Here you will find a collection of many presentations given by Nate Kap over the years. They were presented to help bring attention to some of the most important aspects of consciousness and reality in order to really put a finer point on what needs to be thoroughly observed and understood for the purpose of evolving the human species and helping move the mind from further enslavement.
This short presentation was given by Nate Kap at the Ethereal Arts Bazaar as an attempt to deliver a more crucial and empowering way to view Aliens/ETs/Grays/UFOs rather than only through the lens of literacy.
This is a special presentation i put together and gave at the Ethereal Arts Bazaar event at The End of the Universe Lounge in Boise, ID on December 10th, 2023. In this presentation I reveal an ancient symbolic aspect to Christmas that will help us further understand the Solar and Stellar cycle in correspondence to our internal spiritual journey. Let this be a revealing Gift for you and others; a gift from nature that I put into a short presentation form. And please note that i was only allotted 20 minutes and there was no way to really dive deeply into this subject. For more information on this topic you may visit cubbywhole.com and listen to the podcast in order to really get the bigger picture understanding.
This presentation was given at the Ethereal Arts Bazaar event in Boise, ID. In this presentation Nate makes his way back in front of the in-house crowd after 5 years to talk about Principles, Etymology, Spirituality, Symbolism and Truth Discovery.
Presentation given at the SEED 5 Metamorphosis conference on September 24th, 2023. In this video, Nate breaks down "Tracing," Masonic Tracing Boards, Esoteric Freemasonry, Sacred Geometry, Mental Orientation, Mental Disorientation, Alchemy, Spiritual Bridge Masonry, Stellar Mythos, Horus, Set, Shu, The Great Pyramids, Destruction of the Sacred Feminine, Egyptian String Trick, Ma'at, and the #7. This presentation is to help the student reorient the spiritual connection to the Earth which helps bring about more equilibrium and thus more sovereignty.
Day 1(part 1) - https://youtu.be/khU0vDbw_ho?si=jfowUGDywNNBWIw4
Day 1(part 2) - https://youtu.be/lsbSNsPSddM?si=t3g9QrjXvIa693dE
Day 2(part 1) - https://youtu.be/P3Z1yNJRLHA?si=jUOQxXgQzSD0_Aaz
Day 2(part 2) - https://youtu.be/9DPc7DgngZ0?si=ae18NHG5-YdBwrtJ
For more on Earth Brain 2 The Sacred Trace please visit https://cubbywhole.com/podcast-1-50/
The Oculus presentation deals with the most central of all Light. The topics are: Circled Dot/Point within a Circle, Oculus, Cone, Pole, Symbolism, Natural Law, Objective Morality, The Occult, Spiral, Spirituality, Truth, Trivium, Art of Distilling, Ancient Egyptian Mythos This presentation was given by Nate Kap on 6-24-23 at The Trivium FUNL 3 conference; a free online 2 day conference featuring a wide variety of speakers and artists on the topics of Natural Law, First Principles, Self Care, Freedom, Consciousness, and Spirituality.
Day 1 - https://www.youtube.com/live/tmzfddvsTes?feature=share
Day 2 - https://www.youtube.com/live/t2mGnDBdp6A?feature=share
For more on the Oculus topic please visit https://cubbywhole.com/nate/
Nate gave his presentation “Relumination of the Imagination” over a Zoom webinar at the S.E.E.D. 4 Growth conference, May 15th, 2021. Many people may not be familiar with the unseen realm of the universe and the many important beautiful discoveries made there. Amongst us is that very place in which he has found highly intriguing and inspiring, especially knowing how to navigate and connect within it. This presentation endeavors to guide the viewer’s imagination into a realm that grants an intelligent scientific reflection and unfoldment of the human soul. It’s very condensed and he will have a fuller demonstration in future CubbyWhole podcasts. The goal of this presentation is to restore, regenerate and/or reluminate the ancient wisdom of the imagination back into the hearts of man and help inspire the restoration of the great sciences that have been lost from Ancient Egypt.
This presentation, “Earth Brain And The Corresponding Symbolism” was given live in Rutland, Ohio at the SEED 3-Sprout event in Skatopia. The topics covered are: Consciousness, Symbolism, Hermeticism, Cymatics, Freemasonry, Astrotheology, Earth Brain Religions, Subversive Symbolism, Polarization Dialectics, Solar cults, Stellar cults, Lunar cults, The Gavel, The Cube, And The Circled Dot. The mission of this presentation is to help serious students who seek to understand the dialectics that control and ultimately have been separating humanity for thousands of years. If one brings enough knowledge and understanding, one will reveal some of the deepest roots in the cosmos and ultimately have the key to understanding higher degrees of origins and evolution of religion.
Nate Kap’s webcast presentation called “Rising Up Right; A Higher Direction.” This is a followup demonstration to his first presentation, “Rising Up Right.” He decided to put a finer point on a few topics that he felt are very important in order to understand the collective condition humanity currently finds itself in. Nate Kap covers Natural Law, Moral Compass, the Triune Brain, Consciousness, Base Desires, Green Language, Toxic Frequencies, Symptoms, Causes, Trends, Contradictions, Order-followers, Sacred Feminine, Apathetic Selfies, 2nd Amendment, Sacred Animals, Environmentalism, Justifications, B12, Social Anxiety, Lab Meat, and important Solutions. All critical things to understand, especially how they interact with each other both within and around us.
This is a (shortened version) live presentation on the de-coding of the 2016 movie, Doctor Strange(slides only) that Nate gave at the S.E.E.D. 2 Germinate event in Rutland, Ohio at Skatopia on May, 6th 2017. He gave a very deep esoteric and conscious breakdown of the many allegories within this story while covering the brain components, symbolism, color, hero journey, rituals, synchromysticism, inner work, Will, ego, and many other aspects. The partial goal of putting this lecture together was in the hopes that he can reach those who want to understand depths of hidden esoteric sign language within cinema. He hopes that this presentation inspires you and helps you see further into the important mysteries. Watching and listening to the whole presentation is the only way to find true value.
This is a short presentation by Nate Kap, on the breakdown and understanding of the basic allegories within this artistic piece of sacred science called the “Entered Apprentice” of the “Temple of Solomon” (PART 1) This presentation breaks down the sacred feminine and sacred masculine principles within this trestle/tracing board and how they can be brought together in unison by bringing balance and equilibrium into our minds and hearts. If we want to know the MYstories of ourselves and become balanced in our brains then the pillars are our encyclopedias for life. Some of the key points covered are the pillars, the tools, Jacob’s ladder, the checkerboard floor, and consciousness.
This presentation is a short esoteric breakdown called “Flooreyed.” This “Flooreyed” art was created by Nate with the purpose of showing green language or word play that reveals an archetypal current condition of humanity. It’s a way of showing what the state of humanity seems to be in as an expression that came from understanding Freemasonry in conjunction with the actual effects of fluoride on the human psyche. Prerequisites to understanding this piece are; behaviors and components of the brain, The seven Hermetic principles of Natural Law, Generative principle, pillars of the 1st degree trestle/tracing board of the Temple of Solomon(freemasonry), the Pineal Gland(third Eye), fluoride side effects, Green Language, Allegory, Consciousness, Symbolism, Sign language(not hand gestures).