists.
Do not abuse our trust.
Let's move on to medical freedom and how it is abused.
The current state of understanding medical freedom has been grossly misunderstood and worse…purposefully misrepresented. To a point where people no longer understand the context of the phrase "my body, my rules". This phrase is now being used as a weapon as a pretext to protect woman's rights' only to the extreme and for all the wrong reasons, extending into the "right to have late term abortions", forced medical treatment and justifying child abuse at the whim of usually the mothers’ emotions. It is a gross un-checked abuse of medical freedom.
People who choose to practice no self-control acting like dumb animals.
Equality and the protection of rights for all is an important condition to maintain at all times however people are not taking into consideration the rights that are being violated when something like abortion is on the table as an everyday option to "protect woman's rights".
People are also not taking into consideration the rights that are being violated when others try to enforce medical procedures and drugs on people who are not interested in participation of said medical procedures.
There is also the issue of teaching our children that they are "confused" about their identities and loading their little minds and bodies up with drugs and medical misinformation.
With these three major subjects in hand medical discrimination as well as medical abuse is currently being actively practiced by the majority. If you are not willing to allow woman to have abortions up to the moment of birth, if you are not practicing covid policies and you are not supporting children getting sex-change operations you are being shunned in a general medical capacity not just by the medical establishment but by social convention.
For those not getting it …. this behavior is MEDICAL ABUSE AND DISCRIMINATION and is a violation of human rights. Let me break it down.
On the matter of abortion.
This has been a controversial subject for decades. Mostly to do with woman's rights vs. religious belief systems. What are we all forgetting here? Where in this, is the matter of human rights being considered? The subject is either to protect one sex only to do as they please with their bodies without consideration of human rights and the other is to protect the sanctity of false traditional belief systems, mainly in the form of religious enforcement. Both are an exercise in ritual that violates human life.
Woman have gotten it into their heads that just because they do have a right to decide what happens to their own bodies that they have a right to decide what happens to the human bodies that grow within them as well. Yes, woman have the right to decide what they do with their bodies including having multiple sexually interactions with anyone they choose. There is no crime in this so long as all are in agreement with the interaction and are of sound adult mind and body.
Woman also have the right to protect themselves using birth control, sterilization methods and even (if necessary) lethal means to protect themselves from violators to ensure no conception occurs. People will say "birth control doesn't always work". Well, if you do not want to run the risk of ever getting pregnant then do the responsible thing and get sterilized. Or just don't have sex. This way you will not run the risk of conceiving a human lifeform. If you do not want to do this then understand that you run the risk of getting pregnant and this action requires you to understand human rights in its entirety and take responsibility for it.
For all behavior there are sacrifices and consequences to be considered. Anyone ever saying that you can just go through life and there are no reactions (either good or bad) will not occur is lying to you.
As a woman, just because others have no say over my body does not mean I have say over others bodies. In this case, the body I grow inside mine. That human life is not mine to own. It is a separate fraction of Spirit. It is there for a reason. My body is only the tool that is required to incubate it.
Men also have no right to say whether or not a human life is to be snuffed out simply because it is perceived as unwanted, immaterial or inconvenient.
Brain function and heart beats will usually start occurring about the 42nd day of conception. This is how long the seed needs to take root and begin to grow. This does not mean that it is "nothing" during this process. The body is pulling in all the requirements for the seed to complete this.
Like baking a loaf of bread. You need to collect all the ingredients together on your workspace and mix together accurately before the baking actually takes place. When the female body conceives, a command is being sent throughout the body and it will start to gather the necessary components. The body sets to "pre-heat" and the elements start interacting with each other to nourish the planted seed.
The difference between baking a loaf of bread and conceiving a human life? You can change your mind about baking bread. You can say "You know what, I don't feel like baking bread today...it's too much hassle" and throw all the ingredients in the trash, turn off the oven and walk away without any violation done to human rights.
Can you really say to yourself, "I knew what might happen if I had sex but you know what, I don't feel like making this baby anymore…it's too much a hassle." and then flush it out? If you can make that statement, then something inside you is broken on a very deep level.
It does not even matter if the conception occurred because of rights being violated against your own body. This does not mean that the answer to "revenge" in response to this is aborting the baby that is the result. Rapists do not necessarily pass on hereditary genes.
A rapist is usually someone who has been badly abused themselves by others violating their rights (not that this justifies the crime they are committing) or is someone who is a genuine psychopath and knows that they are committing these actions and think there is nothing wrong with it. It is a cycle of either dumb animal or maybe even dark occult, satanic behavior being committed by the parasite class. It is mental illness. Psychopaths and rapists are the bottom of the barrel in beast consciousness and cannot be reformed to any extent. The only solution is to put them down so that they can return to Spirit and renew their lives hopefully learning from past life experiences at least subconsciously.
This does not mean you end the life of the human being that began with rape. Taking out the pain and suffering of that situation on a new life is not just petty it is morally wrong. The only punishment that should be dealt out here should be towards the person who committed the violation to begin with. But usually the woman is left so fearful and ashamed that she feels like she has no options at all. So instead, she does do things she feels like she has power over, and she aborts the baby or in some cases she keeps the baby and lies to her children, family and friends about it.
There is a conditioning, I would say as to not be blaming the mother fully, being done to the mother and all potential mothers that when something like this occurs that they should stay silent because this will only ostracize them and that they are somehow the bad guys in this situation because the perception of "asking for it". Young girls are being conditioned at early ages, in all countries including America, that they are this, that and the other thing and this pigeon holes the individual into being this way … or else. Because that is how society will see you, treat you and expect of you.
This, of course, is also a problem. Woman being conditioned to emulate the inauthentic female and encouraged to create a false personality built on toxic delusions. Such as, woman not being the voice of self-advocacy due to peer pressure and creating a hatred for other woman and men alike. These same women will use their energy towards ideologies that are used to create disorder and false perceptions.
On the subject of religious justifications.
Religious beliefs also do not give the correct considerations to human life even though the main "external" perception is that they are against the practice of abortion. I am not going to go into all the ways that religious practices violate the rights of life only the narrative they use to protest abortion.
The religious "authorities" want to say that life starts at conception, but it is not taking in any consideration for the life that is doing the conceiving. For these people it is totally fine to lack care in protecting the life of the mother in place of the child. The mother's life is secondary and has no value in place of the child. The child is to be received and promptly indoctrinated into the belief system. If the mother dies it is seen as an acceptable loss of life, so care and correct medical attention is usually not prioritized to the mother.
Within these two main sides of this argument there is no balance, no care and no personal responsibility that is ever practiced. These things are thrown to the wayside so that people can react to emotional situations and critical thought is not practiced at all.
The potential parents involved have the personal responsibility to know whether or not pregnancy is safe for the mother. If one knows that the mother is too weak or incapable, it is important to take steps that ensure the violation of human rights can be ultimately avoided.
Loss of life is never acceptable unless it is to defend the rights of others when physical violations are taking place. I don’t care if the loss of life is from a woman lacking care of that life or if it is a perceived notion of misplaced care.
Moving on.
We have a perceived impression (given to us mostly by media and government) that we are at the top of human civilization and medical scientific advancement. This is a false narrative. It somewhat baffles me that in this day of "medical height" we still have tragedy such as death in childbirth, stillbirth and medical "mishaps" administering medical care. All of which I would solely blame the medical establishment for. None of these things should be happening on a regular basis and yet they do.
Of course, tragedy does occur that is outside of anyone's control but that's not what the normal is meant to be. Woman have been giving birth and having relatively healthy babies for thousands (if not hundreds of thousands of years) without much issue even though it typically hurts like hell.
Woman are designed to help create and grow life. In the most recent history of medical "advancement" (meaning in the last couple hundred years only) woman now have access to "medical science that helps to ensure life" with the extra bonus of several medical problems that can occur as a result of such "advancement". These things take place because there is lack of care in the process of growing, maintaining and concluding the pregnancy.
Both the parents who are having the baby and the medical professionals who are meant to be the guides in the process are to blame for this lack in care. If you want to blame anyone for being so irresponsible then take a look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers and making excuses.
On the matter of forced medical treatment.
For other perceived medical advancements, violations take place when people are being forced into taking drugs and treatments they do not wish to have. People who operate media, government and medical facilities are to blame for this push in modern day society even to the point where the tools of blackmail are being used. "If you don't take this treatment I can't or won't treat you for your medical condition".
A reasonably thinking person would not bend to the threat of blackmail in such a capacity, but they are all so easily manipulated because they live in fear of death constantly and have been conditioned to just go along with whatever the priest in the lap-coats say to them without even considering that they should put some thought into it.
Covid was the perfect excuse to lockdown (instead of quarantine?) the people of Earth into medically controlled government using fear based medical propaganda as the core foundation to enslave the population. "For the good of all" they said. And it nearly worked.
The snag was that it would never really be successful in a country like America. Too many people are armed and opinionated as a strong willed individual. You can thank all the stubborn, skeptical people out there for not complying because this is what probably ensured that we do not have a fully controlled socialist country.
Believe me. I have lived in a socialist country and even on the low end spectrum of that you don’t want to live in that world if your principals include a free world to live in. If you prefer a world where the government has control of everything in your life well there are plenty of socialist countries to choose from currently. All you people out there saying your moving to this country or that country is so-and-so gets elected all I can say to you is … Bye! Good luck.
Moving on.
I have actually had doctors tell me unless I got a vaccine I could not have access to certain medical treatment that will be eventually necessary to my physical bodies continuation in this lifetime. I have been told I could not be admitted to the hospital for routine CF care unless I get a test that doesn't test for illness of any kind. That if I did not test with a faulty test that I would be put in an area of the facility where there is potential cross contaminable illness.
I have listened to peoples experiences with their "trusted" doctors who told them they could not receive lifesaving treatment unless they got the covid shot. It isn't just a violation of the Hippocratic oath. It is a violation of Spirits' Law. And "policies" are being used as the tool to justify it. I have listened to people (as in doctors and citizens alike throughout my life) make claims that they are only doing this or that to protect others (without any consideration that they know nothing about the medical situation of others) and then pat themselves on the back for it because everyone is just so all about being the hero for someone else. Everyone wants to be praised for the behavior of false care. Say they want nothing back in return because "the joy of it is reward enough" and then get mad when people don't appreciate it the way they want them to.
What absolute ego driven garbage. Just a bunch of no nothing, dumb animals acting like they understand how the world works based on how they operate within it.
On the subject of medical child abuse.
If you think child abuse only comes in the form of beating a child or hitting them with a belt then you would be wrong. Child abuse comes in many forms including phycological manipulation and medical malpractice.
Being the steward of a child makes one personally responsible for their physical and mental health. It also makes one personally responsible for their spiritual growth and understanding.
Telling a child that they are confused about who they are, makes the process of growing up and discovering that very fact incredibly more difficult and has physiologically damaged the young minds of our children. Taking your kids to striptease drag shows, going into detail about sex change operations and schoolbooks being used to describe sexual positions at the elementary school level are only a couple of ways that are developing mental illness (such as body dysmorphia) in our youth and turning it into a weapon.
If you are a steward of a child and taking them to appointments that give them hormone altering drugs that change how their bodies work naturally and signing off on irreversible surgery, then you are abusing that child.
The other type of medical child abuse is using pharmaceutical drugs like ADHD drugs and mood stabilizers in order to control that child. If you a loading your kid up with drugs because the priest in the lap-coat said they were too active or "sad" then you are abusing that child.
For the record, I understand there is naturally occurring mental illnesses that must be addressed as soon as it is appropriate but to use these treatments on children who do not need them, and yes this is happening more and more, is outrageous and doctors prescribing drugs that children either don’t need or should not be consuming is a crime against humanity and should have the rights to practice medicine revoked, as far as I see it.
If you are strapping a mask around your child's head causing them to receive less breathable air then you are abusing that child. I have seen parents, and it is unfortunately mothers doing this the most, wrap a face mask around their kids head so tight the child cannot remove it. Anyone doing this, you will be sorry in the end when you kid develops some kind of breathing condition as a result from this. Or even worse, becomes a hypochondriac because their parent scared the hell out of them about illness and death.
As a side note, you are more likely to develop a bacterial infection which is far more dangerous than any cold virus by wearing a mask. People die from bacterial infections all the time and I don’t see anyone flipping out about it. And this isn't me telling you. It's the historical, medical evidence that is telling you this. And I can tell you from personal experience. I have been hospitalized for several weeks at a time due to bacterial infections. I have never even talked to a doctor when I have a cold or flu of any kind. Just take some ibuprofen, have some soup and go sleep it off. Unless it is something like malaria or you have something like leukemia, you'll be fine.
And standing six feet apart? That ain't gonna' save you either. You bought the fantasy and now you're living it large.
Get a grip. We live on a dangerous planet. No life is guaranteed. Be grateful you are here now and live your life to its fullest without fear.
On the subject of vaccines.
I am not going to say that vaccines are good or bad and that people should be or not be getting vaccines. People have the right to put whatever they want into their bodies. That is the whole point of freedom of consent to medical experimentation.
If you want to put mysterious chemicals into your body, then you have every right to do this. This will inhibit your body to do its natural job of protecting you with your already operating immune system, but it is your right to abuse and destroy your body as you see fit. I would not recommend this personally, but I cannot change anyone else's behavior. Only the individual in question can do that.
Your body is your personal and private property.
That means that no one has the right to force any medical care of any kind on others for any reason.
It does NOT mean that people have the right to vote in laws that enforce medical mandates of any kind as this leads to eventual physical violations onto others and maybe even onto yourself. If you don’t want others telling you what to do, then you can't tell others what to do.
It does NOT mean that people have the right to even know anything about anyone's personal medical history. If someone does not choose to share their private medical information than it is none of your business. It is kinda' rude to ask and you are not entitled to it.
If one has the right to protect themselves under the right to medical freedom and receive or not receive medical treatment, then ALL have that same right to protect themselves from wanted or unwanted medical treatment. End of story.
If you need a reminder on how to behave in regard to free-will medical treatment than please reviews the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code. Since some people are having a hard time figuring it out on their own it seems we need to add some more training wheels onto life.
I would suggest that one should evaluate the option of vaccines vs. natural methods, do lots of personal research and see what path you really want to take. I would not use a vaccine myself or allow it on my own child. Mostly because I do not see any real evidence that they actually do anything at all, besides damage. Which I have seen proof of in the form of a variety of negative side effects within people.
Where are the REAL studies that prove anything of the positive? I have seen the studies that show the negative side effects but cannot really find much evidence to support the use of vaccines other than "false authority" telling me that they are "safe and effective".
They are full of chemicals and other ingredients that not even most nurses or doctors can list out to you simply because they do not know what they are. Believe me, I have asked them. It was all blank stares and panic because I was asking questions about it. I find this shocking because they should know what the ingredients are in a typical vaccine. Unfortunately, we do not live in Should-Land. I would be firmly against using vaccines on any individual (especially the young as they still have developing brains and bodies) and the consequences can be severe. These range anywhere from mild symptoms of illness, brain damage and death.
I am not going to write much about the use of vaccines or whether or not they are legitimate as a form of medical treatment or not, but I will provide for your inquiring mind a list of some of these ingredients. From this you will be able to delve deeper into your research about these products. Take the time to understand this information and research with an open mind.
Ingredients of vaccines:
Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
Aluminum hydroxide
Aluminum phosphate
Aluminum salts
Thimersol (mercury)
Polysorbate 80 and 20
Fetal Bovine Serum
Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells
African Green Monkey Kidney Cells
DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
These are not all the ingredients to vaccines, but you can do the research further into this matter on the Vears website (https://vaers.hhs.gov/) and the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/) for more information on vaccines and how to make proper medical decisions.
Make this decision carefully and with much consideration. Your health and the health of the future depend on how you enact your discernment w your actions today. Once an action has taken place you cannot go back. You can regret, be remorseful or even change your behavior regarding your future actions but you can never go back and undo damage that has been made.
The "doctor" in question is not to blame here. Not really. This facilitator is only to blame for the influence. Influence that you can consider and then dismiss for a second opinion, or even your own instinct. You are to blame for the actions of any mistreatment on any child under your care. You are to blame for the actions you take that cause any negative consequences to your own person.
This is what actual medical discrimination looks like. Discrimination is not something that happens just because someone looks at you in a not-so-nice way. Real discrimination occurs when an ACTION takes place in a physical capacity based on false notions.
You don't combat this by voting into reality man-made laws in an obviously corrupt system. You fight this violation by using your right to self-defense and saying "NO!" to the illegitimacy of the false authority. If you are confused about who the "false authority" is here…it is ANYONE trying to enforce man-made laws, "policies" and any belief systems to violate your rights or the rights of others that is given to all solely by Spirit.
If you are someone who can justify the loss or abuse of life for the sake of misplaced perceptions, you are broken inside. Take the time to evaluate your thoughts, emotions and actions and see if they actually are falling into accordance with Spirits' Laws. If they are not I would suggest you work on how to correct that. If you want a world where care is the main component on how to operate life, then you must begin with the care you give yourself and that which you are personally responsible for. Only you can control the outcome of this experience.
Understand all the information in full with your thought and emotion before you take an action. Our future depends on our ability to behave with care.
Consider this when you make your decisions. Make it count for something.
Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!
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