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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.

Shout out to Revolution Radio! Check out the website, all the great hosts and if you can throw a few bucks their way that always goes a long way in showing your support to a platform dedicated to free speech.

This week I have Jaymee Jay and we are going to be discussing the spiritual consequences of SRA abuse and how it is being used to control us.

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.

Here are some questions to think about and contemplate.

1. What do you think is the main goal for the people (who I call the parasite class) who are trafficking, abusing and murdering our children are looking to achieve?

2. The medical and justice system seems to almost full ignore this problem anytime it is confronted with it. The medical system will not report this issue when someone comes in for medical care in regard to it as well as often will load up the victim with prescription drugs that effect the brain and the justice system rarely ever has people being publicly convicted of this kind of crime against humanity because people are conditioned to not say anything or feel ashamed to call out their abusers. How do you think this situation could be better dealt with?

3. Some of the people who are victims of SRA who do come forward are often dismissed, not believed and/or deemed mentally ill. What is your experience in this problem? With either victim who won't talk because of fear of the societal consequences and/or the people who will readily dismiss victims because they either refuse to acknowledge the problem or because they think it doesn't exist.

4. Can you tell us more about the darker side of history pertaining to the study of psychiatry and social work?

5. What do you think are the spiritual consequences are for victims and the people who commit these crimes long term?

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!

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