* Timestamp * where I go off 17:30
Mind Control Programs have been active for millennia to keep us all confused and divided: New Age Bullshit aka The False New Age Movement is just another organised religion that would have us ignore evils within and project them onto others and carry on at the shopping mall or OMing out into oblivion, and looking good in sexy yoga clothes and crystal jewellery, and wizard robes, and sprinkling faerie fucking dust everywhere. Poof.
Whether you buy into the New Age Bullshit narrative of being oh so special woke and entitled or not good enough—Either way—the powers-that-wanna-be are guaranteed free energy meals that YOU provide with your willing unconsciousness because you’ve accepted their trickery.
The elites are well-educated, well-funded, adept, and knowledgeable about psychology, the art of persuasion, marketing tactics—in many ways these are the veiled basic tenets of Satanism—Narcissism-Sociopathy-Psychopathy. They know which emotional-mental-trigger buttons to push to incite war and hatred worldwide and within you—for more of their Divide & Conquer agendas. They are masters of the true Nature of Reality, The fake Law of Attraction, Energy Mastery, etc—all of which they distort as INVERSIONS to further their agendas and keep humanity easily enslaved.
Through utilising their knowledge and mastery of spiritual principles through their occult practices and blood ritual sacrifices, they know exactly how to wield these in order to generate and harvest enormous amounts of human psychic/creative/sexual energy through fear and despair, and through desire and want through fake tantra, to further dis-empower those still ensnared and identified by the world-at-large.
We’ve been tricked and deceived by the entrepreneurs of Instant Spiritual Enlightenment who are devoted to profiting from our desperate seeking of Truth, Love, and Beauty outside ourselves as quick fixes, spiritual bypassing—ohh such a CommieFornia/San FranPsycho Bay Area term. They make promises that cannot be kept, and then blame us for failing if their programs don’t reap the benefits/profits they promised. Don't fall for any of their bullshit. Do your Inner Work. Exit the Matrix.
Spiritual Enlightenment is NOT a business; our Awakened State it is our True Divine Nature.
Ok, I want to bring up something that a viewer pointed out about how You Can Reason with and appeal to the good side of lower-astral demonic entities who are the ones controlling the Ruling class NSPs elites???…
The short answer: YOU CAN’T.
This one is insanity. And it’s recently come up with The Great Awakening we’re all experiencing in one form, shape, or fashion. Particularly with the outing of the Ruling Class and their blood Ritual Sacrifices and Torture of old that have been practised and handed down generationally for millennia—this is the ugly shit a lot of hoomans don’t want to face up to and the msm deems it all as fake news over and over again—NLP-ing the stoopid into the massive, even though so many of these shills are parading around in the twisted sinister garb that obviously is not about anything Love and Light.
I’ve seen quite a number of video and podcasts from Fake Light Gurus and New Age Celebrity over the last two weeks or so actually appealing to the “goodness” of these murderous low vibrational-lower astral demonic entities, “Bad Archons, how dare you try to take our Sovereignty—we’re not having any of it. It’s so against spiritual law and you’re all in trouble being bad.”
Speaking to the demonic entities as if they can be reasoned with. lols!!
If that nonsense drivel doesn’t set off chills and alarms through your beingness, I suggest you pay attention to this bit of airy-fairy New Age Bullshit n0nsense. Because these New Age Bullshit shills just outed their nefarious intentions and allegiance to these demonic entities right to your face.
First of all, Most folks don’t even know the meaning of Sovereignty, and because, our aggregate collective situation that encompasses 3D 4D 5D and especially the fake 5D, just to add a bit of confusion, please, we are in a MOST Precarious situation on so many levels and to “Naughty Naughty Bad Archons, bad demons, stop it with your evil behaviour..."
THIS SHIT CANNOT BE REASONED WITH. You cannot reason with a demonic entity Narcissist-Sociopath-Psychopath demonic entity.
They are not human.
And by these shills doing this shit—of goo-goo-ga-ga ge-ge, and listen very carefully—they are actually acknowledging and giving you the finger and the eye-roll at how dumbass the folly and hilarity of the stoopid of hoomans who follow them and adulate them, with these demonic entities at the helm
How so?? because in order for them to communicate to actually appeal to these demons, these entities—these shills have to match those demonic frequencies.
Actual 5D is of such a high frequency—these demons and entities cannot find you—you cannot be on their radar.
This is why actually DOING The great work is so important for each one of us to do.
And THESE FOLKS, these New Age bullshit Artists/fake psychics/astrologers/tarot readers/fake energy healers, etc, talking this love and light bullshit to these demonic entities THEY ARE FUCKING with you and fucking DANGEROUS—DO NOT FALL FOR their manipulations. Do not give your power to THEM—THEY ARE THE EQUIVALENT OF THE EVIL FAKE. EVANGELISTS WHO WILL ROB YOU BLIND OF YOUR ENERGIES AND RESOURCES WITH THEIR SOB STORIES, their lack, and appeal and need of your energies, AND THEIR FAKE PSYCHIC Healing POWERS. At the expense of your Sovereignty.
This global reset and all its various nooks and crannies and twisted storylines are all a result of their chaos black magic that continues on and has for millennia—mostly with our help.
Stop your ass-kissing of these shills.
Take back your power and your energy from them. Do the Great Work for yourself.
These shills hang out on social media all fucking day long, with nothing better to do than troll for their moment to moment infusions of oodles of life force energies through their sycophantic zombie followers.
These Fake love and Light agents are possessed by Dark demonic entities of the lower-astral plane—their enforcers—the ruling class—the famous named celebrities are NSPs—their agents are NSPs like Poe's song, "Can’t talk to a psycho like a normal human being."
Be careful, my loves, look into those places within, into your personalised and collective pain bodies on all subjects of the totality of human experience—be honest about where and how YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY BE Tempted, Seduced and TRICKED INTO SELLING OUT—SELLING YOUR SOUL to be part of a tribe or community of YES People of some pretty packaged soul-sucker with a famous brand name, believing that you, as a member of his/her tribe flock—you will be excused from doing any of the GREAT WORK.
There are no shortcuts to mastery of yourself. There are no shortcuts to Waking Up and Staying awake.
Ok my loves, that’s my speech.