"All we really are is fractions of Spirit.
The idea that we should be labeling ourselves and creating this identity is a double-edged sword. When identity comes from an authentic place it developed because that is a natural response to manifesting within this beautiful reality in a physical state. We are meant to have a uniqueness from other fractions of Source because this is what makes things interesting.
Think about how boring it might be if we were all the same. What good would that do? How could anything be achieved? How would we know the difference?
The reason I think we should stop putting labels on our identities is because the label is the “state approved” version of natural authentic identity. This is, in a nutshell, satanic inversion. And it has been infiltrated into every single aspect of human expression. With every natural human trait is the “state approved” version of it. And now we are so infiltrated with it we can’t see the tree for the wood.
The parasite instilled this “state approved” version of identity because they know that we can be divided. When we are divided, we can be conquered. They make us think that just because we are different from each other in various ways that we should be enemies and never function as a team. They use the “Tower of Babel” play on us and it works because we don’t pay attention to history. Division will always create weakness.
It is okay to be different and disagree about some things and also be on the same team. We should never allow those differences divide us. Focus on anything other than the truth and the real enemy of the people. There is only one enemy. The parasite class.
Don’t get distracted. Don’t let these parasites destroy our unity as a human species with something so frivolous, irrelevant and temporary as identity."
This is how I have it written in my book "An Addiction to Being Alive: A Life of Cystic Fibrosis and the Aftermath Extended". But there is so much more we could say about this topic.
I think that finding a balance internally of having a healthy ego and a humble aspect of that is something to consider striving for. There is nothing particularly wrong with having an ego because this will give us individuality. This is what can make things interesting. Different people with different ideas and thoughts helps to create a world that is always finding new paths to forge freedom within reality.
I strongly feel that it does not matter how we reach this goal … it only matters that we eventually get there.
The only "set in stone" parameters would be the adherence to God's Law (or Natural Law or Universal Law or Whatever You Want To Call It Law) because this is objective truth no matter where you are in this vast Universe. That being said, we are living in a physical realm of this reality and experiences within that reality will always be subjective ones.
This subjectivity creates the spontaneous and "fun" aspect of this reality. Imagine how boring it might be if we were all biological and genetic carbon copies of each other. What would be the point if we all were on the same page about everything all the time? We would have nothing to say to each other and no incentive to learn anything new or grow spiritually.
So, on that note, we should be careful about allowing this ego (that gives us this individual quality) to take over the whole self. Without a filter to mitigate our ego, that being aspects such as humility, shame, empathy … etc., we can quickly turn into people who become out of control narcissists and/or emotionally triggered people who are unable to take in any new information because the "identity" becomes ALL that there is. People become so rigid that they can't accept anything outside their own perspectives, and they decide that if others won't accept their perspectives, then all others are the bad guy. And what is unfortunate about this is that the people who want acceptance for whatever perspective they and others like them have end up being people who have no acceptance for those who don't agree with them. It's a "windmill" problem.
This is propagated by mainstream media and social media platforms on the larger scale. Conditioning people into eventually becoming exactly like the parasite class who want a world full of division and disorder. Keep in mind here, the parasite class are ONLY the influence. It's the people who are falling for the influence who are creating this issue.
We can CHOOSE not to buy what the parasite class is selling but that takes personal responsibility and self-control.
Remember, the parasite class DO NOT CARE about anyone but themselves. They don't even care about each other. They only care about their end goals. The "movements" that are out there that are promoting equality … these are installed by the parasite class and the real goal is to divide and conquer us. The parasite class are not our friends who have never had and will never have our best interests in mind. So don't be fooled by any so-called equality movement that is offered to you in order to reach "awareness" of whatever issue.
If you want authentic identity and equality, then the solution is to ACT like you have an individual identity (that is wrapped up WITH a healthy mindset) and BEHAVE like you are equal to ALL life that exists. Because you are. Be the example for others to emulate. Lead by example. WITHOUT judgment on others spiritual development.
It is time that we stop dividing ourselves with frivolous nonsense because this is what the parasite class wants us to do.
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Stay tuned for the next instalment on this art assessment process!