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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.
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In this next show I am going to go over some material I wrote about the importance of understanding who and what we really are. That is a fraction of Spirit that is here to experience this world and grow from those experiences. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
So, let's get started and move into our main topic today; All we really are is Spirit.
Before I get into it, I want to share this quote from a young woman who is no longer with us, but she was a great inspiration to many people. Her name was Claire Wineland. She had a rare genetic condition called Cystic Fibrosis. A community hero in her own time who developed an understanding of reality within her lifetime. You can find out more about Claire and the work she achieved here at this website: Claire Wineland - Wikipedia and here: Claire's Place Foundation | Foundation for Cystic Fibrosis Support (clairesplacefoundation.org)
"The quality of your life isn't determined by whether you're healthy or sick or rich or poor, it's determined by what you make out of your experience as a human being." - Claire Wineland
They say that the mind is the most powerful tool we can possess. Unfortunately, when I say "they" I mean the majority of the people on this planet who are all trapped in ego identification (beast consciousness) and are addicted materialists. Even though "they" are correct in the statement "they" really have no idea what it truly means. It is portrayed in a way that is to push people towards a physical based material achievement. This understanding is also being portrayed in the wrong light on purpose by the parasite class who are operating on this planet currently. We are being socially taught, at least subconsciously, how to use the power of our mind in all the wrong ways and with that training instilled in us there is an assurance that we will never achieve our full potential. Have no doubt. It is purposeful. If we knew the power we truly, had we would not be living in this world of such disorder and slavery.
Things such as going to collage to get a piece of paper that claims you are good at a skill, buying (or rather renting from the bank) a house and having a mortgage, having a family and giving them all the modern day "toys" that keep them in a trance, supporting the government by "being a good citizen" and paying your taxes (because what about the roads!?!) are all part of this training process to keep us thinking that we are achieving great life goals when really we are all just running the program as it is intended by the parasite class.
The mind is the most powerful tool we have in the physical realm. This is a true statement in and of itself. It gives us the ability to expand ourselves in the physical AND in the nonphysical. If people were to let go of the addiction to the physical realm, they could figure out that the mind not only has the ability to affect the physical but can also affect the nonphysical. No matter how humans came into existence physically ultimately, we are all fractions of Spirit (or God or Source or That Which Set All Things into Motion or Whatever You Want To Identify It As).
All we really are is Spirit.
From my standpoint I would say there is far too many emotionally dead people and far too much materialism going around, attaching to people like a virus that attacks the independent thought and behavior. This is not just applied to physical objects but to also the achievements and personal identifications of oneself based in fantasy. There is too much fantasy and not enough reality being promoted. Fantasy over truth will only ever create human slavery because it not only traps the physical body it traps the mind as well. And in this particular era we are being smothered with false over identification of the physical perception. All personal "identities" we give ourselves in this current physical body physical perception. All personal "identities" we give ourselves in this current physical body are all well and good, however, they are also beside the point and in the end are hardly relevant. Because these physical shells we find ourselves in are temporary. Recyclable material. And one day in the future we will just get another one, hopefully making better choices with the lessons we learn. What matters is the fraction of Spirit that we are. This is a constant factor and can never not exist. Spirit connects to our highest self and this connects to our mind. From this statement one might think I am saying your mind is your brain. No, not exactly. Your brain is just what has the ability to house your mind. I would even include in this the heart. So, I guess I would even rephrase that statement.
The brain and heart are the temporary house for the MIND while we are in a physical shell.
For anyone wondering, I include the heart in this due to the heart having neurons just like the brain.
The brain thinks with thought. The heart thinks with emotion.
The mind has the ability to manifest reality. This means when one has proper intention a physical or non-physical result can occur. It does not matter whether it is small or large in regard to the situation. It could be about wanting a dog for your birthday or wanting someone you love to recover from illness. The intention one puts into the thought is the force that creates the physical result. When one follows a path to bring something into physical reality and true intention is present one will experience THOUGHT, EMOTION, and ACTION. In that order.
One first has the THOUGHT that they require something to take place (brain), then one feels the EMOTION that one would have if this has happened (heart) and then finally an ACTION takes place to make it physically manifest (body). This is the natural progression of this. This is how Spirit wants to operate in its' natural state.
This happens always. Whether the individual is practicing this in a positive way or a negative way. Whether the result is good or bad. All people can have this effect. Intention is only a tool and can be used for whatever the individual desires.
Here is the main issue as to why people do not understand or do not think that this sort of ability is real. Their ego is in the way. Period. The end. And it is entirely a fear-based response. People allow the ego to become and take over their entire self because it is easier than taking personal responsibility of oneself. People are afraid of the unknown and what they think they have no control over. There is nothing wrong in having a healthy ego. The problem is that the ego is at full command of the mind. So, some training is required in order to maintain this balance. When one has their ego in check, they will finally be able to operate reality as Spirit intends. Until then, the ego is at the wheel and is in full control of all operate reality as Spirit intends. Until then, the ego is at the wheel and is in full control of all situations.
I will give an example of a personal experience I had that proved to me (as this is the only way one can prove such a thing to themselves) that manifestation of the mind, heart and body is a real occurrence.
In 2008 something started changing in me that began a process of personal spiritual growth. Of course, I had no idea that this was taking place, but it changed how my mind was working. It was still a painfully slow process because it can be difficult to focus in difficult situations. I was a different person. I was like everyone else. I was a fearful, ego driven, materialist just like almost everyone else I knew at that time. I was not just sick within my physical body but my heart and mind as well.
In 2008 I was 24 years old. I was in a foreign country trapped in an unhealthy marriage and had a small child. Despite having advancing CF I worked multiple jobs and abused my own body physically and was developing into the kind of person who systematically ruins their own life by playing the victim in the situation they have been born into. I was digging myself a very deep grave. This people, I promise you, is what happens when you ignore the truth, reject Spirit and live in fantasy.
That year something in me changed. It was like I snapped out of "something". I could not tell you what that something was, but it was a distinctly different thought pattern and feeling than how I had previously thought and felt just moment before. I did not just become self-aware; however, it was more like "something" in my mind broke open. I woke up one day and while still lying in bed just said out loud to myself "I can't do this anymore." It just came out of my mouth as if it was someone else saying it. Whatever made me think that this was the life I had no choice but to live in was no longer present. Something told me that this was it. This was the moment. Either change had to occur, or I had wasted this life, and I would only damage others around me with my destructive behavior.
I left the situation I was in and changed my current physical condition. I moved into a place of my own. I found out not that long after that my lung capacity was only about 15 percent. To those who do not know how to picture that imagine what it feels like to have about 300 pounds strapped around your chest continuously and you can only breath through a straw. Look at a 25-cent piece. That is how much space 15 percent looks like in the lungs. That is how much space I had in my lungs to breath out of. This happens with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic mutation I was born with, quite normally. Though I did not know this at the time it is called respiratory failure. Or at least the beginning stages of it.
I got into this physical state because I was actively practicing being a fearful materialist and abusing myself. I pushed my body like all others typically do. And because my ego had abusing myself. I pushed my body like all others typically do. And because my ego had something to prove to the world, I pushed it very hard. I was angry and resentful from it. I was given at that time by the doctors I had access to a total of MAYBE 2 years to live. This was a generous estimate on their part.
I realized I had a very difficult choice to make. I had to come to terms with reality. I had two options.
I would either find a doctor who was able and willing to help me somehow or I was returning home so that my mother could organize my final arrangements. Honestly, I figured it would be the second situation. It was unlikely I could get connected with a doctor who knew enough about my condition to provide some creative options.
Miraculously, I found a doctor who was willing to take me on as a patient. She did a workup on me and found that I needed to be in line with a lung transplant but before we started that process, she wanted to try some other things first.
Thinking about it now she was the doctor with the creative thought process I required (remember… I had been thinking about my two options up to this point all the time). My lungs were failing, and the entire bottom left portion of my lungs were rotting out. By medical standards once an organ has rot setting in there is no coming back from this. So, we began a regimen of modern-day drugs and treatment.
Skipping to 2014 my doctor did a new work up on me. I was now at 86% lung capacity AND… the rot in my left lung (that cannot be reversed remember) was gone! My doctor at the time even said to me that she was baffled by this and that I had a higher lung function then most people who were generally heathy. She had no idea about how the rot in my left lung just went away. She admitted that she had never seen such a turn around.
I tell this story not to bore people with my life story. I am telling this story so that there is an idea about where my mind was in this time of my life. So that you as the listener can reflect on a time in your life where Spirit may be trying to teach you something or at least get your attention. The thing about these types of life experiences is not that you just suddenly snap out of it and now you know it all, these are life lessons and sometimes you will not even recognize them as such till perhaps even many years later. There is no such thing as "instant gratification" when it comes to the natural order of reality. Spirit or God or whatever you like calling it does not work on our time; it works on its own time.
Even at the end of this experience I was still a fearful, maybe not-so-much an ego driven individual and materialist. I was in some measure changing.
Taking those spiritual baby steps.
Taking those spiritual baby steps. It did not occur to me what I myself was even doing with the power of my mind at this time. I was manifesting reality. I manifested up till the point in 2008, creating a negative and toxic environment for myself (and potentially the small child I had with me, creating a rippling effect to others around me) and I manifested the result in 2014 by putting positive intention out with my will and training this on my end goal. I had no idea about the concept of manifesting reality. At the time I was just as shocked as everyone else. And regardless of whether people believe me or not I know what I experienced. Belief is not relevant. I know this ability exists in us all and I will even say that it is not a special ability. All that is required for one to utilize this great tool is to nurture this possibility and to practice this daily within one's life. I cannot give you proof from a medical paper or a textbook. I can however share what I call experienced based proof. That means that it is proved once the individual has experienced a certain thing that is typically said to be non-existent by the majority.
I was told by the leading medical authority on the matter that I was at the end of my life and that the rot developing in my lung was an impossible thing to stop or reverse. I even believed them even though I did not feel ready to throw in the towel just yet. I was proven wrong by my own High Self. My fraction of Spirit decided it was going to step in and get in the way of the plans of normal society and the accepted order of things.
After this event I started to learn about things that had more spiritual weight. I learned about manifestation of reality and more about the non-physical realm of reality. A few years later I was thinking about that rocky time in my history and began to start connecting the dots. There had only been one stable factor in all that time I was in that physical state. My daughter and knowing that I could not really be the mother she required unless I was physically and mentally healthy.
I thought about creating health for myself and my daughter EVERY single day (the THOUGHT). I imagined and felt it happening (the EMOTION). I experienced the end result (the ACTION). I had healed my body by manifesting my future reality. Modern day medical personnel were unwilling to explore it further. They washed their hands of it and said "Well, we did it and your alive. Yay."
Some may think that this is an occurrence of modern-day medicine being applied properly. Even if this is true to an extent, modern medicine cannot change impossible situations such as reversing damage done to organs. According to the medical authority in any rate. The technology just isn't there currently. The solution is typically just removal or replacement. They may not even try to figure out the initial cause to the rot. In fact, as a side note, while modern day medicine does help us in many great ways it can also hold us back and even potentially cause a lot of damage. I was facing an end-of-life situation. Somehow, I managed to overcome that. Thinking about it all later in my life I understood without any doubt that to overcome that. Thinking about it all later in my life I understood without any doubt that my recovery was due to the intention I accidently put out using my mind and Spirit. I didn't just want it to happen, or believe that it would happen or wish for it to happen. I didn't beg or pray to God for it to happen. I KNEW it in my mind and heart that it was the ONLY option. It was a fact within my mind and heart that what WAS going to happen was what I required to happen, that is; to become a more physically and mentally healthier human being so I could be a better mother to my young daughter.
After all this took place things in my life started changing. The toxic connections I had in my youth were fading away and new positive paths were being forged in front of me. Life improved.
This experience is just one of the first occurrences in my life that truly set me on to a path of self-awareness and spiritual growth. In our worst moments in life we all feel "woe is me" self-pity but maybe that is what our highest self needs us to experience so that we can break out from the mental cage we allow ourselves to be in. There is a bottom and sometimes the only way to see it is to slam straight into it.
Through experiences like this we can finally see the key that is being handed to us. It took me breaking every rule I knew to take that key and open the door to the cage. I had to face death and emotionally painful sacrifice just to get to this stage of growth. Since that time, I have been working on walking through the door.
Better to at least be taking baby-steps than no steps at all. There is no time limit to spiritual growth and development. Take your time and experience every single moment of it. Spirit will be patiently waiting for you to take the help that is being offered.
Be fearless because all you really are is Spirit.
Let's talk about Spirits' Law and how to apply it.
You might have heard this being called Natural Law or Gods' Law, but it amounts to about the same thing.
There are seven main principles that all life in this universe must follow to be in accordance with SPIRIT. They operate together like "parts" of a larger machine. This takes place inside and outside the physical body. This takes place on the physical realm and the non-physical realm. All "parts" of this system move in accordance with each other.
When one or more of these "parts" are not operating correctly the other "parts" will malfunction and negative consequences will occur. When all "parts" function as they should than positive outcomes will take place. This is dependent on how people choose to behave within their own lives here in the physical world. This is something that happens automatically regardless of people’s beliefs, opinions, culture, skin color, gender, identity, religion or any other irrelevant aspect of the physical realm. They are always active. Like gravity or breathing. This is how hard lessons are learned.
Even though these are hard, fast objective rules on how this system works we also have the ability of freewill. So, how we handle it all is the wild card factor being thrown into the mix. But then, you can say this is what makes it all interesting. Like a Dungeons and Dragons game almost, you have a set of house rules that the character has to abide by but then you can roll the dice, and it is a crap shoot of parameters that the individual is also operating under. From here there is an infinite number of possibilities and experiences one can face.
You can choose to live with accordance of these principles, or you can choose to work against them. Understand, working against the principles in reality will end in suffering and ultimately slavery both in the physical and non-physical. No matter the path you choose to take you will experience the effects of Spirit's Law.
The Seven Hermetic Principles:
Mind (Mentalism): Reality is what we think it is. Everything in reality is manifested into existence due to first thinking of it. For creation to take place thought must be the seed that is planted. When a thought takes place you must understand the responsibility required to bring it into reality. Thought is the beginning of all that is created in the universe and in reality, itself.
Correspondence: There are no limits to the mind. As above, so below. What you create with your thought, emotion and action is what you will receive in response. The universe (both physical and non-physical) is a reflection of everything you produce. You will get what you ask for. You get what you create.
Vibration: Energy goes where attention flows. The universe (both physical and non-physical) vibrates throughout reality. Everything moves at all times. What you manifest into reality will respond in all different and unexpected ways. There is no part of reality that is solid. All matter is energy.
Polarity: Embrace true power. All of reality has is dual counterpart. Everything has its opposites to each other. Opposites are identical to each other but differ in degrees of operation. Without one you cannot have the other.
Rhythm: To love is to seek knowledge, to understand knowledge and to bring knowledge into right and moral action. Everything flows through a rising and falling path. The measure of the swing one way is the measure of the swing to its' counterpart.
Cause and effect: All power comes from within. Every cause has its effect. Every effect has its cause. Everything has a reaction equal to the action. All positive and negative actions will have a positive or negative consequence.
-The plane of effects (the physical world): This is where a manifested reality can form due to an underlying cause that has already taken place. No power to effect change lies here because it has become that which is truth. The truth cannot be undone.
-The plane of causality (the mental world): This is where a cause is set into motion before a manifested reality takes place. All power to effect change lies on this plane. The truth is created only when a cause becomes an effect.
Gender: Effectiveness is the measure of truth. Gender is in all of reality. All things has its masculine and feminine equality within the human mind. The left brain hemisphere facilitates the Masculine aspect of the mind; intellect, logic, analytical and liner thought process. The right brain hemisphere facilitates the feminine aspect of the mind, intuition, creative, compassionate and holistic thought process.
To practice these principles of reality there is a requirement that is necessary if you are going to live in accordance with SPIRIT. Not employing these requirements will lead to negative outcomes. If the requirements are employed, then a positive outcome will occur.
Care (Thought): To give full intention to all behavior. What we practice care in will fuel our thoughts, emotions and actions to create the reality we choose. Behave properly.
Non-Violence (Emotion): To live without violating others’ rights. This includes all physical and non-physical aspects of Spirit. Do not harm.
Self Defense (Action): To protect yourself and others when rights are being violated. This includes all physical harm done to your own body or the physical body of others. Take no shit.
The trinity that creates all of reality and works hand-in-hand with the Law is a simple combination of behavior.
Thought: What we think about and say is the power of our creative minds. Thought gives birth to all things in reality. Without thought nothing would exist. Every idea has to start with a thought and/or a spoken word whether it is negative or positive.
Emotion: Once a thought or spoken word has been conceived intention is the next step. We must truly connect with our divinity and feel like the thought has already taken place. Emotion is what drives the intention into physical reality. It is the push that Spirit needs to assist you in manifesting the reality. When you ask for it then Spirit will respond to the request.
Action: This takes place after thought and emotion has been fully developed within the mind and body. After this happens an action will always take place. This is when manifesting reality occurs as a result of the thought having been realized and the emotion having been fueled with intention.
Beware this is a two-way door. Either the thought is positive and develops into a positive manifestation or the thought is negative and manifests into a negative result. Everything you think, feel and do will shape the person you turn into.
For example, if you were of the mind to always be thinking about the hardship you experience, and everything is always against you than the result will eventually be your continued suffering and will only attract the like-minded who also build that negative perspective. You will be surrounded by it to the point that you get the impression that this is how all life is. The thing is, you invited it. You "talked" to Spirit (even unintentionally) by producing only negative thoughts and words and Spirit responded by giving you what you asked for. You said, "I want to suffer" and Spirit said, "Well, if that is how you want to spend your time".
We have the power to make a more positive and spiritually healthier world if we use our thought, emotion and action the way it was intended. This is no easy task. It's not supposed to be easy but it is that simple. That is all you need to start with to begin your journey in building a relationship with yourself, your highest self and Spirit.
Spirit is waiting for you to answer this call. I would suggest to not keep it waiting. You will only reap the benefits of this great opportunity that is waiting for you.
Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!
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