When you do the right thing unwaveringly there can absolutely be immediate consequences that may be negative, stressful, and even seemingly punishing. That's why people far too often refuse to do what's right. They don't want to experience those fleeting consequences. They're concerned more with their own comfort and sense of safety than they are the long-term repercussions of continuous wrong action.

When doing the right thing you have to push through that suffering, because it IS temporary. That's the evil in the world trying to fight back. When you give into those attacks you're just letting evil win. You're placing more importance on not being inconvenienced than you are on what's actually right and moral, and the long-term consequence of doing that is greater levels of suffering – not just for you but for everyone else. It's the Satanic "ME ME ME" mindset.

When you do the right thing, and you endure the hardships, guess what happens? The forces of the universe respond in kind and come to your aid. Consider this analogy:

You’re driving down a long road, and you don’t really know where you are. It’s foggy, there’s no street signs or familiar landmarks, but you can sort of see a bridge. Unfortunately, it seems to be broken. So, you start to panic and think about turning around. Instead, you drive a little further and suddenly there’s a side street that curves around and leads to the other side of the bridge. If you had turned around out of fear you would have never seen it, and would probably still be driving around aimlessly, afraid, and running out of gas.

Doing the right thing is all about facing that fear and staying on course no matter how scary, stressful or unstable things may seem. That’s when synchronicity kicks in and gives you a window of opportunity to progress. The good news is, the more you do that, the less obstacles you face and the more synchronicities manifest. Then you find yourself riding the slipstream of truth, love and freedom. That’s when nothing can stop you.

Doing the right thing is rarely the easy thing. Challenge is how we improve ourselves. We can’t learn, grow and evolve without it. It’s like a whet stone. We need that roughness to hone ourselves with – to help sharpen the mind, build our resolve, and make ourselves more resilient – otherwise we just atrophy into apathy and cowardice.

Doing the right thing is, ultimately, how we get out of this mess we’re in as a species. We haven’t being doing what’s right. We can’t even accurately define what “right” means. We think it’s purely subjective, that “right is what’s right for ME.” Wrong. Right in inherent in nature. Right is what is universally and objectively correct and moral for all beings. It doesn’t change with time or location.

Taking right action is to act in harmony with the Laws of the universe. It is standing up to injustice. It is acknowledging and respecting the Rights of other sentient beings. It is service to Truth rather than personal belief. It is Agapé Love – Universal Love for Creation, for the Freedom of all.

Do what is Right – not for personal reward or pleasure, but because it is the right thing to do. No one is perfect, though. We’re all going to make mistakes and bad choices. That’s how we grow. But we CAN make a conscious choice. We CAN choose the Right over the Wrong. We are not just other animals living purely on instinct. We have the capacity for higher-order thinking. We have the ability to tell the difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior. We have Free Will and Responsibility – the ability to respond morally to any situation and choose consciously and correctly. Aside from severe mental disorders that shut down our empathy centers, there is absolutely ZERO excuse to do otherwise.

To not do the right thing IS to do evil. It’s that simple. To sit around in apathy, cowardice, and ignorance IS evil behavior. In fact, it’s more evil than murder. Why? Because you should know better. Someone with the capacity for conscience is held to a much higher moral standard than the psychopath who doesn’t have that capacity. That makes you more evil, more morally culpable than the psycho who enacts evil willingly, because you’re sitting back and watching it happen instead of doing the right thing.

Nescience isn’t our problem regarding the knowledge of right and wrong. Our problem is willful ignorance. No matter how much truth is kept hidden from us through dissuasion and deception, we still have the ability to discover it, learn it, and deeply know and understand it through our entire being. And then, after that process, we have the responsibility to act. We have to teach others, empower others, and help others evolve in consciousness. We have to stand firm in principle and truth and say NO to evil. That’s doing the right thing, and that’s how we change the world. It’s hard work, but it’s worth every second.

So.. what are you going to do?