Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 175, another instalment of our ongoing conversation regarding the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control. I want first to thank you all for your support, love and sugar smacks. Those of you lovey doves finding me on the Instagram and OGWN, engaging me, inviting me to your podcasts and events, and signing up to study with me—you are EPIC AWESOME. I’m shouting out to my gurls, Aliky and Edit in the land Down Under siege—holy moly, my gurl Kaya in a small sector of what’s left of the land of the free, and my Irish lovely dove, Thomas Sheridan, for having my back whilst the trolls were circling my proverbial wagon. Muah!! I am truly blessed!
OK, in today’s video, we get down to the basics of the differences between the World and the Planet.
The World is NOT the Planet.
The World is the Matrix.
Planet Earth is part of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
The Matrix is a complete satanic INVERSION of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
The Matrix is limited to 5 Sense Reality, mandating the following 5 Senses through which human slaves (aka all humans struck in the Matrix) perceive reality as
- Sight
- Smell
- Sound
- Taste
- Touch
The Matrix is a Perception-Managed Reality.
The True Quantum Field-Creation Field Universe is composed of 7 Senses:
- Sight
- Smell
- Sound
- Taste
- Touch
- Intuition
- Generosity & Care: 7a. Divine Masculine Principle of Gifting/Giving 7b. Divine Feminine Principle of Receiving
Right-brain dominance is expressed through most humanity giving up, OMing or OPTing out of full-on engagement and living life to the fullest, instead of falling into habituated hopelessness, indifference, or nonaction.
The powers-that-wanna-be have purposefully programmed and manipulated the rest of humanity through their left-brain dominant agendas, resulting in the addiction to doing, doing, doing; a lack of empathy, and willful ignorance to the suffering of all living beings, including the Planet; the mind and intellect taking precedence over the heart and feelings; and our being disconnected from what is beyond the five senses. As a result, the validity and power of our Sixth Sense—our Intuition, along with our innate care and generosity as empowered and expressed through our Seventh Sense of Generosity and Care—Gifting-Giving and Receiving—have not only been devalued but judged as indulgent, and encouraged to be wholly disregarded and forgotten.
The Matrix is a limited perception-managed reality that manages human creative energy by limiting their knowledge base and access to who and what they truly are; Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness having a human experience.
How does the Matrix do this?
Many millennia ago, the demonic powers-that-wanna-be, with the assistance of unsuspecting humans hungry for power over their fellow humans, created the Matrix as a mirror world of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe. The True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe was inhabited by awakened humans consciously creating Formless into Form, expanding the Creation Field Universe.
For the powers-that-wanna-be and the Matrix to control humans, humans their lifeforce energies were hijacked and usurped.
This usurping of creative human energy began as psychic vampirism perpetrated by the compromised humans as per the instructions of the demonic powers-that-wanna-be, willing to enslave their brothers and sisters in exchange for so-called immortality, wealth and riches beyond measure, and immense powers over the masses and the resources of the Planet.
The collective usurping of creative human energy happened at the hands of the powers-that-wanna-be with the help of these compromised humans. I consider this event as the first psy-op of Trauma-Based Mind Control, resulting in the enslavement of humans who were once free.
It didn’t take long for humanity to accept its total enslavement with the resulting amnesia that was a byproduct of this mind control: Humans forgot their Divinity. They forgot they are Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness having a human experience, here to create Formless into Form. Instead, they accepted the limitations of the Matrix with its 5 Sense Reality, their victimisation through their enslavement.
By allowing their Creative Energies to be usurped and vamipirised, they forgot they are Grand Creators.
OK, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my beautiful Divine-In-The-Flesh, that is my speech, for now, lovely bite-sized pieces so we can all get on the same page on how Trauma-Based Mind Control energetically works! We will continue this ongoing conversation of the True Energetic Nature of Trauma-Based Mind Control. Next up, we go into how and where humanity’s creative energies get hijacked and vampirised.
Here's to Love, Truth, and Beauty! XOXO