Join us to get thinking!

I had the great pleasure of being asked to join Crypt Rick on his show "I've Been Thinking". What an amazing conversation we had. Come and take a listen and let us know your comments or questions.
Here is some of the highlights we discussed!
Thought, Emotion and Action; The True Holy Trinity
The Holy Trinity. What is it really, what do we do with it and how do we use it? The true Holy Trinity is the power that we all have within us. That is, the power of thought, emotion and action. This concept is an allegory used to explain this tool that all people have access to within themselves. This power is not Godly, but a mechanism of the physical and non-physical reality. It is the system of the spiritual tool box.
The tool:
Thought, Emotion, Action.
The allegory:
The Father, The Mother, The Son. (As well as many other allegorical concepts throughout many belief systems and through-out our human history that we know of.)
How it is used:
The Negative: Media/Government, Medical/Pharma, Military/Police.
The Positive: Morality/Ethics, Understanding of Truth/Knowledge, Anarchy/Freedom.
These are all created from the same formula.
How it operates in the physical realm:
The Negative: Media/Gov is the Thought, Med/Pharm is the Emotion, Military/Police is the Action.
The Positive: Morality/Ethics is Thought, Understanding of Truth/Knowledge is Emotion, Anarchy/Freedom is Action.
Anyone can use this as a formula to create what they want to see manifest. It doesn't matter if the alchemist is aligned with morality or immorality.
Learn how to use this formula properly and learn how to create the world you want (hopefully one based in freedom) by operating within God's Law (or what some call Natural Law).
This is an equation that is simple and perfect in its formulation. Most people want to over think this because we have been conditioned to FEEL that nothing can just be simple and perfect. For these people everything, including life, must be complicated and difficult AT ALL TIMES; that all things that are important or that matters in any significant way has to be complicated and difficult to understand or achieve. This is a misconception. One that is created by people who would like to build a world based on hedonism. As well as people who want this information to be some magical knowledge that not everyone can understand. In our case, on this planet we call Earth, that would be the dark occult, parasite class and the useful dupes that can’t see the tree for the woods.
What is amazing about this is that we, as a human community of a global population of 8,045,311,447 (according to a quick Google search) have allowed a mere 3% (if we are being generous) of natural born psychopaths to usurp our entire planet and our connection to God/Spirit. They have successfully taken this planet by the metaphorical short hairs and the noose tightens around our necks with each new year we remain asleep, unaware or inactive.
The dark occult, parasite class has learned how to operate reality like a boss. They have perfect alignment with it. They know which strings to pull and when to pull them. They have mileage in experience. They know exactly how to rig the game.
So, what is the solution to this obvious problem. The only one I can see is that we learn how to use this formula, which is not magic and is not religion but a specific recipe of understanding, knowledge and truth that any individual can utilize with the same level of care and focus that our dark overlords use so well. We need to brush up on our personal capability and train our minds, hearts and bodies to create a force to be reckoned with. This is not done by getting others to think exactly like you. This is done first and foremost within the self and then is taught to those who are currently receptive. Keeping this in mind, not everyone is at the stage yet where they can hear the message you want to give. Everyone is on their own path and this is set up like this on purpose by Source. Of course, that does not mean you don’t try. To not try at all is to fail completely.
Learn to create properly and learn to be the master of yourself and your environment. When we learn to use this formula correctly we will see a difference in how the world around us changes and operates.
The dark occult, parasite class has had this world under their thumb for far too long. They have taken everything from us. Our culture and education, our medicine and health and our history and freedom. It has taken our understanding of true spirituality and I would call this the worst of these crimes. Hell-world will not magically appear during the end times spoken in any special book. We already live in Hell-world because we slept, dreaming away in fantasy land (fighting over nonsense like the shape of the planet and which celebrity is a man or woman) when we should have been standing and facing the enemy. When we should have been saying "No!" in the face of obviously wrong action. No reason to fear going to Hell when we already are living every day in it. So we may as well face it with the same level of will, strength and determination that our enemies do.
Heaven and Hell are allegories for what we, the individuals that have a connection to Spirit, create in the physical realm. We get to decide how this works. We either create Heaven with our moral actions or we create Hell with our immoral actions. So why are we giving this great power away? Why do we not use it?
In this modern, fractured world we have somehow become nothing more than docile house pets. We are a population of dumbed down animals. We have been treated like we are five-year-olds, given all the trinkets and distractions we require in order to allow the "adults" to carry on with it. Everything we have in this world is now designed to placate our feelings, interests and attention span. So we fell asleep while being rocked gently by false mother "care" (the medical industry) and kept asleep by false father "security" (the government). Is there going to be a day that comes when we no longer want to be kept like children? Are we ever going to grow up and learn how to navigate the world and its beautiful gifts?
We are all artists in this beautiful reality. Being an artist has nothing, I repeat…NOTHING, to do with talent. We are ALL artists in God's beautiful reality. We all have the ability to create here in this current (and all future) expression.
So what are you going to create?
There has to be some level of infrastructure in place. We cannot have a full anarchist society because we are outnumbered by the people who are still running around like dumb animals seeking only a vice that will make them feel good somehow. None of them are ready to be in an anarchist society. People are to selfish, to self-serving and to fear based to be able to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them.
When all systems of infrastructure are taken away (when there is nothing to limit the behaviors of dumb animals) simply because of a misconception that either nature is the answer to all things that go wrong or that dark occult parasite class scientist are the cause to all things that go wrong you eventually have a society that will collapse into itself and innocent people will suffer and die as a result. This is because nature does not have all the answers … because sometimes natural anomalies exist and will continue to exist. It is also because, even though the dark occult parasite class has created a lot of problems, they are not the cause of everything that goes wrong. Thinking that nature can just magically fix everything on its own without any of man's intervention or intuition is childish. Thinking that the dark occult parasite class is the cause to everything that goes wrong is childish.
Without the understanding that a constitutional republic and a coast-to-coast militia is necessary during this transition time of "growing up" there is nothing to limit the dumb animals who cannot even figure out that they shouldn't drive through a residential neighborhood going 50 miles an hour. Which happens in my own neighborhood. Everyone's a great driver till they hit a kid, right?
If all infrastructure was removed nothing stops the dumb animals from throwing the unknown and undesirable away into pest houses because of a lack of knowledge. In an anarchist society that is free to govern themselves BEFORE THE PEOPLE ARE READY to understand the responsibility of this you have dumb animals with short memories, who cannot even drive safely in a residential, shrugging their shoulders at what they don't understand and removing them to places left forgotten. No scientists, no engineers, no geneticists, no surgeons, no anything that is outside the knowledge scope of gardening, carpentry and Gods Law ends up in a world where we are "free except for those who cannot be helped".
It is an absolute guarantee. People are not ready to remove the training wheels.
When you take away all systems set in place the "abnormal" of society; the homosexual, poor, autistic, crazy and sick are just going to be thrown away into pest houses. It will revert into the dark ages of equality rights. They will be pushed away and forgotten because no one knows or cares about what to do by the same people that can't even be trusted to drive at a responsible speed in residential areas. We are dealing with dumb animals who cannot and will not (in this stage of their growth process) govern themselves responsibly. That is why we have the constitutional republic and the coast-to-coast militia.
You can find out more about Crypt Rick and about Revolution Radio here at these links: