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This week we are going to read from my extended version of my book called "An Addition to Being Alive". I am going to be taking you back to the 1950s! This week I am joined by Crypt Rick from “I’ve Been Thinking!” that airs every Monday on Revolution Radio. We share some insight and go deeper into this topic at hand.

Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover. You can also just tag me in the chat or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” - Carl Sagan

There was an interesting experiment done on flies by William Ernest Castle and Seymour Benzer in the 1950s-60s that I think shows how the physical and the non-physical (the microcosm and the macrocosm) operates together with natural evolution and the overall design of reality. This, in my opinion, is a great example of the creative force of Spirit. Castle and Benzer used genetic selection to breed fruit flies with reduced or absent eyes.

The goal was to study the genetic basis of eye development and vision. Their experiment involved breeding fruit flies with a genetic mutation that affected eye development. They selected flies with smaller or missing eyes and bred them together, amplifying the mutation over generations. After 20-30 generations, they obtained flies with extremely reduced or absent eyes. This demonstrated the power of genetic selection and helped understand eye 175 AN ADDICTION TO BEING ALIVE: development genetics.

After many generations of breeding eyeless fruit flies, some flies suddenly began to grow eyes again. This phenomenon is called “reversion” or “reappearance of traits.” It happens when genetic mutations that caused the eye loss are reversed or compensated by other genetic changes.

Castle and Benzer’s experiment was indeed brought back to square one, as the eyeless trait was lost. This outcome highlighted the complex nature of genetics and evolution. Castle and Benzer’s experiment, the reversion of eyeless fruit flies is explained by natural genetic mechanisms, such as mutation, genetic drift, or epigenetic factors. When Castle and Benzer removed the genetic traits for eyes, they expected the fruit flies to remain eyeless.

However, the reversion occurred due to genetic mechanisms that restored the eye trait. Here are some possible reasons:

1. Hidden genetic variation: The population of fruit flies might have harbored hidden genetic variation for eye development, which was not expressed due to the dominant eyeless mutation. When the eyeless mutation was removed, this hidden variation could have been expressed, leading to eye regrowth.

2. Genetic compensation: Other genes in the fruit fly genome might have compensated for the lost eye trait by activating alternative pathways or genes that promote eye development.

3. Epigenetic factors: Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation or histone modification, could have influenced gene expression and led to the reactivation of eye development genes.

4. Genetic drift: Random genetic drift could have caused the reversion of the eye trait due to chance events, such as mutations or gene conversion, that restored the eye developmental pathway.

5. Selection pressure: Although the experiment aimed to remove selection pressure, it’s possible that some residual selection pressure favored the regrowth of eyes, leading to the reversion of the trait.

These factors could have contributed to the reversion of the eye trait in the fruit flies, even after the genetic traits were removed. From a biological perspective, eyes are not essential for fruit flies to survive and reproduce in a controlled laboratory environment. The genetic factors that code for eye development were removed, so theoretically, the fruit flies should not have needed eyes. However, the reversion of the eye trait suggests that there might be underlying genetic or physiological mechanisms that favor the presence of eyes, even if they’re not strictly necessary for survival in that specific environment.

One possible explanation is that eyes are closely linked to other essential biological processes, such as circadian rhythm regulation, phototaxis (movement towards light), or even overall developmental pathways. The genetic removal of eyes might have had unintended consequences on these related processes, leading to the reversion of the eye trait. Some believe that spiritual or metaphysical forces could influence biological processes, including genetics and evolution.

This idea suggests that a non-physical, collective consciousness or intelligence could guide the development of life forms, including the reversion of traits like eyes in fruit flies. While this concept is fascinating to some, it remains a topic of debate and speculation, as it challenges the dominant materialistic worldview of modern science. Many scientists identify as materialists or atheists, but not all. A 2009 Pew Research Center survey found that 41% of scientists in the US believe in God or a higher power, while 52% do not. However, the same survey showed that 70% of scientists from the National Academy of Sciences do not believe in God. Materialism and atheism are more prevalent among scientists due to the emphasis on empirical evidence and natural explanations in scientific inquiry. Some scientists might overlook or downplay anomalies that challenge their materialistic worldview. However, many researchers strive for objectivity and rigorously investigate un expected findings. Anomalies can lead to breakthroughs and new discoveries! Some scientists even explore unconventional explanations, like paranormal or psychic phenomena, with scientific methods.

Anomalies often get filed away due to various reasons such as:

1. Lack of funding or resources to further investigate.

2. Fear of challenging dominant theories or paradigms.

3. Pressure to publish “positive” results, leading to “file drawer effect.”

4. Insufficient statistical power or methodological limitations.

5. Anomalies not fitting into current understanding or models.

6. Fear of ridicule or skepticism from peers.

7. Prioritization of more “mainstream” research topics.

These factors contribute to anomalies being overlooked or under explored. Scientists, like all humans, have egos and emotions that can influence their work. They allow fear to control their objectivity and their research. Anomalies can challenge their theories, methods, and even their sense of self-importance. This ego attachment can lead to resistance to new ideas, dismissal of contradictory evidence, and prioritization of personal reputation over objective truth. Some scientists might feel that acknowledging anomalies would undermine their life’s work or reputation, making it difficult to accept and explore unexpected findings. This, to me, proves that nothing works outside of Gods Law and the mechanisms of reality. Anything that is natural and evolves naturally will eventually correct itself despite the intervention of Man back to the original form.

A true scientist would stick to their guns and question the anomalies that take place and be curious as to why nature always corrects itself instead of trying to “fix” it. The resistance to do so can hinder the exploration and understanding of unexpected findings. By acknowledging and addressing these anomalies, scientists can refine their theories and advance knowledge. So then you might ask … why are there so many unexplainable “anomalies” that do not just eventually correct themselves. Maybe the perspective is wrong here. Why are we so sure that strange, unexplained and abnormal things in reality need to be fixed?

According to some experts who specialize in the field of genetics there as many as 7,000 genetic disorders that all come from genetic mutations that develop in the human genome. I am skeptical about how many are truly natural to the human being. They might not all be natural. I have a feeling that there are many health problems and genetic problems we now have that were created due to various issues with environment and due to man’s intervention being misused. There are many genetic disorders that people are born with that occurred because of their parent having it due to an external situation that was not natural in the first place. There is an uptick in poor health and there are more people sick from one thing or another. It is common place now. People should be looking at the situation as abnormal and unnatural. However, I think that one could say safely that there are about 4,000 naturally occurring genetic anomalies (within natural evolution of the human genome) that take place in nature.

Such as unnecessary eyes in fruit flies. And maybe that is normal. It’s just people want to fret and try to change things that can’t be changed. Sometimes we need to be satisfied with only being able to maintain it or accept it. Or both. I would like to note that this is the sort of thing that requires genuine thought and discernment. There are situations that we can help and that we can do something about. And there are things that we won’t ever have control over dispute how hard we try to intervene.

Human beings are natural and part of this system so what we do is part of that and we can help to shape the way reality continues. But we have to learn that there are perimeters that are set in place. That does not mean that we do not have the power to create or change. It just means that we can not change how the operation of reality functions. Genetic disorders (or the mutations that occur in the subject) do not necessarily cause a disease even though they can be classified as one.

Some mutations can cause no apparent issues. Such as the case of Congenital General Hypertrichosis (CGH). If something forms naturally then that is how it will always work because that is the state it is in originally.

When a genetic mutation is forced to correct itself by using man’s intervention it will always revert back to the natural anomaly unless constantly maintained. Whatever way that organism was originally formed in is the state it wants to be in because that is normal for it. Anything outside of that is like forcing a puzzle piece into a space that it doesn’t belong in. This is nature. Nature isn’t perfect and it isn’t meant to be. And it is always changing. That might actually make it a little more fun to discover.

This is what happened with the fruit flies. They evolved naturally with eyes that are not necessarily essential to their survival, but they have them anyway. Scientists tried to alter the genetics that developed naturally, and nature set it back to the original genetic makeup.

Scientists are trying to discover how reality works but at the same time when they have something like this with results, they can’t just explain with a materialist mind frame they will bury it. And when this happens it just tells me that the ego is out of control. Some people just want to be in control over all things.

Perhaps people should stop trying to control how we develop and just let nature … and everything within it … develop as it will. Be part of this beautiful reality not it’s ruler. Develop and grow with it. What a beautiful idea that there is a natural balance between the physical and the non-physical in how we develop and evolve.

If you were to consider that both are necessary then you would have to recognize that our spiritual body, the non-physical self, the soul … whatever you want to call it … is its own muscle and just like the physical body evolves so does the non-physical. The soul is like another part of the body that should be accepted as human anatomy. Just like we have to take care of and maintain the physical body we should also be taking care of and maintaining the spiritual body. And fussing over it in order to change it, “correct” it or remove it could be considered the same as suicide.

Every time some new discovery is made, and the conclusion of the experiment ends in something of a metaphysical or spiritual question the experiment gets shut down. The individual might want to investigate further but the scientific community and institution will make sure that no further investigation is possible. People who have explored outside of the institutional body have ended up being targeted and ridiculed. Some of the braver of our scientists have even had their careers destroyed. We should all be asking why this is the case.

We should never be limiting our exploration in this beautiful reality. We should be pushing at the barriers all the time but also understanding that the perimeters of reality are what set the bar. NOT the scientific community or the institutions. Discovery should NEVER have anything to do with politics or the status quo. Discovery should have no limits.

Discovery is what makes things in this beautiful reality worth it and exciting no matter what that discovery leads to.

Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!

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