Ann Diamond is a Canadian writer and survivor of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control programme, having spent time at the notorious McGill University/ Allan Memorial site in Montreal. She gives an insight into some of the LSD and electroshock experimentation that went on both here at at Montauk in Long Island.

For many years she was the partner of singer-songwriter/ poet Leonard Cohen. He, it would appear, was in the employ of the CIA and possibly Mossad, and used his cover as a performer, (he was 33 years old before he emerged as a singer) to undertake spying missions.

Most intriguingly, Ann reveals, he had a habit of turning up at various places around the world where a political coup was about to occur, then disappearing soon afterwards. This was also the case with the assassinations of Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon, where Leonard popped up in London and New York, then left quickly once the deeds were done.

Ann reveals how Cohen met Baron Jacob Rothschild in London in 1959, and went on to warn of a “holocaust” coming for non-Jewish Gentiles.

Ann was also friends with the Rolling Stones and recalls meeting a very young, pre-fame Mick Jagger, whom she suspects was also inducted into the MK-Ultra programme.

Ann’s 2015 article for the Henry Makow site is here:

Her 2023 essay on how she met Cohen is here:

Ann’s books are here: