How are we going to communicate in the New Year of 2025?

There is an issue where people cannot figure out the difference in regard to context in the modern world and strict definitions of words (though throughout all oh history words and definitions have been known to change). We have terms that we use in order to express ourselves, however, the context can change depending on how the terms are being used. I think this is where we have a lot of the miscommunication that people tend to have with each other and then this creates even further division.

Terms such as assumption/presumption, can/may, should/could.

And then we have terms that we completely misrepresent and use the incorrect non-version of the word. Such as "irregardless" when the word is actually regardless and is used neutrally. It's the kind of word that makes us think we have to come up with an opposite version of it, but it is already a word that works as it is in all contexts.

These are just some examples. Words we use interchangeably but when used wrong can have disastrous consequences in miscommunication and even in reputation.

I have been told by others who have English as a second language that it is a difficult language to learn. Some may take this as a sign that it is a great language or that it is the "best" language to know but the reality is that it is just one of the most spoken. And in America, where you have a diverse population and many of the people here can even speak multiple languages, the English spoken here is not what is considered "The Queens Language" but the hillbilly version of it. If you have ever heard Americans joke around about how we speak it is referred to as "English and Bad English" as the official language in America.

Let's start with some definitions.


assumption (noun) · assumptions (plural noun) · Assumption (noun)

  1. a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof:
    "they made certain assumptions about the market" · "we're working on the assumption that the time of death was after midnight"

  2. the action of taking on power or responsibility:
    "the assumption of an active role in regional settlements"

  3. the reception of the Virgin Mary bodily into heaven. This was formally declared a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in 1950.

    • the feast in honour of the Assumption, celebrated on 15 August.

  4. archaic
    arrogance or presumption.

Origin: Middle English (in assumption): from Old French asompsion or Latin assumptio(n-), from the verb assumere (see assume).


presumption (noun) · presumptions (plural noun)

  1. an idea that is taken to be true, and often used as the basis for other ideas, although it is not known for certain:
    "underlying presumptions about human nature"

    • an act or instance of taking something to be true or adopting a particular attitude toward something, especially at the start of a chain of argument or action:
      "the presumption of guilt has changed to a presumption of innocence"

    (Similar: supposition, presupposition, premise, belief)

    • law:
      an attitude adopted in law or as a matter of policy toward an action or proposal in the absence of acceptable reasons to the contrary:
      "the planning policy shows a general presumption in favor of development"
      (Similar: assumption, supposition, presupposition, belief)

  1. behavior perceived as arrogant, disrespectful, and transgressing the limits of what is permitted or appropriate:
    "he lifted her off the ground, and she was enraged at his presumption"

    (Similar: brazenness, audacity, boldness, audaciousness)

Origin: Middle English: from Old French presumpcion, from Latin praesumptio(n-) ‘anticipation’, from the verb praesumere

These are two words that mean largely the same thing. However, depending on how you are using it, through context, which is a more subtle form of communication, tells you how to use them.

When I was a kid, I was raised to consider "assumption" was rude and without any consideration of thought in regard to assessing a situation or making a judgment on others. To assume was to be thoughtless and ignorant generally, low class or tactless.

When using "I assume" it implies that you are arrogant enough to just think you have exactly the correct idea without any real evidence to support it. In some cases, you could be correct but very few people (and I don't mean this disparaging) are capable of making an assumption where they are 100% correct in their assessment. This takes a certain type of person who is usually very good at things such as detection on a mynute level. It takes a meticulous mind.

I am not one of these people. I would like to be. I would like to think that I am someone who tries in the very least to find the best and most accurate information that we have available in order to discern properly. I do think, though, that we are all unique and all have strengths and weaknesses. And I also think that it is meant to be this way. This sort of concept allows it so that we are almost forced by nature to interact and cooperate with each other in order to advance in our understandings of reality on a larger scale. It seems to have purposeful invention behind it.

So, in any rate, that is why I prefer using the term presumption as my modifier. This implies that I am making an educated guess, however, I would not want to be "quoted" on it due to the possibility that I may be incorrect in my assessment. This also, even if subconsciously, will imply to the listener that I am open for debate on the topic and that I am willing to consider new thoughts on the matter.

It's the same issue in regard to the terms "can" and "may". The use of the word "can" is the most commonly used (just as "assume" is) and it is used very flippantly and without thought. But then, this is all about the context that is being used.

In the use "I can do such and such skill" then this would be the correct context on this word.

In the use "Can I have/do this such and such thing" then this would be the incorrect context. The correct context would be "May I have/do this such and such thing". Replacing "can" with "may" implies that you are requesting rather than when using "can" in this context implies that you are entitled.

If you are actually entitled to such and such thing and there is no question in regard to that entitlement than the word "can" is proper. Such as when you go to purchase something from a business (of any kind whether corporate of independent) you are entitled to receive a receipt or some form of proof of purchase that gives you all the final information and the terms of the sale. So, to say "Can I have my receipt?" would be correct context as this is not even really in question.

You find the same nit-picky use of terms with the words "should" and "could". Where "should" implies that the listener is doing something wrong and should change, the word "could" implies that the listener might consider a new viewpoint on whatever the situation is.

This is all context within language and there are probably so many examples that can be brought up, but these are a few that I hear the most.

Now, I want to add here that words are not really that important in regard to whether or not a person is being moral or ethical. They are just words, and I would even bet that in a thousand years from now how we use language will change and we will have different context because language has always changed. We have an entire human history that proves this. I think it would be good practice to not take language and how we communicate TOO seriously, however, we could all take a lesson in how to communicate in a clear way and that extends curtesy. This sort of practice on HOW we communicate will allow us to find an understanding with each other as a global human society. Instead of demanding we could request the attention from others, and I do think that this will get us ultimately further in regard to our personal goals.

So, let's talk about some of the more serious reasons as to why it is important on HOW we communicate with each other.

People who are using context incorrectly (even though being in a state of unawareness) are operating under the condition of generally accepted social convention. This can encourage a lazy use of language and an inconsiderate form of communication.

Most people do not tend to ask or consider the questions that are really important mainly due to being afraid of the pain, suffering and death that we all face as living creatures. Because we are mortal creatures, we tend to keep things topical or vague especially when confronting other people or situations that are outside the "norm" or what is "comfortable". Since the majority of people are generally healthy it can be a difficult task for these people to consider that everyone has a different experience, the ASSUMPTION is that we are all the same and having the same types of experiences. Due to this sort of mentality many people get left behind or left unnoticed and ultimately left without consideration because of this.

Let's look at the definition for technique.


technique (noun) · techniques (plural noun)

  1. a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure:
    "new surgical techniques mean a shorter hospital stay" · "the techniques used by Turner, Rembrandt, and Degas"

    • skill or ability in a particular field:
      "he has excellent technique" · "an established athlete with a very good technique"

    • a skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving something:
      "tape recording is a good technique for evaluating our own communications"

Origin: early 19th century: from French, from Latin technicus

So, working on the understanding that technique is about coordination of something it might be wise to consider how we go about thinking, feeling and acting upon things.

From my observations, people do not like coming from a darker perspective. They associate this with negative aspects. When, in reality, reviewing the darker side of the aspect can lead to a clearer and broader perspective. So then considering how to go about things becomes an easier task and less thoughtless within the larger scale of behavior. But like all things this takes a personal responsibility. When we operate under this mentality that enacts full thought, emotion and action and all together CARE in our behavior we then become fully responsible for it.

People are operating under the condition of fear because they can't face the things that are the darker side of reality. It has skewed people’s behaviors and as a result their perspectives, how they conduct themselves and how the use language. It is becoming more like a mental illness. And now almost everyone wants to claim mental illness (or at least their "trusted" doctors do) and are promptly suffocated with all sorts of pharmaceuticals that "help to alleviate" such problems like anxiety, sadness and stress. When NONE of these issues on the large scale require any such thing. They just need to be dealt with through adult inspection of the self. These things are alarm systems set in place for the individual to reflect on and DO something proactive about such things.

On a side note, it is an entirely reasonable response to be anxious, sad or overwhelmed by the current world we live in that is over ran with a parasite class who do not have our best intentions in mind. No matter how “nice” someone is that has nothing to do with the motive or the goal so extending trust towards people who seem nice never ends well for us. This is another aspect to language. How it is being used to manipulate us and at the same time train us to be lazy and thoughtless with it. Because the ASSUMPTION is that the “authority” has things under control.

Such as, when someone is sad about the condition of the world or even about their own immediate environment, instead of DOING something that will actively create a change in their lives by CHANGING THE CONDITION they run to the priest in the lab coat or the father figure political figure to "fix" the sadness so that they don't have to think about it.

So, using this as a premise, I think that if we not only took responsibility on HOW we communicate but ALSO how to conduct ourselves and if we check people (at least from time to time on this behavior as an act of love) it becomes more difficult to think, feel and do without their being a negative consequence of some kind.

And WHY would this work? Because it is embarrassing for people to find themselves displaying discourtesy and to be misunderstood. It is kind to give people room to grow and develop as naturally as they will, however, it is also healthy to interact a little bit from time to time and "show by example" how to develop in a healthier and more thoughtful way.

And no, before anyone wants to chime in here with "but THIS culture … blah, blah, blah". Culture has NOTHING to do with being considerate or expressing consideration. Some cultures are overly passive effecting no change in real world conditions and there are some cultures that out right violate the inherent human rights of other people. Culture is just another aspect of phycological slavery that can infect people in a way that culture becomes their entire personality with no room for growth. Culture closes the door on spiritual development.

Making assumptions creates further division within all life. We hinder ourselves by assuming we have it all figured out. I propose that we don't do that anymore.

So, now getting all of that off my chest … let us look at the future, do some reflection and take in consideration how we plan on conducting ourselves. Let’s take in the opportunity that the new cycle offers us and appreciate all the wonderous things we have access to.

I can’t wait to see what this next year brings us all and I will see you all on the other side!