“The Bible is not an opinion.”Candace Owens on Twitter/X

True. It’s a collection of opinions, world views, allegories, and mythologies written by several different men in different languages, with different perspectives and different agendas. I’m assuming Ms. Owens’ statement, however, is insinuating that the Bible is the authoritative and objective word of God. That is – objectively – NOT true. Anyone who thinks "the Bible" is the infallible word of God is deeply duped. There's a lot of wise insights within it, but also a lot of morally inverse notions, as well, such as the promotion of slavery, murder, rape, etc. 

David Icke responded to that Twitter quote, saying:
“It's your opinion - your choice - to believe what it says and that is your right. Others have the right to another opinion without being labelled a 'sinner' for not agreeing with yours. So many 'freedom activists' don't seem to believe in freedom at all when it differs from their own belief system.”

Sure, other people do have the right to think or believe differently without being labeled “sinner” IF what they think or believe is harmless. And yes, many “freedom activists” pay lip-service to freedom as long as it conforms to their belief systems. And that’s the problem here. People are basing everything on belief, and not Truth; and many of these beliefs are NOT harmless. So no, it is not anyone's "right" to believe in anything that either justifies, condones or ignores evil. That includes modern-day "Christianity.” 

Today’s “Christianity” encourages blind belief over the discovery of truth (blatantly ignoring the words of Jesus on this matter). It teaches powerlessness by externalizing all power and responsibility to a perceived "savior," whether celestial or political. You won't find a single so-called "Christian" today who doesn't believe in some form of government; and that’s partially due to Romans 13 which encourages submission to "ruling authorities." Anyone who has any understanding of Morality knows that no human being has a "moral right" to control and command others. Most of today's "Christians" don't understand this, because their religion isn't teaching true morality. It's teaching arbitrary "morals" made up by human beings – either the men who wrote certain books of the bible, or the priests, ministers and vicars of the church itself.

Plus, modern-day "Christianity" (or Churchianity) does not teach anyone correlational thinking and how to interpret allegory and symbolism. It shuns all occult knowledge and dissuades people from looking into it. If you don't understand the occult, you can't properly interpret your own scriptures, and you certainly can't see the level of evil at work in the world, especially in your own religion.

Modern-day "Christianity" (and its bible) is not the arbiter of truth. It is a co-opted version of an ancient philosophy incorporating many other traditions like Atonism, Mithraism and the Sol Invictus religion of the Romans. The Jesus story, in particular, is astrotheological allegory regarding consciousness and right livelihood, but is being pushed as literal history. It's designed to be a control system, not a spiritual philosophy. Externalizing spiritual concepts is one of the oldest tricks of the dark occult. Salvationism is a prime example. Instead of empowering yourself through spiritual allegory and living in the example of the Christ figure, you're encouraged to take it literally, and to worship him, and to wait for him to return and save the day. This completely misses the point of the whole story.

When you consider how much evil has been in control for thousands of years, you have to ask yourself: would any truly empowering spiritual teachings be allowed to be propagated so openly the way religion has? Would a psychopathic ruling class be okay with knowledge being disseminated that would help humanity see the truth of what’s really going on and empower us to resist it? The last thing the dark occult sorcerers running this world want is a population that is enlightened, principled and truly moral. It doesn't want us empowered with truth, it wants us in thrall. It wants us thinking one-dimensionally and believing nonsense... nonsense that none of us have a "right" to believe. If what you believe supports this system of control, and that you don't need to take any personal responsibility to fight evil because you're waiting on a savior (he's coming any day now, just keep sitting on your ass and doing nothing while evil runs amok), your belief is immoral and you have no right to believe it.

Why? Because that belief – that keeps you ignorant, docile, irresponsible, unconscious and inactive against evil – keeps the rest of us enslaved.