Our suffering, our chaos, our enslavement really does come down to our lack of true conscience as a species. We know that we don’t want to take harmful actions towards others because we know it’s wrong, but we don’t expand that understanding any further than our own relative environment and social circles. We still have no problem with other people doing bad things if we benefit from it. We make justifications and excuses for it, usually in the name of “the greater good.”
We also don’t have a true understanding of property. We associate the term with physical things like vehicles, homes, personal items, land, etc. We never think of our own bodies as our property, or our rights and freedom. Some of us even think we have a “right” to destroy or take the property of others if they anger us or if we have delusional notions of entitlement.
But the ultimate problem of our lack of conscience and understanding of property is our belief in “government” and “authority.” If you own your body, your mind, your skills, your labor, and your rights and freedom and do not claim that ownership, someone else will. That’s what we’ve allowed to happen, and we’ve been tricked into thinking it’s noble and necessary to give up all personal responsibility to a ruling class; to give them the fruits of our labor; to obey their whims and commands; and to see them as our salvation. And what happens when you rescind that support? You are punished. Does that sound like freedom? No. There’s another word that comes to mind.
If we had true conscience as a species we would not have allowed such a system to exist. If we had a true understanding of property, we would not have allowed anyone to make claims of ownership upon us which is what all “government” is. Its “laws” are not moral codes, they are claims of ownership. So are licenses and permits. They are saying “you cannot exercise your rights unless we say it’s okay.” Free people do not need permission to exercise rights. Slaves do.
You are not a slave. You are not the rightful property of someone else. Stop acting like you are. No one has the “right” to rule you or steal from you, and you do not have the “right” to rule or steal from them, either. People can make all the claims they want about being “authority” or any other claim of superiority; and wear whatever costumes they want; and give themselves whatever titles they want, but none of it is legitimate.
You are a Sovereign Being. You are the authority of your own body and life. You are the king or queen of your Self. You are responsible for making your own moral judgments in CONSCIENCE, not someone else’s arbitrary whims called “laws.” You do not owe your allegiance, fealty, earnings, or life to a group of thugs calling themselves “government.”
A truly awake and conscious being with conscience recognizes “government” for what it really is: Slavery. They acknowledge the sovereignty and inherent Rights of others and do not infringe upon them. They do not engage in immoral behavior like murder, theft, assault, trespass, coercion, deception and so on, or condone such behavior being done on their behalf or in the name of some perceived “greater good.” Condoning evil is still complicity in it.
A truly awake being understands that Property IS the root of all virtue, and Theft IS the root of all sin. Look at the etymology:
Proper – right, correct
-ty – state of; quality or condition of
Property is not a term exclusive to capitalism or materialism. It reflects objective moral principles. True Conscience is understanding the objective difference between moral and immoral behavior. Without it, you cannot truly understand property. All forms of harm are theft. If you say “I don’t believe in property,” what you’re really saying is, “other people can do whatever they want to me, and take whatever they want from me.” They can take your life, your health, your autonomy, your free will, your security, your belongings, your rights, and your freedom because you refused to claim ownership. You falsely gave it away.
That’s what you do every time you vote, every time you pay taxes, every time you cheer on dominators (police and military), every time you obey an immoral “law,” or demonize someone who refuses. You are telling the ruling class that they are your rightful masters while condemning and violating the rights of those who stand true in principle and self-ownership and say NO.
What’s the motto of the World Economic Forum? “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” They’re not just talking about material things. They’re saying “we own you; you’ll be a comfortable slave with all your distractions, conveniences, and sensate pleasures, but you’ll still be our property, and we’ll be your gods.”
Again, we wouldn’t be in this situation if we had true conscience. This is Natural Law in effect. The more moral we are, in the aggregate, the more free we are. The more immoral we are, the more enslaved we are. The more we disregard and violate each other’s rights for our own gain, the more it will be done to us as an entire species. The more we steal, the more we’ll be stolen from. It’s the Law of Correspondence.
If we want to change course, we have to change our worldview. We have to change our thoughts, emotions and actions. We have to let go of all these systems, all these bunk religious beliefs, all these ego-attachments. We have to quit the cult of theft and reclaim our sovereignty. WE are all the saviors we’ve been waiting for, and all we have to do is stop participating in and condoning thievery.
Own yourself, own your rights, own your freedom… or lose all of it.