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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.

Shout out to Revolution Radio! Check out the website, all the great hosts and if you can throw a few bucks their way that always goes a long way in showing your support to a platform dedicated to free speech.

I also want to give a plug for The Girl Club. We are a group of four ladies who meet once a month and we discuss topics we want to talk about as woman in this modern world. We have great guests that come on as well from time to time. The group is myself, Leslie Powers (who is on The One Great Work Network), Brittany Ashby who co-wrote The Anarchists Cookbook 2.0 which is available on Amazon, and Brittany Anderson who is our Gematria specialist. You can find the episodes we have done and all to come on mine and Leslie's video platforms of YouTube, Rumble, Odysee and Substack. Please let me know if you are interested in watching and I will send on the links.

In this second show I am going to be doing some more reading from my most recent writing.

Actually, this is some older writing but I have written some extension to it going more into

detail on this subject. Today we are going to be talking about being a product of discovery instead of one of our environment. Let's talk about how this has been used as a weapon against 'The People' and what happens when we fall for it. We will talk about some consequences to this. And hopefully talk about some solutions in order to change this behavior or even reverse some of the damage. Thank you all for joining me today.

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at

So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.

A Product of Discovery

Throughout history people have used choice statements in order to express a certain condition of things. These things are stated flippantly without any idea of the real gravity of it. People don’t consider the motive, the context or the potential consequences.

They are stated without thought or care. Like talking about the weather or food. It's a statement that is meant to imply that there is nothing of interest to talk about (or that the individual doesn't want to actually talk to whoever they are encountering) so let's just fill up that void of silence with noise instead.

These are what I call "safe-space" topics because people can be assured that they won't have to deal with anything too deep or complicated. They can just go about their lives not be accosted with anything that requires too much thought. For some people it is just far more comfortable in their minds to stay neutral, out of the way and keeping their heads down. They don't want to get involved. Even when they can see the problems that exist in our world. They feel like they have no power to effect change (remember that we talked about this in the last show how this is conditioning) therefore their plan is to not even try.

I would ask, what exactly is wrong with silence? I quite enjoy the silence. I feel a sense of comfortable peace in it. I enjoy the stillness. But it seems that many other people are just unable to handle being in silence. It makes them uncomfortable.

Sometimes, what I suspect, that has to do with a self-hating emotion of some kind or a fear-based response to being alone. To some, silence just means loneliness. So, they fill up the silence with noise. Any kind of noise. Anything to fill that void.

Enter stage left, the phenomena of the Internet Karen. Causing mayhem for the sake of it. Looking for attention. Desperate to be part of the rest of the community but who are possibly too broken by the parasites' reality that they don't know how to do that anymore.

People being in the world and interacting no matter what. A desperate plea. There was a time that when people acting unhinged we either minded our own business or we sought help for the crazed individual. Now we film them, mock them, and display them on the internet for enjoyment. I know some of it's funny but it is even more so very sad. People who are unhinged in this way, I would say that this is a direct result of the influence of the dark occult, parasite class. They convinced people that they were sick and were so convincing that people believed them. And now we have multiple generations of people who are all mentally ill or physically ill in one way or another. They just started popping pills and getting shots and now look at us all. The majority of us with all the pharmaceuticals we take are no better than street drug users. We are just are addicted, just as dependent on the pharmaceuticals they give us to "cure" us.

We are going to talk more about this in later shows but, folks, I just need to say this real quick about it. Illness and disease does exist naturally in the world. Nature is full of all sorts of anomaly. It isn't meant to be perfect. But every other person being either mentally ill or physically ill ... that is not natural. That is certainly a product of the Hell-World environment. The pharmaceutical companies that sold us the "cure" to the issues we all complained about are also the cause to the illness. Corporate snake oil sales men at large. Selling us lithium for problems that are typical and don't need medicine such as to ease nausea and to increase hair growth, etc., etc.

It is so much easier to control people when they are worn out from sickness all the time, taking pills and shots (which also wears the system out because it is fighting what is essentially a "foreign object"). We don't even have to be conditioned into thinking a certain way anymore. We are too tired to do anything about the real issues.

That makes us an easy target.

And the parasite class ... are still laughing!

But silence isn't the only way people fill that void. Some do it with the hoarding of shopping, animals, food or even trash. People cope with fear based, trauma in all sorts of ways. This includes the trauma we receive from the world that the dark occult, parasitic class are building and giving it their best collage try to foist onto us.

And you can bet it is not just the conditioning of the mind that is doing all the work. Pharmaceuticals, especially ones we do not need, are playing a huge part in this problem. But remember how we talked about symptoms? The pharmaceutical companies at large are a symptom of the actual problem. The problem is ONLY the dark occult, parasites. They are the ones who are in control of every institutional and governmental body on this planet.

Here is an example of how I know this corruption is true. This is what I would call experienced based evidence which you can back up with a little bit of research to learn a few important details that often help piece everything together. This is an example of medical gaslighting and doctors dismissing a patient (which we will talk more about a bit later).

There is drug called Gabapentin. It is an anticonvulsant medication primarily used to treat partial seizures and neuropathic pain. It is a commonly used medication for the treatment of neuropathic pain caused by diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, and central pain. Gabapentin is also recommended by the powers that be for use in focal seizures and neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is prescribed off-label in the US and the UK, for example, for the treatment of non-neuropathic pain, anxiety disorders and bipolar disorder, etc. There is concern regarding gabapentin's off-label use due to the lack of strong scientific evidence for its efficacy in multiple conditions, its proven side effects and is potential for misuse and physical/psychological dependency.

Side effects consist of sleepiness and dizziness as the most common. Serious side effects include an increased risk of suicide, respiratory depression, and allergic reactions. Lower doses are recommended in those with kidney disease. Gabapentin acts by decreasing activity of a subset of calcium channels.

Gabapentin was first approved for use in 1993. It has been available as a generic medication in the United States since 2004. In 2021, it was the tenth most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 47 million prescriptions. During the 1990s, Parke-Davis, a subsidiary of Pfizer, used a number of illegal techniques to encourage physicians in the United States to prescribe gabapentin for unapproved uses. They have paid out millions of dollars to settle lawsuits regarding these activities.

This is mood stabilizer with the added bonus of making you as high as a kite so you can't feel in anything physically as well. I am not bi-polar nor do I have any other mental illness. I was given this drug, and I stupidly allowed it, for an issue that my compacted gall bladder was causing me at the time. I needed it removed but because I was in a socialist country the doctors were postponing and delaying and looking for ways out of the situation in order not to fix it. It took almost 7 years for this problem to identified and dealt with properly. That's what socialized medicine does for you folks so to all you kids out there who think you are going to have it better with socialized medicine, well, go try it out in another country. Don’t you dare try to bring it here to the U.S.A. Unfortunately, I could tell you countless horror stories about the experience I have had with it.

In any case, my gall bladder was causing me severe pain, the kind that is blinding and it was effecting my nervous system in this weird way. I was getting pain in the ends of my fingertips. I didn't know this at the time but it was an effect from the gall bladder spasming and knocking off my nervous system and my body was translating this disruption in these ways. So to deal with the severe amount of pain I was experiencing, instead of just rolling me into surgery knowing that my gall bladder would never work again in either case, they gave me the drug Gabapentin. They entire room around you lights up after you take the first dose of this drug. I was high and doped up for the entire time, barely able to function normally. After a few weeks everyone around me started noticing changes that I did not notice. They said I was meaner, more irritable, less tolerant, snapping at people over nothing, etc. Once others pointed this out I started to see the behavior in myself. I was turning into a different person. Needless to say, I stopped taking the drug and did what I should have done in the first place, instead of desperately looking for any solution. I researched it. I was horrified by what I found.

So instead of just helping me how I needed help the medical team involved loaded me with a dangerous, mind altering drug. And this one is a powerful one. This drug, and many others like it can alter a human brain permanently. Changing how the brain works generally. The person is now a different person and more mentally and physically unstable, more easily controlled.

Especially, when taken for many years. Now think about this situation and next time you are out in the world and come across someone who acts unhinged, think about what the history they might have with pharmaceutical use. I would be willing to bet that a lot of our homeless people are not just homeless because of street drug use and other poor decisions (that does account for a lot of them) but also is populated with people who needed real help health-wise and the system just threw an easy solution at them and sent them away, starting a long journey into degradation.

Oxycodone is another example of irresponsibly prescribed treatment by doctors. A drug that many have suffered as a result of being given this drug.

In any rate, people will often like to say, "I am a product of my environment." People are led to believe this through the conditioning that is set out for us. We just covered several examples of how this is true and how it operates in the world in different ways. It has become a generational issue now. Our grandparents were traumatized which carried over into our parents which then carried over into us. And most of us are still probably passing on this trait to our own children, never knowing the difference.

But what does this statement really mean? This is something you hear typically in regards to family and upbringing. I have heard people say this often. I have even had people admit to me that they think this is the best thing one can be and that they could never break the mold and go outside of whatever way of thinking they were raised to think as. They are committed to whatever culture or ideology they associate with regardless if it is right or wrong. They somehow think it has something to do with loyalty and if you are not like your family, your friends or your culture than there is something wrong with you. People like to add sentimental attachment to family, friends and culture. It's loyalty before morality. At all costs.

If you can believe it, I once had a woman turn her nose up at me and treat me like a freak because I said I was nothing like the environment I grew up in and I was not a representation of my family. She had a horrified look on her face. I would say it was somewhat amusing but she was thoroughly disgusted with me. She didn't even want to be around me. She was done with me. I was making her uncomfortable. She said she was a product of her parents and her belief system (which is Catholic) and there was nothing else she ever could be no matter the consequences. That this would forgive whatever moral or ethical practices she never even considered. Even though it is a known and recorded FACT that the Papacy condones and protects child abusers and pedophiles. She is an example of the ideal candidate for slavery. She will never question anything or think about anything too deeply. She's the sort to make appointments to get all her boosters ahead of time. Because fear rules over her before any reason. Because she will never even consider getting a handle on her own thoughts, emotions and actions.

And what are the parasite class doing? ... There are still laughing at us.

We really should consider as to what a statement like this really means. Even though words are not actions and are ONLY influence they can still hold some power. When we put our thoughts and emotions out into the world and then follow it up with an action, such as, becoming the product you claim to be ... well, then, that is where that magic starts to works. Manifesting a reality for yourself. For better or worse.

Maybe you might be blessed and have a family that is awesome, where everything always works out, where it was a stable environment, growing up behind the metaphorical white picket fence, the American Dream. Hopefully that is the case.

Unfortunately, this is not the norm. Or at least, it is not the norm any longer. Certainly, not since the peak of the 50s. People are being born into families and raised by people who don’t all have themselves put together to well so the product coming out of that are children who are dysfunctional and have generally, unhealthy spiritual existences. And because of the world being built around us, due to our own inaction, most never even understand that there ever was a difference.

And we wonder why there is so much moral relativism in the world, especially amongst our youth. Of course, our children are disenchanted by reality because it can be too much for people to handle while in the state it is in. Fantasy before reality and truth. It's a mess out there. It's like watching a train wreak take place in front of you but your too horrified to look away and you don’t have any clue as to what to do about it. You just give in to the experience and continue to keep taking in all the tragedy.

We get what we ask for. Always.

This is one of those consequences of not being aware of the condition at large and not doing anything about it. As what we talked about last week.

People will make this statement; "Well … I'm a product of my environment. I am that which my parents made me to be. So … I guess that is who I am and I never plan on changing." I have heard this sentiment many times in my life. I hear the excuses people make to justify it almost every day. It's the easy way out of many of the mistakes we make in life. An excuse that never grows stale.

Redundant. Pointless. Ineffective.

People not wanting to be anything other than this is a fear based response. That is that inner child in them, who is overwhelmed by the conditioned of being a slave under the false authority, thinking that they will get in trouble and receive punishment somehow if they do not comply. They are afraid of playing the part of The Fool and taking that leap of faith that leads them to some greater possibility.

All of the more base, carnal emotions, the ones that have to do with hate, worry, anxiety, depression, etc., these are all just churched up versions of fear. They are symptoms of the actual problem. Fear is always the first and number one ingredient, even when we can't recognize it. It's mixed all into that mess of the addled, doped up mind and left hidden away behind the mental curtains, working it's magic in the shadows of the Spirit. Growing and growing because it is left unchecked. Because people don't have a handle of their thoughts, emotions and actions.

I was also environmentally threatened to comply to the norm just like everyone else and yet somehow, by accident, I never really got into the habit of compliance. I can tell you from experience, that all this is, is just a threat and punishment does not come to me for not complying to the whims of psychopaths. Not because I am special but because I stopped allowing fear and the unknown to control my thoughts, emotions and actions.

As an example, if I were just a product of my environment, I would happily wear my shackles with the key in my pocket. Never question anything and be like the majority and only be concerned with my physical needs. I would line right up to take every unethical government mandate as it presented itself. I would bow down and worship all the false authority that presented itself to me. I would count all my pennies and hoard it as if I could take it with me after my death. I would take out my aggression on innocent bystanders. Then I would go do my Christmas shopping. Business as usual. These are some of the traits I see in people when I meet them.

Not everyone, of course. But the majority. But some people can be so thoughtless and shameful that they reduce themselves to nothing more than dumb animals. I am just grateful that I am capable of surrounding myself with people I can trust and people

that I respect. I mentioned this in the last show. Patience is required in order to find your circle, your tribe, your family.

But being someone who just sits back and complies to unreasonable demands is not who I am. Maybe being born in the traumatic state I was born in made it so nothing else could disrupt what was there. Trauma vs. trauma. Disorder vs. disorder.

What an idea to consider.

I can safely say I am not a product of my environment or of my general upbringing. I am a product of my Hell-World environment only in the sense that is has opened my eyes to certain undeniable truths.

It had the opposite effect on me. The brainwashing, authority worship programing didn't seem to sink in. I am at least aware enough to see myself and my environment for the Hell world it is.

That is not to say that throughout my upbringing I did not pick up and take away with me some of the great and valuable tools to experience life with. Such as a sense of adventure, a handful of skills and behavior that allows me to conduct myself properly.

We have to keep in mind that even though our parents and grandparents who came before us were conditioned a certain way, a way that the dark occult, parasites wanted, they are not necessarily evil or doing anything malicious. Our parents and grandparents (unless they are naturally born psychopaths) do genuinely want the best for us. They have done what they thought was best. Even if those decisions were not always the best ones. I can forgive them and still love them.

This is because I know the truth about how reality operates. And this is where I will say something that not everyone will agree with but I know this is true because it's what makes sense. And there is more than enough evidence out in the world to prove it if you can go out there and use proper discernment to sift through the nonsense to find the truth. I know that we all reincarnate. Over and over and over. Our fractions of Spirit drop down into these physical shells, essentially used cars we run into the ground, and we are setting parameters in order to experience certain things in the physical realm. That is kinda' the whole point to this roller coaster ride through life. To experience in the physical. To learning the difference between right and wrong through God's Law (what some call Natural Law). To having the knowledge of hardship and appreciation for truth. There would be no point in life existing at all if it wasn't for the experiences we have throughout all our many lives, the lessons we learn and the growth we make spiritually. And there ain't no getting out of it. You can't stop the process. If you don't meet the requirements in this life now then we'll see ya' next time trying to still figure it out. If ya' kill yourself, all your doing is hitting that red buzzer cuz you failed and your coming back here. Nothing operates outside of Gods Law and Truth.

I know some people think they can just stop the reincarnation cycle. This is what I think is just another dark occult, parasite class tactic to get people to wrap themselves up in some sort of fantasy. They don't want us to understand God's Law or Truth. They want us to be mindless, ill ridden slaves who are too beaten down to do anything or care about what they are doing.

So stop being a baby and get a handle on your thoughts, emotions and actions.

So, in regards to our elders, the trick here is to not resent them or be angry at them for not knowing the difference or not yet knowing how to operate reality. We know now. Well, some of us know now. We will all continue to learn. So instead of emotionally punishing our elders let us instead heal ourselves, try to heal those who raised us (if they allow us to), who never let anything bad happen to us and move forward into a future that we can be proud of. So that, if we are lucky, our children will turn out better and healthier people than we are.

When our children turning out to be a better versions of ourselves, a healthier version, a more spiritually sound version of ourselves, this is when we know we did SOMETHING right even if we didn't get everything perfect. Even trying and failing is better than never trying at all.

And just as a side note; I have said this before too to other people and they all just flip out. Especially the woman out there. They are so caught up in their egos that they claim ownership over their children and pride themselves in making carbon copies of themselves. Another generation of the spiritually dead. These parents want their kids to be like them so they never have to face who they are. Because our children are our reflections. A mirror of ourselves. That doesn't mean we should not try to keep that mirror as clean as possible and work to make sure it doesn't get cracked or scuffed.

We don't own our children. We are stewards, and temporary ones at that. We are there to guide them and show them the

difference between good and bad consequences. Teach them from our own mistakes. Make cleaner, brighter versions of ourselves. Not a copy of who we are.

God does not expect perfection, only encourages experience. God is not mad at people for making mistakes. God is not keeping tabs on people who made this or that poor decision, or people who cuss a lot or people who have sex before marriage. This is more fantasy being sewn into the fabric of what God's Law and Truth actually is. There is no torture chamber called hell. And telling children that there is, in my opinion, is kinda' abusive. More fantasy sewn in. And guess whos' doing all the sewing?

Heaven and Hell ... these are the potential possibilities that we have control over, creating this physical realm into a either a Heaven ... or a Hell. These are mental constructs that we can create or not create. We are sitting at the wheel. The dark occult, parasite class are only plying their influence on us. Sewing all this fantasy in our minds that we will either be rewarded or punished for arbitrary things because apparently God is a nit-picking mental case. It is us 'The People' who are doing the most damage and creating a Hell-World, however, by not seeing the truth for what it is. Because I guess it is fun to take allegory seriously.

The dark occult, parasite class know how this reality works. You should know it too.

In this physical expression I am in, currently, my body is somewhat broken. I can say I really have no control over the progressive degradation that is taking place physically. It is a stepping stone process since birth of progressive disability. In my case, it is genetic dysfunction caused by a mutation of the CFTR gene, a necessary element in the human body to sustain proper functionality of the sodium chloride levels, body temperature and mucus management. It's certainly feels sometimes like I pulled the short straw, but even with all this, my mind does not have to be dysfunctional. This is a choice I can have power over. In conclusion, this means I cannot accept being a product of the typically accepted environment. I can figure out the difference.

I am lucky in the sense that I have enough cognitive wherewithal to develop an understanding of truth within this beautiful reality.

So the choices are made simple. Either be a happy slave in Hell-World or to be a sovereign individual who accepts truth over perception. I can either pout about the dysfunction of the world and grip over it or I can do something about it by changing my condition.

Even in Hell-World we have choices to sift through. The dark occult, parasitic class HAVE to give us the choice. They HAVE to tell us what they are planning. And they do this all the time. This is how they think they are skirting responsibility and accountability for the crimes against humanity they practice. We can either comply to the suggested influence or we can say "No" to it.

And to those who like to stay neutral, never making any waves, keeping your head down ... to not say "No" is to say "Yes". It doesn't have to make sense. That is how the dark occult, parasites view this. They don't actually care if we understand their motives. They are only interested in our compliance. That way they can continue to do whatever they want without a consequence from us in this lifetime.

... while they continue to laugh at us ...

People have become quite comfortable with how things are right now. So as a result most people tend to not go looking for any answers to any problems. There is no distress because we live in a moderately comfortable reality where we can get really anything that is required to make us comfortable. There doesn't seem to be any incentive to figure out any solutions to any problems because it doesn't look on the outside that anything is wrong. No visual symptoms usually means that all is well and all the minor issues will correct themselves naturally in due course.

One of the examples of this is a phenomena called "Gaslighting". It doesn't just happen in the media or in politics. It also happens in the medical world. Say a patient (the microcosm in the situation) comes in to see their doctor (who is the representative of the macrocosm because of the knowledge they are supposed to build over many years of study and education) and the patient says to the doctor, "I have a headache all day, every day and I can't sleep because of it." The doctor (who has the choice to either look into this issue or to dismiss it) chooses to dismiss it and says, "It's probably just stress. Take these pain killers and come back if it doesn't go away."

The doctor chose to dismiss the complaint and conditioned the patient to think it is psychosomatic. A fictional construct that the patient created. The priest in the white lab coat enforced his false authority on the patient because he thought this complaint was not worth his time to investigate and the patient accepted it without even a thought or care.

We are going to go into the topic of discussing the practices and ethics of the medical world in later shows but for now just recognize that a situation like this is a small scale version over all of what the dark occult, parasite class is doing to us. I would even imagine this has been going on for centuries.

Conditioning us into thinking that all these problems we have are just in our heads. That we made it all up. Nothing to see here.

Move along.

This is how most people approach the world, from my experience. They don't even know they do it. We have been trained like animals. It is taught subconscious behavior. To dismiss and ignore with any thought of having care.

However, sometimes the problem will never show itself in the full light of visual confirmation. Sometimes a problem is buried under layers and layers of symptoms that it is impossible to find. You think that that is all there is. A slew of symptoms with amazingly no cause to it. It's just one huge mystery. So then people will come to the conclusion that the symptoms are the original cause of the problem. I could name charity after political cause after domestic terrorist group after another endlessly and ALL of them are only symptoms of the larger problem.

There is only ONE enemy. The dark occult, parasite class. They are the disease causing ALL the symptoms.

Such as our example of the patient who has a mysterious headache that won't ever go away. This is really a symptom to a larger problem. A warning system. The body is trying to alert the brain that something is wrong. And the patient (who is living in fear) runs to who they think will help them and that help dismisses it, even though if some investigation was done they might find a source, such as a tumor or something just as life changing.

This type of gaslighting causes small issues to become large problems and sometimes they are not reversible.

This is what illness in disguise look like. I'm watching a world that is focusing only on one individual symptom at a time to try and resolve the problem. They do not understand that those symptoms they work tirelessly to get rid of will continue to return time and time again until the actual cause of the symptom is taken care of. There is only one cause to all the symptoms of our diseased world.

Can you figure out what it is without me saying it? Are you being honest with yourself? Please go back and review last week's show if you need a refresher.

There is cause and effect here. Every action has a reaction. All behavior has consequences. No one escapes this, no matter how hard they try to escape or what they may do to skirt accountability.

This is how long lasting illness in the human body hides and grows when it is not dealt with properly. This is how long lasting illness in all of life hides and grows. This is how illness festers and becomes infection. We have ignored the real problem and because of it we have symptoms that have no permanent solution. The infection had taken over and the effects are overwhelming.

And we never will have the solution because we are all a products of our environment. Right?

I would love for people to prove me wrong. If you want a solution to all of humanities problems, if you would like to see the suffering, illness, pain and slavery end then we will have to first begin with ourselves.

Free yourself from emotional slavery and you will begin to learn how to use the tools to free yourself from physical slavery. Once you can see the chains you allow yourself to be in you will be able to begin making the steps to free yourself from a system that keeps you from knowing and connecting to Spirit.

We have been firmly grounded in physical reality and have been told there is nothing else for us. That there is no other place for us to go. That we are unworthy of being more than we are. That there is nothing beyond our physical body or our "one life" to live. We have been lied to.

If we do not like this condition then we have to change it. No one else can fix this for us. We must do the work on our own so we can heal our minds, bodies and spirits. So we can connect to our self, reality and to Spirit. We have all the power to do this. So let's change our condition.

Let us not be a product of our environment. Let us be a product of all reality. Let us be a product of freedom and love. Let us be a product of Spirit.

This is the condition that I want to be in. And this is what I want for my loved ones, friends, and everyone else outside of that circle.

We, as fractions of Spirit, have such an amazing capacity for discovery. There are no real limits to creative growth. The only barriers that we come across are the ones we build for ourselves. The hurdles we construct. Sometimes there are situations that are outside of our control, but often more times than not, we make that situation worse than it actually is. We over complicate it. We almost can't help it because we all have the "what if?" construct we hold on to.

This is a fear based response. It is also an example of how we, non-psychopathic humans, have a great capability of creative thought and emotion. We can make up a potential future, a probability that has not yet taken place. Even when we think we are not in control we are still somehow … in control. Of at least ourselves, of our own thoughts, emotions and actions.

Manifestation in this reality is such a fickle thing. So easily controlled. On one side we have the potential to create something quite disastrous for ourselves, losing ourselves in the noise, being a product of the environment. On the other side we can use it to create a condition we are actually happy to with, one that benefits us, one that empowers us.

Just think about it for a minute in this light. See both sides of this coin. What a revelation, indeed.

This is why I love art in most of its' classical forms. I don’t want anyone to confuse me with someone who would support any of the new garbage, woke art that has spilled out into this world. I do not. There is, unfortunately, only a small percentage of the world's population left who are creating art authentically. I will add this is only my opinion. But as an artist myself, I am horrified by what has been produced on a large scale in more recent times. I see only evidence of the living dead, expressing themselves in self-induced, mentally ill states of conciseness.

Our human history on this planet has produced some of the greatest minds we could ask for in the art world. This ranges from painting, writing, music, astronomy, mathematics and the sciences. All these individuals in our history who have come forward and produced something truly authentic have used their talents and skills in order to advance the future.

This is just another thing we have all taken for granted. We have thrown away the value of creative thought and emotion and demanded only action to take place. Instant gratification on hyper-drive. We demanded, on a whole, to have what we want, when we want immediately and not once did any of us think about the consequences of this behavior.

Now we have technology to do everything for us. Including producing our art and music, writing our books, being a wallet for all our personal and sensitive information so we don't have to remember anything, telling us the news for whatever that is worth, giving us directions because we can't even read a map … I could on and on. Listing everyday things, we used to do for ourselves but have now forgotten how to.

Talk about taking our creative abilities and intuition for granted.

Example, I am a professional seamstress by trade. I can't even convince my own clients to sew on their own buttons. To save their money. That everyone can do a simple task such as this. They just all say they would rather have me do it. I guess that works out in my benefit but sometimes I wonder about the consequences of this. I have to ask myself, "Am I only stepping aside and allowing this problem of dependence to continue and grow by giving into them? By not encouraging people to handle some of the more minor things that are just part of life?"

Teaching these skills is a start and I do offer that as a free service in my own community but sadly, there is not that much interest. On a large-scale people don’t want to learn.

And then some say they do want to learn and never show up at all. Of liking the idea of something but never really committing. This is an example of false care.

That being said, I do have some great students who do show up. And they even surprise me with all the beautiful stuff they learn how to create. They even teach me new things from time to time. They use their, thoughts, emotions and actions in order to manifest in this beautiful reality. This is an example of placing care of behavior in high regard and putting it to good use.

When we do not strive to spiritually enhance ourselves in the physical realm we become stagnate. We stop moving forward and sometimes there is a little bit of going backwards in our overall conciseness.

Let's review a little bit of an example of the microcosm in order to see the larger picture here.

The human body is made of many facets that makes an overall construction, allowing us to be alive. The circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body, providing it with oxygen and removing waste. It consists of your heart and blood vessels. If the blood stops moving the body will start to create dysfunction, decay and eventually die. Here are some things that can happen if this happens.

  1. Pallor mortis: Blood stops moving through the capillaries, resulting in paleness of the skin.

  2. Lack of oxygen delivery: Blood movement is essential for carrying oxygen to organs and tissues. Without it, normal functions like muscle movement, digestion, and thinking would be impaired.

    1. Side notes to this: This was the problem, and will always be the problem, with wearing masks. Oxygen deprivation can cause a variety of hypoxia states and if continued on long periods of time can eventually cause illness and even death. We will talk more about hypoxia in a later show.

  3. Platelet activation: If there is an injury, platelets stick to damaged tissue and form a temporary plug to stop blood loss. Depending on how your body is reading "injury", in a case like this can cause severe complications.

  4. Death occurs when blood circulation and breathing (the respiration) stop and cannot be brought back, or brain death occurs. That's when the brain/brain stem stops working. When blood circulation stops, the body begins to shut down, leading to death. The heart plays a central role, and as it stops beating, the rest of the body slowly ceases to function. Within seconds of death, the body's supply of oxygen is depleted, and brain activity surges briefly. Hemostasis, the body's normal reaction to injury, stops bleeding and allows for repair, but without circulation, it cannot sustain life.

This is a perfect example of the microcosm. Reality goes even smaller than we are but let's use an example we all can relate to. Our own human body. We are the microcosm to the macrocosm. We are the reflection of the greater process that operates in all reality. Everything it does, we do. And everything we do, it does back.

Another great example that I would suggest exploring more about on your spare time is the Vitruvian Man. This is a diagram that shows a human man (the microcosm) within a square and a circle (the macrocosm). It is a drawing by the Italian Renaissance artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci, dated to circa 1490. It was inspired by the writings of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. The concept is that it is explaining the science of man within the larger picture. In Vitruvius' book, "De Architectura" (book three, chapter one) he states, "In a temple there ought to be harmony in the symmetrical relations of the different parts to the whole." I feel, even though it is a book written on the concept of the physical world, this is the same concept throughout all reality.

There must be harmony within the system for it to function optimally. No matter the microcosm or the macrocosm.

In this we all cause effects to take place within ourselves and our immediate environment. Everything in the microcosm and the macrocosm move and affect each other. It is a never-ending stream of conciseness.

Giving up the inherent right to our abilities of creative thought, emotion and action can almost be classified as a crime against humanity, only in this case, we have done this voluntarily. What I consider is, that this is the reason why we suffer as we do and why the dark occult, parasite class do not. All the parasite class did was feed us influence and we gobbled it all up, we put into action the thoughts of parasites (but not their feelings because psychopaths don't have any feelings. We covered that in last week's show.) and since all their thoughts are toxic and corrupted by the disease of the mind the physical representation of that is toxic and corrupted.

To leave you with a parting thought: "There is no passion to be found in playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." spoken by Nelson Mandela. This quote serves as a reminder that each individual possesses potential and should never settle for any manner of slavery, most of all the slavery of fear. It urges us to strive for reaching the greatest parts of ourselves. It reminds us that we are more than capable.

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!

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