A discussion on authentic art vs. inauthentic art and why it is important to know the difference. See what you can do to change the course of history just by understanding the language of art.

One of the largest divides I see in this world today is the divide people create for themselves. That big, fat, black hard line they draw between themselves and everyone else. People have been conditioned now to isolate themselves within their owns minds and the only other people they ever let in are the people that only fit the molds others approve of. This is destroying our ability to connect with each other and develop into spiritually whole human beings. It is slowly killing us all. The ruling class almost doesn't have to do anything at all. They only lend us their influence and bad ideas that the conditioned individual bobs their head at enthusiastically. We are doing the majority of their work for them.

Artistic expression is almost non-existent in the formal or classical formats. If you were to ask the random anybody on the street if they know the names of any artist, inventor, scientist or scholar. There is a good chance they won’t be able to name anyone. Unless it is someone like Elon Musk who is only so well-known because he is still alive, very rich and makes a lot of noise in the media. You can say that art, science and history are all but dead. This idea of "dead art" is a programed condition that begins with the children we are stewarding. "Get the job done with the kids," said the Nazi. And they were correct. It is generational conditioning through long-term development and programing. Start young and you will have less work to worry about later.

There is currently too much of the "everyone goes home with a trophy" and sucking up to those who have never even tried to build a skill thought process and not enough recognition (or appreciation) for those who have studied a skill for the majority of their lives. For those who have spent many years, or lives, developing. Even with just this kind of behavior alone it destroys all hopes for the future of art. And all hope for reality. This is where is begins.

God is a creative force. It cannot help but be that. It is an artist by nature and trade. It can only create more art and artists who create art. Nothing else. It has a set of basic parameters (The Hermetic Principles) and opens up to free-will, spontaneous adventure. God creates, so its creative expression creates. It's a Pay-It-Forward system by natural progression. This is the true artist.

So, when art is "dead" so is all of reality as it is now.

There is a saying, "Those who can't do … teach." This saying is usually referring to art teachers or those who have never had a successful art career but who know something about the subject. This isn't the case for all art teachers or instructors, but I have met quite a few in my time, throughout grade school and some collage time, where I have been "instructed" by art teachers who know nothing about how to use the natural instinct of creating anything. They have become exactly what they were conditioned to become by the ruling class. They will want you to follow this textbook format. It is dead art by definition. Art school in itself is a tool of the ruling class to create dead art. That is its’ sole purpose. This is why you have things like the new MLK statue in Washington or the Butt Plug Statue in Paris or work by "artists" like Hunter Biden. Not only are these money laundering operations they are the result of conditioned "dead art" syndrome.

You would also have to keep in mind that more and more in this modern world it is harder and harder to have any kind of successful art career. It has been slowly taken over by the industry of modern technology and the constant cycle of conditioning of each new generation. There is more digital art and now A.I. constructed art then there is art that is hand-drawn or painted. Though keep in mind, the art created by A.I. is all just art that has been previously added to the internet by artists who share their work freely. A.I. just takes fractions of what is already available. Nothing new about it. Another example of "dead art". Not that digital art is bad. I have done a little of it myself, but the skill of creating art on a surface (that you can't always change, that you may have to throw away and start over, that you can't just delete a "bad" layer) this is a different skill and requires forward planning at all times. It also requires fore-thought, experience and the knowledge to know when and where you have gone off track. Sometimes the only way to find the right way forward with the work again is to start over.  

It does not help that now we have these new political movements that play at being for "freedom of expression". The woke mentality has turned into this toxic mind-set that is warping the idea of art and giving all art and artists a bad name. Not to mention anyone who happens to be different such as the homosexual, transsexual and drag queen communities. God forbid someone who is born as a Siamese twin or something as different as all that. If it keeps going on like this it'll create a world where anyone who is different or anyone who has a wish to express themselves in a "free spirit" type of way will no longer be accepted by the majority. We will be thrown back into the dark ages where people who are considered "different" will be ostracized or persecuted for it. Maybe even murdered for it.

It'll be a "Brave New World" future we live in. A world where only conformity is an acceptable outcome. All defects will be removed by the metaphorical "Sanitation Department".

The ruling class has successfully taken over the art world and turned it into a lifeless industry. Art schools churn out soulless, atheist, materialist students who are speaking the same language as the ruling class. They are just as conditioned, and brain washed as those who support and stand by the government and create their personalities around politics.

I have met many, many artists that come from all over the world. I have met very few truly, inspiring artists who are creating from within themselves. The majority of artists that I have met, I am saddened to say are empty inside, following whatever path their formal art school narrative trained them to follow. Many people I know who came out of art school have even admitted to me that they wish they never went to art school. It killed their desire to do art, at least as a professional. I've been told stories about art collage instructors who would literally tell their students to copy other artists and call it their own work.

Then we have the issue of the taxpayers who are paying for community services, including the art within our communities, statues being built that are meant to represent something or someone important but only turn out to be these monstrosities. One example of this is the new Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. It should be insulting to every single Black American that this statue that looks like human waste is meant to memorialize one of our greatest activist leaders in our time. It is insulting to me as an artist and an activist for freedom. That statue is the ruling class spitting in our faces. And it was designed by a young art school student, fresh out of the indoctrination plant.

Art comes from the soul within. The Spirit inside all of us is already an artist in its own right. It is the motivation behind us, Spirits' manifestation in the physical. God is a free-spirit artist and has proven this by creating…everything in existence. For those out there that bristle when the word 'God' is mentioned, this is just a word, but a word we use to give a name to something we don’t fully understand. At least until we gain all the appropriate knowledge.

God is Spirit. Spirit is God. This is the same force. The difference is that God has created fractures of itself and dropped them into the physical reality, using us as the vehicle. This allows God/Spirit to fully express itself. As we are part of this greatness, we have the ability to tap into that power and create through free-will decisions. This is a gift. And we, as a collective human race, have allowed it to rot. This gift we have been given is sitting in an attic in the back of our minds collecting dust and society as a whole is making it obsolete. We have taken it for granted.

As I mentioned, art is about expression from within. It comes from the very depths of the soul. It is inspired by Spirit. And there is no need for us to prove this by following the majority that is building into the army of woke, art school artists. It's almost like artists are now trying to prove their worth to a world that never really understood them in the first place. It is overcompensating. Young minds are being conditioned that to be an artist they have to fall in line with the narrative. That they can't be an artist unless they accept every single part of the satanic agenda. Not that they know it is satanic. They are being taught this is the "moral" way of thinking. But this is what Satanists see as moral. It is from the perspective of the victor. Just like in every single war this world has ever experienced. At face value we are told what the winner says is true and that becomes the official story forever. Or at least until it is exposed.

Industry and institutions have all been infiltrated. This has overwhelmed the people. It is an exhausting exercise to fight the wave. People want to think it is political. It isn't a political problem. It only looks like that because the Satanists know people are easily distracted and all they have to do is give them something to focus their resentment on. So, on the outside it seems political. Really the problem is Satanists have done everything they can, successfully, to infiltrate every position of power they can in this world. People want to find someone to blame, so they build a resentment towards this political figure or that one. This is part of the conditioning program, to make us not see Truth even when it is front of us.

It is not this one political person or that other political person that is to blame. It is the MAJORITY of political people on the larger scale of it because these people are all part of the same satanic agenda. Voting for the wrong people is NOT the problem. It is voting for people who are Satanists that’s the problem. When all options are really just part of the same team then what difference does it make? Choosing the lesser of two evils is not the solution. It's not even moral. But most are unable to see the Wood for the Tree.

Satanists are the ONLY problem.

People forget that a person can be nice, well-kept and friendly AND also be a liar, a pedophile and a psychopath. It isn't difficult to get someone to like you. All you need is a little charm and wherewithal. And just like that people are fooled by their favorite public figure. No matter the industry.

Art should NEVER be political. Art is a tool to teach Truth. And the Satanists know this. They took the gift of art and corrupted it for their own gain. And we the people let it happen.

Check out this video to hear a discussion on authentic art vs. inauthentic art and why it is important to know the difference. See what you can do to change the course of history just by understanding the language of art and the soul.

Find more of the work done by Leslie Powers and Derek Bartolacelli who both create amazing content as individuals and as a team on Dissolving the Divide. Here are links so you can explore their knowledge further:

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