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- Shout out to RR: Check out the website, all the great hosts and if you can throw a few bucks their way that always goes a long way in showing your support to a platform dedicated to free speech.
- In this first show we are going to be talking about complaining about the condition and what is this really doing for us. I would say nothing that is constructive so let's talk a little about it and dismantle this behavior. Let's set a standard and raise that bar back to where it should be. Ya' know, maybe somewhere above ground at least. If you listen to this show each week you will hear about all sorts of topics. I will be discussing history, sharing some personal experiences from time to time and once in a while will be sharing my take on spirituality. I do a lot of writing so I will be reading to you some of the work I write about. We are also going to be inviting some amazing guests each month. You will get to know many new people all with great work. I will always do what I can to bring the absolute objective truth and hopefully along the way you might be able to learn something new to consider. I look forward to building a great new relationship with Revelation Radio and all its listeners. Thank you all for joining me today.
Please feel free to message me with your thoughts, questions or even your ideas on subjects to cover.
So, let's get to our main topic today.
Complaining about the Condition
We are living in a world that is full of beauty and mystery with always new discoveries to be made. This beautiful planet we live on, and share has so much to offer. It has everything we need. This planet is a variety of life on it that expresses itself in many, unique ways. We are so very lucky to be here with that in mind.
The other side of this coin is that, unfortunately, we also have some of that life who are either born psychopathic or are easily led into being psychopathic and this distorts this beautiful plant. This small group have people have somehow taken over our world and now control its current condition. This is certainly a problem needing to be addressed.
But first, let's talk about our own behavior in regard to this.
Within the last handful of years I have noticed this developing new trend, a trend that seems to be ramping up where people are going online and complaining about the condition of the world and that of which their lives are in. Claiming in a general context about all sorts of arbitrary, irrelevant things or generally feeling sorry for themselves. None of these same people do anything to make a change about it but all find their way online to share it.
My first question to this for you all to consider is what is the end game here? Is there a motive for doing this? Is this person who is doing this actually serious or are they just looking for attention? Is it just easier to complain about something rather than to do something that is actually constructive? Ask yourselves these questions and be honest about it. I would be happy to hear anyone's take on this. So please be sure to leave your thoughts or questions in the chat for me to review.
No matter what the person supports or believes in, some people will just go looking for attention because this behavior creates that sought after dopamine surge. That's what all those complainers are doing out there. They are just looking for something to make their days a little more exciting. It's the thrill of being part of the community, the group involvement … even if in a negative context … because all people (even if they don’t admit it) are social creatures to some extent. Even introverts like myself like some company from time to time. It can be a difficult thing to be alone so sometimes you just gotta' show some patience to find your people. Especially … when personal issues need to be work out.
So anyways, complaining about the condition of the world without some sort of solution is a problem. This shows how people are losing their ability to use thought, emotion and action in order to navigate their environment, their personal lives and the reality they experience. And it also shows how most of them don’t seem to care.
I am not saying we shouldn't be concerned about the current state of affairs, but we should consider that if we allow all the nightmares in this world to affect us in a negatively charged, emotional way then we will never get a handle on it. We will all be stuck in this pattern and then complaining about the condition with no efforts to effect any change in regard to said condition.
We are being subconsciously trained into being disconnected from each other by using our own choices and we don't even know it. It's a manipulation. A clever slight of hand that is meant to fool the mind. But how could we connect when we're all over medicated, over fed and over worked half to death. It's difficult to really see, or even care for, the truth when we are all so worn out. The physical world has overpowered our natural, inherent physical and spiritual senses. The senses that give us the ability to discern and navigate through the physical properly.
On that note, people have a right to destroy themselves in any way they choose. If someone chooses to make poor decisions based off of emotional triggers and use this as an excuse to escape into a vice, finding a way to escape, understand that that is all that is happening. I am not going to tell people how to live but I would ask that people consider what I am saying and really take some time to evaluate it. I wouldn't personally recommend for people to escape into a vice. Just keep in mind that all decisions have consequences.
The real issue here is the use of force on others using emotional, spiritual or environmental blackmail. My body, my rules. This concept originating from various equal rights movements going as far back (and maybe even further) as the
Renaissance Period and throughout our human history have been usurped and corrupted by none other than the dark occult, parasitic class.
Let me pause for a moment here and put some framework around what I mean by the dark occult, parasite class.
These are psychopaths who don't have the ability to be creative or feel any emotion because their brains are wired wrong from the get-go. It's a genetic mutation that causes brain damage while developing in the womb. Not that this justifies their behavior. They still grow up in a world where it is obvious you don’t behave immorally or without ethics. The word psychopathy is a joining of the Greek words psyche (ψυχή) "soul" and pathos (πάθος) "suffering, feeling". The first documented use is from 1847 in Germany as psychopatisch, and the noun psychopath has been traced to 1885. In medicine, patho- has a more specific meaning of disease (Thus pathology has meant the study of disease since 1610, and psychopathology has meant the study of mental disorder in general since 1847.
So, after knowing this you would be able to then identify what a genetically born psychopath really is. A sick soul. One that is suffering as it is trapped in a physical shell that is too damaged to be able to properly function. It may as well be a rabid animal.
Keep in mind now, I am not talking about secondary psychopathy. I am only addressing the naturally inborn genetic mutation of psychopathy.
When the brain does not function well, especially in this way, there is no empathy, no care, no love, no hate and certainly no creative thought, emotion or action. This is why the parasite class does not even have the ability to produce an independent or creative thought. They just take from what is already here, from our own history (ever wonder why "history repeats itself"), from what we (non-psychopaths) create, and they usurped it. They take the good that people manifest and distort it into something toxic or worse a weapon against us. You can find an endless amount of examples of this as proof if you study history. It's Earth Human History on repeat. This parasitic class are nothing more than narcissistic, gaslighting copycats who commit endless crimes against humanity without ever being held accountable.
This not only keeps us divided. It also keeps us in the mood to complain aimlessly while also being too emotionally and spiritually beaten down to do much about it.
Now, if we were to put a person afflicted with this into a cat scan machine, we would be able to SEE how the neurons in the brain misfire. But then, we can’t just go shoving people into machines to prove anything, can we now? We must learn how to discern and navigate this world and the situations we come across in an emotionally and spiritually adult fashion in order to operate with a clear head. One has the choice to either ask questions or not in order to sort things out. This is channeling that inner detective. This is free will. And that is ALWAYS within our control. Some choose to be The Fool and jump off that cliff being fearless against all odds, and some choose to slap that key out of the hand that is being offered to them.
Show no fear when facing this world or it’s evil. Living in fear is exactly where the parasite class wants us. To bow down and never question their false authority.
So as the example I was giving about the equal rights movement, this went from body autonomy all the way to the other side of this scale of abortions taking place late term. California is one of the only states that allows it. The entire feminist movement went from just wanting to be seen as an equal to their male counterparts to being about the ability murder an unborn child just because you don’t want to bother with it. Talk about satanic inversion. And these parasites are rounding up all the useful dupes in order to achieve these goals. They pull on that false heart string. Manipulating a situation to make it look like care when really it is destruction, slavery and death. Controlling the minds and hearts of the people so no action ever takes place.
I would suggest that we stop this sort of behavior in its tracks. Before it is too late and there is ONLY those of us who are too young to remember the past and this inverted world the parasite class is building is ALL that is left. That requires an ACTION on our part.
Ultimately, people get what they ask for no matter negative or positive. And you don’t even have to verbally ask for it. Your thoughts, emotions and physical actions themselves are the clarion call that goes out when conducting oneself within this beautiful reality.
The condition that we are experiencing out there in this physical world is due to, and only due to, how we have chosen to ignore the actual problem. That being a dark occult, parasitic class. And don’t be fooled. This small population of global leaders and elite class ARE parasites. They feed off of us. They only survive because of us, and they would starve without us. That is why they are so eager to keep us enslaved, fighting amongst ourselves. Complaining on the internet to strangers. Debating (or rather arguing) about nonsense. And usually the argument rebuttal is the "Nuh-uh" approach. What better way than to get us to believe that we have no power at all. We 'The People' have slept while they took over more and more control over even the smallest elements of our lives. We allowed the tyranny to take place because we became lazy, unempathetic and fearful when put to the true test.
When are we 'The People' going to be sick and tired of the condition in the world? The condition that we created by not paying attention or enacting any care, or more importantly … any action.
To this some people may automatically think, "Well, you just need to vote in the right guy". Oh yeah? How has that turned out so far for everyone? Aren't we all tired of the system being rigged? Is everyone really happy with the concept of voting in a guy to lead us? Aren't we all ready to grow up a little here and start leading our own lives? That is certainly debatable.
I mean, we have had a few, a small handful, of presidents that have put in their best effort to help guide 'The People' and teach them or warn them to guard their freedom well but they have been always overpowered by this dark occult, parasitic class that has been operating on this planet for probably centuries. The efforts these past presidents have made in this were not, and continue to not, be enough. They needed us to stand up and take back the reigns. And we failed to understand this.
Such as understanding what a coast-to-coast militia actually is, by understanding the fallacy of institution and governmental overreach, by understanding that a president is put in place as a vocal representative ONLY that was ORIGINALLY a volunteer appointment. That means you don’t get paid for it. In return for the obligation you get housed, fed and clothed and generally maintained by the community at large. Look how these positions have turned into some of the highest paying jobs?
No political figure should be getting paid a wage on top of their representation. This should not be a career path option available. It is a volunteer position only, because the SPIRIT of "The People" are speaking through the figure. That is the original idea.
So, to all those political figures (psychopath or otherwise) who may be out there, go get a day job. Your political work is meant to be voluntary. Because you're supposed to feel an obligation to humanity to serve and represent in a moral and ethical manner. If you don’t have that pull within you to be a service to humanity than you picked the wrong line of work.
In any rate, these parasites that are in control now are the big bad bully in town. I don’t know about you, but I have a zero-tolerance bully policy. And I, personally, am tired of being abused, lied to, manipulated and controlled by them. How about you? Are you going to continue to sit there and allow them to create your condition by using your own inaction?
There really are not too many legitimate excuses as to why someone cannot create a better life for themselves. Especially if they live in a first world country like The United States of America. I know some people are not going to like that statement but it's true regardless. We really do have it made (even if it is not perfect). We are really quite lucky to be here and not in some second or third world country that is ran by outright, out in the open dark occult parasites.
The people who first migrated to the USA (as in not whatever current official state authority at the time) had come to this place in order to get away from the tyranny they were being subjected to. They risked everything they had including their way of life and what they knew as "normal" in hopes to change their condition not just for themselves but for their futures (a.k.a. their children). People even left all their worldly possessions behind in order to attain some sense of freedom. They understood what actual sacrifice was and they were willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. Even facing the unknown and any potential danger. And here we all are. Taking all of that sacrifice for granted. Complaining about the condition instead of doing something about the condition. A condition that most people do not even understand as to WHY it is in this condition. All these complainers know is that they are unhappy. God forbid, they look inwards to truly discover anything. Like learning how to fix some of the problems they have by fixing some of those inner issues we all struggle with.
I know that life has become difficult, and we have a dirty government and we have corrupted institutions, but it got like this because we choose to kneel instead of stand and allowed it to get this bad. You want this condition to change? Then take back your power. Learn how to use your thoughts, emotions and actions in order to create a better condition for yourself and your future. That IS the solution! The experience we have in this beautiful reality of ours IS the meaning to life. Stop trying to over complicate it and learn to create an experience. You certainly won't affect ANY change by complaining like a baby online. Get off social media for a while and go out into the world.
In fact, try this little social experiment if you dare. Disconnect your cell phone carrier and only use a house phone. Try it out. See if you have a change in even your own thoughts, emotions and actions. Document the side effects.
Anyways, complaining on the internet, so as to only get people to post up "poor baby" or "triggered" responses, should make people feel embarrassed. And antagonizing people just to get a response or for attention is, well, kind of annoying. I understand empathy and I understand (very well, in fact) living a hard life but to use this to feel sorry for ourselves and draw inauthentic attention to ourselves SHOULD feel shameful. To use it to victimize ourselves is moving backwards in our personal spiritual development. This is doing exactly what the parasite class, the dark occultists, the ruling class expect us to do. They are laughing at us. If anything this mockery should make one angry about the current condition of the world. The audacity of these parasites to think they can control us and then laugh in our faces while doing it.
Example, using the world of art, that has been a way to express truth and spiritual development throughout our human history … and turning it into an institutional degree that teaches young, impressionable artists to think that art has something to do with politics, mental illness and sexual exploitation. This is even ramped up from the money laundering scam that the classical art world is still being used as. This is an example of satanic inversion and every time someone does art in this way the parasite class laugh historically over it.
Creating art is not about dying your hair pink. It's about reaching into the soul and talking to Spirit.
Go and look up the new Marin Luther King memorial statue that was just built. That was designed by some brainwashed, young artist fresh out of art school and FUNDED by their local city council, who is being funded by 'The Peoples' tax dollars. It was a slap in the face to all authentic artists who would have created something beautiful and an insult to the entire freedom movement in general. That's just my take on it anyway.
The FACT is that these ruling class, parasites have made us believe that we have no power and no ability to enforce our power. That is, in this case, the sacred gift of anger. This type of anger is not an empty, senseless anger. It is sacred and this is the tool that must be used in order to create the change in removing the parasitic class.
Is the condition that we are experiencing really the condition we want to be in? Are we really happy complaining on the internet without any constructive action taking place?
Get a grip. Grow up. Stop making excuses and DO something about the condition you say you are unhappy about. It doesn't matter what skin color you have, or what job you have, or what your housing situation is or even what health condition you have. All people have the power to make a change in this beautiful reality we all share through the results of our actions. I would even add to that statement that even some of those who have a physical or mental restriction also have the ability to make changes to their environment to some degree but just keep in mind that when there is always going to be a small part of the population who cannot just defend themselves or their inherent rights then the rest of us should have enough adult wherewithal to understand that we need to step up to that particular plate.
Why? Because we are all fractions of Spirit, Source, God, That Which Set All Things Into Motion and that force is a creative, artistic force. It WANTS to experience this physical reality in all ways. And we are given ALL the tools in order to achieve this. The trick is to tap into it and utilize these incredible tools. Pull down that brick wall built of fear, hate and "I can't" excuses and show this reality and the parasite class what you are really made of.
As an example if I were to say to people, "I have a difficult medical condition, there for I have NO POWER to impact this reality." I would get, not just from my environment of family, friends, peer community and doctors, but from my own High Self a big, fat crybaby violin to play. They would all say, "well, you could go cry into your milk about it."
Really, High Self Sara would only say, "I don’t have any milk for you to cry into so … what are you going to DO about it?" Noone is at fault that I have a difficult medical condition and yes, this does cripple me to a certain extent. I can't walk, breath or move very well. But my BRAIN isn't broken. It took work to get to where I am at today but ALL things take work. That's what makes the end result worth it. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in this experience (or any experience) worth having comes easy. And it shouldn't because if it did how would we know the difference? If it was easy then what would be the point. Nobody but you is going to swoop in to be your savior, holding your hand and cooing at you when you are feeling sorry for yourselves. I KNOW there are people worse off than me. I KNOW that I have limitations. I also KNOW that I have power and the ability to use my thoughts, emotions and actions to create a condition that works for me. And so do all of you. I will NOT be limited by my physical setbacks. That is my testament to this current physical expression. I am not a baby. I am not even a survivor. I am a fighter and I want to stand with fellow fighters in this effort.
All it takes to understand how to activate this warrior within yourself is to learn how to use thought, emotion and action and to accept truth before fantasy. Take your time. Use love and patience as your tool to build this skill within yourself until it is second nature.
You ARE the power. Don't allow anyone to convince you otherwise. Tap into it by whatever means possible. You are the paintbrush and this reality is your canvas. Be what you are designed to be. Be the artist who is creating the condition that we all share in this beautiful reality. Just know that this kind of creating … it takes nurturing. So give yourselves a break while you're at it and understand you can't do everything yourself. Be part of the team!
This is your solution.
Ya' know, it is a perfectly reasonable response to be unhappy or a little anxious or even depressed about the state of things currently. More and more people are claiming some form of mental illness and running to a doctor to get medicated for it not even considering that the reason they are experiencing this is BECAUSE of the state of the world right now. It's a race to the bottom and people are actually proud of this behavior. Noone wants to consider that they are just responding, on a spiritual level, to the messy world we currently live in. Not everyone, in fact it is fairly rare in the natural world, is born with the mental illnesses we have that crop up in the human genome. It is not really as common as people are lead to think. It can, however, be created my toxic consumption of almost anything such as food and medicine. And, of course, being brainwashed into believing fantasy over truth. Living in fantasy can certainly lead to an unhealthy mental state.
You could say it is only because of the parasite class who are just really putting their foot down on the gas petal and taking full control (which in some ways this is not entirely inaccurate) or you could say it is because we "The People" have done almost nothing to combat it (also true).
People are so busy being "right", they are so busy being disconnected from themselves and from each other, that they have lost sight of the main goal. Which is to free this world and allow others to live free as they choose, so long as they do not harm other people while doing it.
I would even say (though not a popular idea) that it would be good for people to go back to a time when instant gratification was not so easily acquired, where people had to actually work for the life that they wanted, where they were being held accountable for their actions. A time in history where, even when rights where being violated, complaints were not made about such events, rather, actions took place to correct the violations.
On that thought, technology has a lot to offer us. It has made our lives better in so many ways. Unfortunately, it has also made some people lazy, rude, unaccountable and generally dumber. Mostly, what people are using technology for … is complaining on the internet with it. People are using technology instead of their brains, hearts and bodies to live their lives. People are relying on tech to do things for them instead of them actually DOING things.
I won’t say this is everyone, of course, it isn't EVERYONE, but it does seem to certainly be the majority. And now we have the power of A.I. out in the open. These same people think that A.I. is just going to make everything better! They actually think that this tech will usher in a world of less human slavery. It'll be Star Trek! The Next Generation! They only see the ideal future they hope for to take place, not the reality of how this can and will be used against us. You can probably thank TV and movies for those sorts of delusions.
These people are smoking crack. What an utter fantasy. Remember, living in fantasy is living in slavery.
A.I. tech, in fact any tech at all, is not a savior to humanity and it’s problems. It is only a tool that can be just as corrupted and just as controlled as anything else by whoever has the power over it. That depends on the morality and ethics level of those controllers. The only savior we have is ourselves, how we practice moral behaver within our lives and what we DO with our thoughts, emotions and actions in this beautiful reality. And COMPLAING about the condition, or about others and what THEY do, will not get any of the problems solved either. All that does is churn the pot. And the parasite class is still laughing at us.
Learn to use technology for your benefit rather than allowing technology to use you to your detriment.
Again, I implore, grow up. Get a grip. Pull yourself together and put all your personal grips aside for a minute (do all your inner work separately so you can heal properly) and realize that we are all ultimately part of the same team. That is not me being all optimistic or all "love and light" as they like to call it in more New Agey circles. This is me setting aside by prejudice against preferences and saying, "Okay, you want to be part of this such and such thing. Fine. Do you know the difference between right and wrong? What is your solution here? Are you willing to become the perceived enemy to not only the true enemy but to the very people you side with in order to obtain that freedom? Are you capable of "bending like a reed in the wind"? Are you willing to go that extra mile?
Do you realize that it doesn't matter how we get there? How we free this world and its inhabitants. That it only matters … THAT WE GET THERE?"
Well, first I would say to that … to the people who are willing to "not be friends" with people in order to spread and share truth regardless of popularity, I lift my hat to you. What a trooper.
Second, I would say, to all of those who think that we have to agree about every single arbitrary detail … you are being childish and producing next to zero results. Where and what are your solutions? How are you going to produce those solutions?
For the record, complaining endlessly … that's not a solution.
Come up with a plan. Because the parasite class … they have one. And they are actively using it against all of us. It's an onslaught. We are being physically and spiritually massacred.
We don’t have to be friends. We don’t have to even like each other. There is no rule here that says we all have to be BFFs forever just because we all want the same thing. The GOAL is the SAME. So don’t allow yourselves to get sidetracked. Don’t allow arbitrary details get in the way.
So get a grip. Get a handle on your thoughts, emotions and actions and be a spiritual adult. That's the solution.
Our differences do not matter in the long run. Only our actions matter. Using our differences to divide ourselves is exactly what the parasite class wants us to do. Divide and conquer. Works like a charm. A beautiful symphony of disorder and chaos, of hate before truth, of perception over reality.
This is the psychological war strategy of the parasite class. This is the "Tower of Babel" playbook. "The Tower of Babel" is actually quite an interesting subject to me. My theory is that it gives some insight into some of our human history. Almost like a Grimm Fairy Tale, if you know that is. Which are lessons and warning about this or that danger or behavior. One of the handful of stories in The Bible that does this. The Bible has many positive things to offer. It's just too bad that the Bible is full of so much fan-fiction on top of that. This is where some of that discernment skill comes into play. It's almost like reading through a Dungeons & Dragons manual. But "The Tower of Babel" has elements to it that I consider. Let's review the story real quick.
"The Tower of Babel" (KJV Genesis 11: 1-9) is a story where a community of people, who are all races and languages. Despite their differences they work and live together. They even get along with each other. They build a community together in a healthy, constructive way and all functions as it should in a thriving society. Then, out of nowhere "God" looks at the community and makes out like this is a problem.
Let's read:
"And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone had they for mortar. And they said, go to let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
Okay let's pause for just a moment and look at this first part. Here we have a group of people who are clearly a mixed group and they have decided that they want to build a community. They even give a warning here. That is, that they should unify so nothing can divide them. They all have the same goals despite all their differences.
Continuing on:
"And the lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men builded and the lord said "behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they will begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech"
Okay, we gotta' stop again. Just listen to what this is saying. In this story God is conferring with … himself? … because what? God has multiple personality disorder? … who is "God" talking to? … and is unhappy with the people unifying and creating a functional existence for themselves through using the gifts that God has given them. The people are using their inherent right to thought, emotion and action and free will … and God is unhappy about it? So Gods plan is to go a stir the pot and cause a little mayhem.
Let's continue:
"So the lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth and from thence did the lord scatter them abroad across the face of the earth."
Looks like God was successful in his plan. To destroy his own children from creating anything without his say-so. Weird.
Let's look at this a little more closely.
In the original translations the word being used for "lord" in this passage is the word "Yah-Weh". This has been generally accepted to mean God. However, there is a hitch in this. It’s a misunderstanding of the interactions that initially took place. From the very start Yah-Weh was the term used to describe God BECAUSE there was a volcano in the area and the word used to describe the sound of the volcano’s explosion was the word Yah-Weh. Yah-Weh is the representation of the volcano forge God that resided in the volcano. How the Christen God got the nickname Yah-Weh was because he descended from the volcano. Or so the people perceived. So, thinking about this in a wider lens that you have people from a more primitive time period, and they are trying to get a handle on what they are experiencing.
To me, when I look at this, I see not God but someone playing as God and just telling people that he is God. Like perhaps, an off-worlder or a more advanced human? A dark occult, parasite …. And the people of the time are just being duped. Something to consider, at least.
Another odd little detail to keep in that consideration file. In the Bible the term "Eloheim" is used to describe God. This word doesn't mean God, however. It means specifically "divine judges". In the plural. Meaning more than one. Even the singular version of this "Eloah" means "divine judge" not "God".
Personally, I don't think that God, Source, That Which Set All Things Into Motion would refer to itself as divine. This would be a toxic egoic trait. And the goal is not to allow the ego to have you but to get the ego in check so as to operate like a spiritual adult.
To me it sounds like a bunch of ruling class parasites found a group or people and/or a planet they could manipulate and took over.
We will get into more of odd stuff I found in the Bible in later shows but I'll just add this here for your consideration file.
In the meantime …
Do you really want to be played like that? Open your mind, heart and body to the truth of the matter. Be honest with yourself. As long as we all allow the ruling, parasite class to get in the way of our connections with each other and our spiritual growth the longer we will remain enslaved to them and their psychopathic whims.
As a side note, if anyone wants the original translations of The Bible in the Greek and Hebrew just send me a message and I will direct you. It's a free download.
And lastly, if you are in a fortunate position to be in a first world country such as The United States of America, understand … yes, it is pretty messed up here right now (and by my own estimation it will get worse before it gets better so prepare), HOWEVER, we have far MORE than what most other people have in other parts of the world. We are extraordinarily lucky if you think about this in the big picture of it all. We have the literal world at our fingertips at all times. Even homeless people have smart phones who have access to the internet.
Even though we are all oppressed and living under the rule of the parasite class at large we also have more access to all the perks to what the first world makes accessible. We have the opportunity to use this to our advantage.
So, stop being a baby. Get yourself together and stop doing the work for the parasite class. Put aside your differences and keep your personal baggage at home. The sooner that we all see that we are on the same team, as long as our ultimate goal is global human freedom which is (whether people like it or not!) a stepping stone process (because some people need training wheels in order to behave like something other than dumb animals) the sooner we will all achieve that goal.
Don’t be played by parasites. Be the artist who fights back and does something to change that condition out there.
To leave you with a parting thought: "The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart." Quotes from the 1927 movie 'Metropolis'. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it.
Thank you everybody for being here and listening! Message me with any questions or thoughts and I will be sure to address them in the next show! See ya' next time for another rambling on Cross Talk!
If you enjoy my work, please consider donating a few bucks as times is tough. All donations are greatly appreciated and allow me to continue to do this great work.