Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 173 https://youtu.be/ev-V08z_vL8
Much of what I offer here is unique to my work of over three decades in Trauma DeActivation and is not known, let alone spoken about in so-called professional trauma healing circles that include psychological-sociological models. Trauma is not just physiological and trapped in the limbic brain; it is also energetic and begins energetically with the control harnesses of demonic technologies that set up humans to forget who and what they are. This amnesia is vital in the continuous enslavement of humanity ad infinitum.
I declare with great confidence that all forms of trauma occur only in the Matrix. Everyone in the Matrix is subject to mind control unless conceived and borne of truly awakened parents who reside outside the Matrix and compose their reality in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
Remember that the Matrix is a mirror world reality created and controlled by the powers-that-wanna-be. These controllers are power-hungry-low level-astral plane demonic entities who have tricked many of the elite families of Humanity, over many millennia, into giving up their sovereignty. In return, these compromised humans are granted so-called immortality, wealth and fame beyond measure. These family elites lord power over the masses of unwitting humans offered up as enslaved human hosts; their life force energies harvested, their flesh, body parts, and blood serving sustenance for their masters, their creativity and divine powers hijacked.
The hijacking of Humanity’s divine creative energies starts in the outer layers of the human energy field, aka the auric field, as a projection or intrusion from and by the controllers within the Matrix. These intrusions/projections are all about mind control and can be from any Matrix System Reality aka Shitstem—tribal-societal-
The next level of intrusion secures Matrix control of Humanity’s creative energies by hijacking the chakra system, rendering all its Superpowers useless and off-line.
Everyone in the Matrix is subject to trauma-based mind control.
In general, when it comes to healing trauma, for real, healing can only occur outside of the Matrix, facilitated by a trauma DeActivator who has completed the Great Work and is free of the Matrix and can waltz in and out of the Matrix to retrieve and heal the traumatised parts of us.
I will go so far as to declare: The majority of so-called trauma healing is incomplete without the facilitator being conscious enough to wield reality in and out of the Matrix to help awaken the trauma survivor to exit the Matrix, then mentor the survivor in Reality Creation so that the survivor can Compose their new reality. This new reality is their higher lifeline in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe that is trauma-free.
I offer a cutting-edge Trauma DeActivation technology that ensures Humanity’s emancipation from its long-time controllers.
Connect with me/Work with me/Train with me, become a Mind Control & Trauma DeActivator:
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
https://www.marjawest.com/ Opt-in and Receive my Free Nature of Reality Training Back-Up Platforms
IGtV: @dakini.kiss
All my information in one cool place: https://linktr.ee/MarjaWest
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