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Welcome to Cross Talk! I'm your host Sara Cross.

Shout out to Revolution Radio! Check out the website, all the great hosts and if you can throw a few bucks their way that always goes a long way in showing your support to a platform dedicated to free speech.

I also want to give a shout out to the BreathStrong Program that works with people with Cystic Fibrosis. Check out their website at www.breathestrongcf.org and you can find them at FB and IG (@breathestrongcf).

This week we are going to be talking with Justice Wagman who is a metal works artist. We are going to be discussing some of the issues with the art world today. You can find out more about Justice and his work here:

Justic Wagman's Website

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

So, let's get started and move into our main topic today.

God is a creative force. It cannot help but be that. It is an artist by nature and trade. It can only create more art and artists who create art. Nothing else. It has a set of basic parameters (The Hermetic Principles) and opens up to free-will, spontaneous adventure. God creates, so it's creative expression creates. It's a Pay-It-Forward system by natural progression. This is the true artist.

The ruling class has successfully taken over the art world and turned it into a lifeless industry. Art schools churn out soulless, atheist, materialists students who are speaking the same language as the ruling class. They are just as conditioned and brain-washed as those who support and stand by the government and create their personalities around politics.\\Industry and institutions have all been infiltrated. This has overwhelmed the people. It is an exhausting exercise to fight the wave. People want to think it is political. It isn't a political problem. It only looks like that because the Satanists know people are easily distracted and all they have to do is give them something to focus their resentment on. So on the outside it seems political. Really the problem is Satanists have done everything they can, successfully, to infiltrate every position of power they can in this world. People want to find someone to blame, so they build a resentment towards this political figure or that one. This is part of the conditioning program, to make us not see Truth even when it is front of us.

Art should NEVER be political. Art is a tool to teach Truth. And the Satanists know this. They took the gift of art and corrupted it for their own gain. History proves this! And we the people let it happen.

Art is a subjective expression (that I would say is coming from anobjective understanding of reality) in which to articulate a message through the visual senses. It's only subjective because all expression is subjective. It can only be from the perspective of the individual. Every individual is a different expression of Spirit (which is done on purpose) to get as much expression out into reality (both physical and nonphysical). Since every person is a unique, individual this means that an expression of Truth will come out of that individual differently. It will all be the same Truth only in a different format. This is under the condition that the individual is allowing the natural flow of the Universal Mind, High Self and Spirit operate through them.

It's done this way (by Spirit) because we are all different (on purpose) and must learn the Truth about reality in ways that fit with us. We are not meant to be carbon copies of each other and we are all meant to take in Truth the way Spirit sees' fit. Nothing operates outside of Gods' will.


  1. Some people can see the Truth about reality by looking or practicing painting.

  2. Some people can see the Truth about reality through pain and suffering.

  3. Some people can see the Truth about reality by reading, science, faith, nature.

People need the objective Truth about Law and reality within their lives, however they will all eventually get this Truth only through the capabilities that are given…or that they allow. Everyone is different so everyone needs a personal path to experience. Otherwise, we would be living in a world where we all looked, acted and spoke the same. We would be soulless golems operating mechanically. Lucky for us this is not what Spirit wants so this is not how we operate.

  1. The value of art is also subjective because of personal perspective. It is a way for the individual to try to explain reality.

  2. New political movements that play at being for "freedom of expression". Art has become woke and toxic. If it keeps going on like this, it'll create a world where anyone who is different or anyone who has a wish to express themselves in a "free spirit" type of way will no longer be accepted by the majority. We will be thrown back into the dark ages where people who are considered "different" will be ostracized or persecuted for it.

  3. Taxpayers who are paying for community services, including art.

    - One example of this is the new Martin Luther King Jr. memorial.

    - In 2017, the Salvator Mundi, was sold at public auction for US $450.3 million based off the "official" story that this is a genuine signature da Vinci.

    - Paris Christmas Tree that is really a Butt Plug.

    - Hunter Biden "art"

    - Edwin Parker "Cy" Twombly Jr. known works are typically large-scale, freely

    scribbled, calligraphic and graffiti-like works on solid fields of mostly gray, tan, or off-white colors.

  4. Art school is a tool of the ruling class to condition the young minds of the people who gravitate towards the art world with "dead art syndrome". They want people to lose their humanity and one of the fastest ways to do this is to remove the concept of art as an expression of the higher self, Spirit, God.

  5. Compounding it all with poison food, water and medicine and then social constructs like politics and activist movements and you get a lifeless golem.

Let’s talk about Banksy, the enigmatic and highly influential street artist known for his provocative and satirical works. Banksy's art often combines dark humor with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique. His works of political and social commentary have appeared on streets, walls, and bridges around the world.

Key Points about Banksy:

  1. Anonymity: Banksy's true identity remains unconfirmed and is the subject of much speculation.

  2. Stenciling Technique: He began using stencils around 2000 to speed up his work, which allowed him to create more intricate and detailed pieces.

  3. Themes: His art often features themes of anti-war, anti-capitalism, and anti-establishment, with subjects like rats, apes, policemen, soldiers, children, and the elderly.

  4. Public Installations: Banksy displays his art on publicly visible surfaces, such as walls and self-built physical prop pieces.

  5. Documentary: He directed a documentary film titled "Exit Through the Gift Shop", which premiered at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award.

Look more into this bit of history that has inspired truth through the format of the arts:

  1. Part of the inspiration for this was a poem that was written in the 14th (between the years of 1351–1374) century by a Tuscan poet named Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) called 'Triumphs' or 'I Trionfi'. The poet took next to 20 years composing a tale of triumph over allegorical figures such as Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time and Eternity who vanquish each other in turn. It has the feeling of doing shadow work and the conquest of developing yourself spiritually in the physical realm. Love is triumphed by Chastity who is triumphed by Death who is triumphed by Fame who is triumphed by Time who is triumphed by Eternity and who all together are triumphed by reality. It is a spiritual journey of an individual that leads from sin to redemption.

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating a few bucks as times is tough. All donations are greatly appreciated and allow me to continue to do this great work.