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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.
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This week I am going to go over some material I wrote about our founding fathers and the choices they made on our behalf. This is some older work, but I have extended it. On a side note, the remaining of the writing from last week's show, and the final steps required in order to practice morality in this beautiful reality are to understand how to use Thought, Emotion and Action. You can find this at the Substack page in more detail that I put together on this work located on my LinkTree page. Here is the link for you to check out if you feel like it. Just scroll down to the Substack link and it's the one at the top of the list.
I am joined by Crypt Rick who is the host of "I've Been Thinking!" every Monday at 6pm - 8pm EST on Studio A on Revolution Radio. Be sure to go and check out his show and it is always a good one.
Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.
Our founding fathers’ efforts and how we squandered their gift.
“Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but, in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
- Benjamin Franklin
These seem like strange words coming from a man who fought for independence of the people, but I think if you thought about it long enough you might realize that like all his comrades in arms who fought next to him that you can know all you want about reality and Spirit's Law but you must work hard to ensure that humanity lives in accordance with it and does not forget it. With each new generation the Law must be re-established. This is what I think Franklin was trying to explain when he said this. He understood that in the physical world, at least, there would always be those who try to manipulate and enslave the general people. In this physical world, there are no promises and there is no security. This is the hazard of being free but one that our founding fathers, and many others who felt the same way, were willing to take.
Freedom over all proposed promises of security.
And it is quite hilarious to me that anyone even thinks that such a promise can even be made. I would suggest that people think twice and reflect on this concept. When a "authority" figure, such as a politician or a doctor, says that they can ensure security or health from any danger … beware. This is a promise that cannot be kept. Not because they wouldn't try. Maybe they would at least try to meet that standard, but it is a promise that will always be broken.
Just on the fact that we live on a planet in a universe where at any moment an asteroid could hit the planet and cause an extinction level event. So much for your security or the promise these oath breakers are giving that claims they can make sure you never die.
The promise given for safety and security in this world will only ever be, in the very least, false hope and, at worst, an outright lie. It's an unattainable goal in the first place. Life is dangerous. Freedom is dangerous. But that’s okay. Because we are built for creating experience. That means it would be wise, in my opinion, to embrace this world and all it's uncertain qualities.
But giving us this idea that unattainable goals can be met, that there is such a thing as overall security for all, that death is not part of life is how conditioning works, isn't it? We are told something for so long that eventually it becomes what it real, even when it is not true. We are manipulated and convinced of a falsehood and then we begin to believe it and once enough propaganda has been sewn in, we become desperate for it to be the truth. We want both safety and freedom; however, this will always be a contradiction on the larger scale of things. We can only pick one, ultimately. Either we are safe and secured under the thumb of a ruling class or we are free, and the world is an unpredictable amount of possibilities. In either case, that meter could always come by and destroy it all. It is that black and white. There is no middle ground here.
But let's narrow this concept down a bit to something closer to home and within in our grasp. When it comes to freedom there is always going to be sacrifice that needs to be paid and that sacrifice is spending your time guiding others to the truth and standing up for freedom no matter the cost. Sometimes it may even require a physical action if it came down to it. Our founding fathers understood very well what we really are. That we are all ultimately fractions of Spirit and that Spirit is having physical experiences within living bodies. They were the head of the freedom movement of their time. They also knew that the majority of people out there were not fully aware of this. They knew that understanding the truth about reality is a learning, stepping-stone process.
So, they built a Constitutional Republic giving us the training wheels to figure out how to live free without rulership. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution are part of the learning curve in order to manage the majority who are not there yet within their minds and hearts.
I think they recognized in the world what I can recognize today. Too many people running around, acting like dumb animals, chasing pleasure and sensation. Never thinking of the future or the consequences to their actions that can affect everyone.
An example of that is the most recent action of the lockdowns that took place starting in 2020 and that being followed by proposed enforced mandates of unethical medical treatment. I know people who have actually said they would support forcing people to take that fake shot. That they would vote for it to be the law. And it wasn't the "authority" who said these things. It was the people. The same people who are running around like dumb animals chasing pleasure and sensation. Living in fear because they are afraid of death, and they are buying the promises of false security that the parasite class are selling. These are the people who did not think about the future or the consequences of their actions. And now look at us. We still have people dropping dead for supposed "mysterious, unexplainable" reasons. Trained athletes having aneurisms out of nowhere, ten years olds having heart attacks and many other problems where the body is reacting to something so unnatural that it is causing chaotic reactions of all kinds. This is a consequence to an action. And no one has any real right to blame the doctors or the government. Yes, they propagated it and manipulated the situation but all they did was give us a sales pitch for a proposed solution and THE PEOPLE bought it. The "authority" only used influence and coercion to get us to comply. It was our choice on whether or not we bought it. That was the action. The people bought the solution and took that fake shot despite the potential consequences. And now those people and our future generations will pay for it.
Moving on.
A republic is a form of government that has no monarchy and no hereditary aristocracy. It originates from Rome. In 509 BC, the Romans overthrew the Roman Kingdom and established a republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf.
A republic is different because its laws are made and enforced by the people instead of royal authority. The head of state in a republic is a person who is meant to have been chosen by the citizens using direct election. This individual is not meant to have all the power but rather a representative who is a working part in the system of a properly working Constitutional Republic. This representative is meant to only ever be a mouthpiece for the majority and in this position, as a volunteer essentially with no payment other than room and board and is not entitled to their own opinions or perspectives because it is not about what that individual wants but about what the whole wants. They are there to represent the people as a united voice not to represent their own ideas as an individual.
Or at least this is how it should work, in theory.
The United States is more often referred to as a democratic country but is more accurately defined as a constitutional republic. “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a constitution which is the supreme law of the United States above all other laws that are made by man after the fact. What makes this unique? The Constitution in America was written before there was a government. In most other countries you might find with a "constitution" that their government had been created before the fact. Countries with a king or other monarch and free elections is called a constitutional monarchy, not republics. A constitutional monarchy resembles a republic because the constitution has been amended to remove power from the monarch and install institutions conforming to a philosophy of republicanism.
The Bill of Rights and The Constitution are trump cards and have more authority in the land of men than any other man-made laws made after the government we have today was established. Our founding fathers knew corruptible men would always try to distort the past and the God given rights of other men. That is why they made these documents. And even though the Constitution has amendments I would not necessarily call those amendments valid. You got to' go find a copy of the original intended document. We are going to talk about that in a moment. The Bill of Rights, however, has never been amended and stands as it was originally.
Shortly after the Revolutionary War ended some of our founding fathers such as James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and George Washington feared the internal collapse of the now liberated country that had been built without monarchy control. America’s first constitution (the Articles of Confederation) gave the Confederation Congress the power to make rules and request funds from the states, but it had no enforcement powers, couldn’t regulate commerce, or print money. Disputes over territory, war pensions, taxation, and trade started to become a big problem. Alexander Hamilton helped to convince Congress to organize a Grand Convention of state delegates in order to revise the Articles of Confederation.
The Constitutional Convention assembled in Philadelphia in May of 1787. They had originally gathered to revise the Articles of Confederation but by mid-June they had decided to completely redesign the government. Near the end of the convention the Constitution was penned down by the founding fathers condensing twenty-three articles into seven in less than four days. On September 17, 1787, thirty-eight delegates signed the Constitution. George Reed signed for John Dickinson of Delaware, who was absent, bringing the total number of signatures to thirty-nine.
Instead of revising the existing government, the delegates came up with a completely new one. Cautious of centralized power and loyal to their states, they created a powerful central government. Representing wildly different interests and views, they made compromises. It stands today as one of the longest-lived and most emulated constitutions in the world.
The founders set the terms for ratifying the Constitution. They bypassed the state legislatures, reasoning that their members would be reluctant to give up power to a national government. Instead, they called for special ratifying conventions in each state. Ratification by nine of the thirteen states enacted the new government. But at the time, only six of thirteen states reported a pro-Constitution majority.
The Anti-Federalists fought hard against the Constitution because it created a powerful central government that reminded them of the one, they had just overthrown. It lacked a bill of rights.
James Madison undertook the task of creating the amendment to the Constitution that would be referred to as the Bill of Rights. In September of 1789 the House and Senate accepted a conference report laying out the language of proposed amendments to the Constitution.
Within six months of that time the amendments (the Bill of Rights) had been submitted to the states. Finally, Virginias' ratification on December 15 of 1791 made the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution.
This was meant to ensure that that the newly created Government was unable to take control over the people and to hobble the governmental power structure.
Even though the original Constitution has been amended a number of times, the Bill of Rights has never been altered. The Bill of Rights is a symbol of individual liberty, limited government and the rule of law that remains in the hearts of the American people.
Even though I think our forefathers would have preferred to give the future full reigns in regard to ourselves, they also knew that in our infancy of understanding our own freedom that others could and would attempt to take advantage of us, we as a whole were not ready to fully face the world standing on our own two feet. After all, we had just experienced collectively as a human race, generation after generation of trauma that left our minds and spirits in a state of PTSD. We knew we were slaves, but we knew we were fragile as well.
Our forefathers knew there had to be spiritual steps taken before we could take control as a collective, free human society and break out of physical and spiritual chains once and for all. This task we (the future our forefathers envisioned) inherited.
The efforts to ensure freedom developing in the free world has not been a good enough effort to effect much change in any of the condition on this planet. We have been failing on all fronts. Our forefathers understood very well what was happening on this planet. They understood that ancient satanic ideologies were present and being actively practiced by the current government. They understood that there was a parasite class. They understood that the only thing that changes is the packaging that is presented.
And maybe their solution wasn't a perfect one, but at least they did something to try to mitigate it. People today have no real right, as far as I see it, to complain about it simply because I don't see them doing anything to come up with something better and then actually putting that proposed solution into a real-world action. It's all bark and no bite. At least our founding fathers and mothers had teeth, and they used them when it was necessary.
They also understood that to break free from oppression they had to take a leap of faith and enter into unfamiliar territory. Once the "New World" was discovered, people from other countries did everything they could to get there knowing that is was dangerous and they would probably die getting there if only to escape the tyranny of the "Old Country". I am not saying everyone who travelled to the "New World" had the intention to become free but that was the general idea for the majority. I would like to think that even if the people did not really see it that way entirely the soul wants freedom so Spirit will guide it into that direction whether one is paying attention or not. There is only so much the soul can suffer during one lifetime. Subconsciously, at least, people just want to be without the shackles of a supposed authority because that is what the High Self wants. To have the elbow room to experience the physical part of reality.
I am not a supporter of government by any means. Neither were our forefathers, if you asked me. They knew that government is mind-control and used as a weapon (in almost every situation) to enslave our human species. That being said, they also knew that the majority were not ready to understand what it means to actually be free and to take responsibility for that freedom. So, to throw people into a world that is in that state of freedom and personal responsibility before the they are spiritually ready to take it in will only cause more chaos and fear.
Since people are not ready to truly take on the responsibility of freedom they spiral into fear and allow it to take hold. People have a hard time in accepting the element of the unknown, so they take out their fear on the those they have some control over, typically their children. They turn into desperate, dumb animals.
An example of this is how some parents and other stewards are introducing their children to adult content and choices at younger and younger ages. At an age where the child is too young and is not yet ready to understand the information or the choices they are given. Look at the side effects to this. We now have a huge part of our younger generation so confused about who they are that they are making poor life choices, and this is causing very serious mental and physical problems. And they are making these choices based on the influence of the stewards who are meant to guide and protect them. Stewards who are conditioned by propaganda and generationally scarred by many, many generations before them who have been under so many variations of oppression. Stewards who are buying what the parasite class is selling.
This and many other issues in the world are building up to a point where at some stage we will snap and no longer be able to take it. And the more this continues the worse it will get. It will continue to be a generational problem because the past and the values held in our human history will be completely removed from our consciousness all together.
And I have mentioned this before, but there is a reason for all these different issues. An ultimate case. Only one. The dark occult, parasite class. They are the only problem on this planet, and they are the instigators of all the issues we have. And I am willing to bet that if we dismantled the system and this parasite class most, if not all, the problems would fade away. Sure, we would still have problems but at least they would be problems that we could deal with and not ones being propagated and funded by a parasite class. We will have solvable problems rather that unsolvable problems.
Another example is the effects that will take place as a future consequence will be a generation of physically and mentally unwell people that is caused by enforcing masks on small children who were really not in any real state to understand what was happening during the unethical lockdowns that took place between 2020 and 2021. Parents strapping masks around their kids heads like vices in order to comply to the unethical mandates. Not only will those kids potentially have health problems later as a future consequence the phycological effects can be even more disastrous. An entire generation of people who are going to develop some level of hypochondria because of the treatment they were given as a five-year-old. We are already seeing some of the negative side effects from this in our youth. Does anyone actually think this will not have long term side effects on the health of our children or the future? This isn't just trauma. It's abusive trauma that will have serious consequences.
Our kids, even at very young ages, take in EVERYTHING! And they will just believe everything we say because naturally our young have the impulse to trust us. This is such a gift, and the majority of people just can't see this very special gift that we are given. To be a steward to another is such an honor. To be given this trust is a privilege and not a right. It is meant to be a sacred exchange that passes from one generation to the next. And people take this for granted. They see their children as property instead a human being that is developing.
But then, we have a planet that is populated by dumb animals who are not practicing any self-control, who are living with unchecked fear and are chasing pleasure and sensation.
So, our forefathers built training wheels into this country to hopefully build up to true spirituality and living free to some extent at least in the form of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. They literally wrote down the instructions on how to keep government forces at bay so that humans could learn how to live in accordance with Spirit and eventually attain true freedom without these guidelines. They were hoping we would develop our muscle memory, and it would become second nature to uphold this standard for living. They said, "Okay guys, follow these instructions and do not give in till the training wheels come off."
Cleary, we did not listen. The very first time we fell off the bike and scuffed our knees we went crying back home to mommy and daddy false authority. Corporations, institutions and government control almost all aspects of our lives. What an epic failure.
We should be so ashamed of ourselves. We aren't, of course, because we have been conditioned to have no shame. Shame is something we are meant to feel when we have really screwed up. In a world where we have no shame it means we can do or say almost anything and not feel any which way about it. The violations we commit against each other do not have the impact they should have. And the more people practice this sort of behavior the easier it gets. The more compromised they are willing to be.
Shame is a tool Spirit uses that is meant to teach us hard lessons but if we have no shame, we will never learn such lessons that are crucial to our spiritual development.
Our forefathers are rolling in their graves.
I will add into the Substack portion of this the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You can find this at my LinkTree. Whatever your opinion of these documents, our founding fathers or the government you should know what they actually say. This will open your eyes to what the founding fathers’ intentions had been when writing these documents and allow you to understand how these documents can be used for or against you by government and other forms of false authority.
The parasite class wants power and control and will do anything to attain it so that they can do whatever they want. They gravitate to positions of power in our government and use these two documents against the people in order to enslave us.
Know what these documents say and understand them. Using these tools and the power of Spirits' Law and you will be able to enforce and forge out a future that ensures freedom.
Collectively, we have forgotten our past. History that is taught always ends up being from the perspective of the victor. At least in what is taught to the majority through public education. Most of us can relate to that experience.
There is such a thing as real history. Time and truth does not care about what people want to believe is real. There is what people want to believe and there is the truth regardless of perspective. There is reality and there is fantasy. It doesn’t matter what people say or think. It only matters what the actual truth is. Perspective, opinions and feelings do not come into play with truth and don't matter. And history can only be truthful. There is no such thing as "my truth/your truth". That type of thought process is "woke" social engineering and leads to having false perspectives.
Thinking about the future and what people in that future may think about the time human history had an immoral government medical lockdown they may say, "They did that to their own people? What savages … " or it could go the other way, "Well, that was the sacrifice our forefathers made so we could be covid free! Der!". I guess it depends on how the tides turn. Whoever has a stronger constitution of WILL, will be the ultimate victor in this war. Will we have an Advanced Spacefaring Society, or will we have New World Order Society? I guess it will be whatever people feel like doing.
If you want things to go well for us and create a future based on freedom, then you all better start figuring out that there are only two teams in play right now. Those who fight for morality and those who fight for immorality. There is The People and there is The Parasite Class. Which team are you going to choose? And when you are thinking about this later, try not to get distracted with "what if a dragon?" hypotheticals. Be honest and make your stance. Figure out which line you are going to stand behind. Because I feel that day is approaching fast, and you won't want to be standing in the neutral box.
If history teaches us anything at all it should be that those who stand their ground and become the masters of themselves are those who will end up on top. So far it has been the parasite class who have been the only ones as a collective whole who has achieved this. For several thousands of years now.
Do you know why?
You may not want to hear it, but the parasite class will stop at nothing to get what they want. They will use selfish, deplorable and lethal tactics to achieve their goals. The good guys, that's the general human population on a whole, want to use compassion and reason to find harmony. That is why we want to try and see others perspective and have consideration for their opinions. We want to all get along. This is where most people get confused. Sometimes being the good guys means you have to respond with lethal defensive force against those who will refuse to come to terms using compassion, reason and logic because … wait for it … it's not about us … we are stewards of the future. And that's important.
Another example to consider. When an aggressor has a gun at your head (and maybe to make it more of a reason to fight…a gun to your child's head) you are not going to be able to "reason" your way out of it before the trigger is pulled. You couldn't even call a cop and have them get to your location before the trigger is pulled. Are you really going to just sit there and beg the aggressor to not murder you (or your child)? Will you refuse to defend yourself? Will you refuse to defend your child? All for the sake of some idea that violence is an entirely wrong action no matter the reason. At what point will you find it reasonable to take action and do something about this situation? After your child has been murdered?
Think about it. Life isn't a movie. No one goes home after these kind of events with a "feel-good, happily ever after" conclusion no matter the outcome. Not in real life. Everyone involved in this kind of event will suffer at least some small levels of PTSD. Doing the right thing doesn't mean you feel good afterwards. It does not create heroes. It only means you chose to enforce morality and the right to defensive force rather than choosing to do nothing. The end result of all situations good or bad is that the people involved in the event will come out of it changed to some degree. The only difference is whether or not an action took place.
Everyone in history who has given up their right to defend themselves are cowards and phycological slaves. They will allow their rights to be violated because ego and fear rules the mind, body and soul. These people choose not to fight even though they themselves and their loved ones where being assaulted or murdered.
Better to die on your feet than to be a slave on your knees.
How many movies do we have today that has a post-apocalyptic or dystopian future? More than anyone could count I bet. What is the common factor in all of them? I am willing to bet you could figure it out if you really tried and put some thought into it. Is it just fantasy or is it a warning out in the opening? A cautionary tale?
It would be advisable if we all took some time to refresh ourselves with ancient and modern history. For us to learn how to discern and investigate with an honest mind and heart. I think we would all finally see that nothing that has happened here the last couple years is new. The parasite class were never really a very creative lot. They don’t have the physical brain capability to be creative. They can only be repetitive. They use one game book with the same play, and they have used it repeatedly for centuries. This is old hat. We should be able to see the pattern by now.
People are happy to forget. It makes them "feel" so much better. That way they can go on living their lives and not be bothered by the real problems. There is so many other obligations they have to deal with like clocking in for their debt-slave job and last-minute Christmas shopping. How will people be able to build their "career" as a TikTok "celebrity" if they have to worry about such atrocities like child slavery? I guess we all have to pick and choose what our priorities are. The real question here is what are your priorities?
Don't forget history. If you do not know any history… get an Amazon kindle account, go to the library, employ the hundreds of websites and platforms online that give people the ability to learn for free. The worst move the parasite class ever made was giving us the technology to learn with. You can literally use this tool against them. What are you waiting for? Permission? Someone to make a YouTube or a TikTok about it. I know you know how to read. And even for the handful of people on the planet (at least on the full collective whole of the population globally) who don’t know how to read what stops anyone from getting the books in audible form? Even books that are not being offered in the format you can add the book into a text to speech platform and it will read it to you. Blind people can figure that out. Why can't the rest of you?
Stop making excuses.
Are you getting it yet? Are you experiencing that sinking gut feeling yet? Are we all sufficiently embarrassed yet? Enough to make it an issue? Enough to change our "perspectives"? No? Of course not. Because Christmas is coming, right? Priorities, right?
It is clearly bothersome to me that almost everyone I know is more concerned with irrelevant physical needs over what really matters. Which is truth and freedom for every single individual on this planet. When even one single man, woman or child is enslaved than we are all enslaved.
Don't forget history! The consequence of forgetfulness is slavery.
Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!
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