Episode 6:
The Marriage of Spirit—
the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Within
24 January 2020
Opening welcome and meditation:
- Hello hello my beloved Waking Gods & Goddesses, welcome to my new YouTube Channel: LoveTruth&Beauty. DIY for Divine in the flesh, where your pain, traumas, suffering and dramas are golden gateways to waking up and staying awake.
- This is Episode 6 and today I will be facilitating a DIY Guided Meditation and Initiating you all into the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Within—The Hieros Gamos. Our last video we explored leaning into Forgiving Father and letting go of our Daddy Issues, and delving into the gifts and shadows of the Divine Masculine, and the video before that we explored the Gifts of the Divine Feminine within each and every one of us—Man, Woman, and child—moving us all forward toward Forgiving our mothers, our moms, and all women, and all the inner feminine energies residing and animating the human men—opening and leaning into the possibility of forgiving the feminine for all her sins and shortcomings.
- Close your eyes, let’s all RECEIVE a deep breath in and let it out, allowing yourSelf to fully arrive, and land here, right now, wherever you are, as you are.
- Allow your breath to fill your body with life force pranic energy of all colours, trusting your body to receive the colours that it needs to move into greater clarity.
- That’s it…nice and easy…moving in your own timing, in your own way
- On a huge inhale bring your palms together, pressing them into each other in front of the middle of your chest.
- On an exhale, feel your body relax and let go.
- On a huge inhale, move your palms, still in a Namaste, in front of your heart and move your palms so that you move them just in front of the most sensitive part of your heart.
- Trust that you know where this sensitive part is, trust in your knowing, even if you feel like you’ve no idea what you’re doing
- This sensitivity that you are feeling is your closure to love, allow this closure, based on fear, to open and release.
- Consider that any pain in your heart or heartache is about your heart closing to love—
- The natural state of our hearts is OPEN…
- Closure of our hearts in UNNATURAL…
- Notice your heart opening, feel into your heart opening…
- Feel the glorious relief to BE as you are—an expression of Divine Love…
- You are the Divine-In-The-Flesh…
- Keep breathing, my Beloveds
- Allow yourSelf to revel in the awareness that you are experiencing
- Magnify your awareness; linger in the sweetness of being aware...
- Nothing for you to do except BE that AWARENESS…
- On an inhale, think of someone who challenges you.
- On an exhale gift that awareness you are experiencing away to that person.
- Magnify your feelings of love and generosity and care from doing this.
- Keep breathing.
- On a huge inhale, think of your mother and father, focusing on the gifts they downloaded you with…yes the gifts.
- Exhale slowly and allow any feelings of resistance, energies of stress or emotion to arise, and notice any sensitivity in your most sensitive place of your heart.
- Also notice a lightness of being as you acknowledge their gifts within YOU…
- Intend to be the best of your tribal collective…
- Smile a huge sweet smile that’s filled with love…
- On an inhale, place your right hand over the front surface of your heart, over that most sensitive place.
- On an exhale place your left hand over your belly.
- Breathe deeply, resting and abiding in this profound stillness and silence...
- Let’s call in our master healing angels, our guides, our unseen friends, and our collective higher selves, I’d like to call in Ananadamayima in co-creating this healing space for our beautiful planet earth, all of her creatures, all our beautiful brothers and sisters who are here to make some changes, shifts, and releases. We ask that these changes, shifts, and releases come forth readily and easily, everything we’re all able and willing to dissolve at this time—all our fears and terrors and worries and stress and our helplessness, our deepest grief and despair, dissolving our anger, rage, and frustration & our lack of trust, dissolving our guilt and shame and feelings of lack and self-doubt and not good enough-never good enough, bringing light to those captive in darkness, challenged, and in survival mode, dissolving our judgments, our hate, and criticisms and our closure to our breath, our closure to love and our Divinity—opening our hearts and minds to align ourselves with the possibility of being absolutely perfect as we are—nothing to fix, nothing to strive for, nothing to improve, knowing and embodying our Divinity of BEING source God Goddess All That Is—every evolving, ever-becoming, all for the highest good, the deepest possible truth, the innermost clarity and peace, and most profound of healing…and so it is…
- And when you are ready you can open your eyes…and as you readjust and look around you, wherever you are, I invite you to pull in your consciousness through your sense of sight, your eyes and what you see, into the middle of your head…notice the “SOFT FOCUSED” nature of what you’re seeing…
- If you want, you can gently move back and forth from this reality to normal reality and check out the different for yourSelf.
- This is a great way to remain still whilst interfacing with the outside world and maintaining a deep relationship to the silence within, so as to NOT get caught up in the pendulum swing of the chaos of conventional reality—
- Which is one thing after another, after another, after another, after another, after another
- And I know that we all know that one…
· One of the huge reasons to practice meditation is to be able to stay aligned and vertical amidst times when we are highly reactive to outer circumstances, or to world events happening in real time, crazy crowds, traffic, riots, stress, long lines…Fake News, 5G techno-terrors
- Utilising meditation allows us to contain our energies, and not lose power, especially when big shit hits the proverbial fan.
Our last show two shows focused on mom and our relationship with the Divine Feminine Principle of Receiving, and dad and our relationship with the Divine Masculine Principle of Gifting-Giving. Immense gratitude for your courage and willingness to burn in the fires of love as you allowed old repressed-suppressed emotions and traumas to move out of your cells and bodies, and out of your unconscious and subconscious, and into the light.
· We went deep and looked into the Feminine and Masculine mirrors of our connections with mom and dad who are our first interfaces with the Divine Feminine and Masculine gifts of RECEIVING and GIFTING-GIVING—which together represents our 7th Sense of our Innate Generosity & Care—our 6th Sense being that of Intuition –located at our Ajna Chakra—our coveted 3rd eye—as this Superpower of the Master Key that I believe UNSLAVES all humanity from the limited 5-Sense Perception-Managed Reality and mind controls of the powers-that-wanna-be.
· This week we marry them together--bringing the unification of opposites of the feminine and masculine--also known as the Sacred Marriage of Spirit, the Sacred Marriage of the Feminine and Masculine—aka Hieros Gamos.
· As waking modern men and women, we get to be full-on and TOTAL with all aspects of our lives—the Totality of Humanity Experience.
- Today we are exploring The Marriage of our Feminine and our Masculine within--the Unifying of Opposites, as in Yin-Yang, BEING-DOING, HE-SHE.
- This is the most basic of Tantra, and funnily enough Tantra has such a 1-2-dimensional slant upon it—regarding sexuality—yet it’s the totality of Human Experience and that being said—sexuality is just one facet—one aspect of Tantra.
- This is the blending of the two energies of the Feminine and Masculine into ONE.
- As humans evolve, the awakened living state of BEING is UNITY, plus the capacity to live amidst the DIVERSITY of life whilst accessing the full range of human experience and emotion, avoiding nothing.
- This is such a tough piece to accept for folks…we are inundated with all the Pollyanna stuff about focusing only on what you desire…paying no attention to the stuff, the dark stuff—the unpleasant…
- The righteous my way is better than yours, not to forget to mention the adherence to manmade moral relativistic laws—forgetting about the existence of The Absolute Truth and Natural Law. But I digress.
- We tend to stuff down our reactivity, repress it, suppress it, put on our happy face-go to our happy place, avoid it, side-step it, deflect it, deny it, pause it until there’s a better more appropriate time…
- or we go into a full-on emotionally-over-the-top-triggered-crazy insane tantrum—acting out behaviour in public that would be inappropriate at a 3 year-old’s birthday party. You know what I’m saying???
- Ooooh, not feelings, not emotions…but the problem is when we aren’t real, those feelings, emotions, experiences; traumas DO GET deposited into your body—energetically—into the unconscious and subconscious—it’s physiological, we can actually begin physically manifesting stones, cysts, tumours, etc...
- our body’s intelligence has a deep knowing that these energies do not belong in our cells
- We all know who you are…these people who smile, yet when you observe them closely—there is a tightness they exude…their jaws are tight, they look stressed, there’s a palpable discomfort…and lack of aliveness, a lack of authenticity, a false calm…flatline, the quiet before the storm.
- Quite often the shit eventually erupts and explodes out sideways and in all directions.
- Most folks who habitually deny their feelings and emotions and default into their heads & intellect, consistently tell me they wish they had more energy, that they are uncomfortable around touch-feeling-expressive people—that they are afraid of them, and that they have an internal judge and critic that is constantly judging and critcising people who are expressive as crazy and out of control and inappropriate…
- These folks confess to feel really triggered around feelings, and judge themselves and other for having them…they tend to try to look busy, they pride themselves in multi-tasking (there’s no such things Beloveds)—the truth is these are just strategies to avoid the REAL…And if you want to be AWAKE, you cannot avoid the REAL.
- I want to guide you all through a short meditation on embodiment…that is BEING FULLY IN YOUR BODY, FULLY AWARE OF THE SENSATIONS IN YOUR BODY.
- So, place you’re the backs of your hands on the tops of your thigh, palms upward and softly close your eyes… RECEIVE a breathe, breathe in love, slowly establish your own rhythm RECEIVING LOVE, BREATHING OUT LOVE, IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE… IN WITH LOVE, OUT WITH LOVE…
- Notice any sensations in your hands and slowly, very slowly allow these sensations to lift your hands off of your thighs, moving them through the ethers…feel the sensations of the ethers against your skins as you move your hands up off your thighs…slowly…savouring…tuning into the EXPANSION that is naturally occurring…
- Wherever your hands are, feeling into them right now…noticing any sensations, energies—all the while breathing in love, breathing out love…You are feeling the Divine in you, the Divine energies that animate your physical body.
- Wherever your hands are continue moving them up, up, up, up
- Bringing your palms together, slowly, moving through the ethers, feeling the soft movement of ethers against your skin, the palms of your hands as you slowly move them to meet one another in prayer position in front of your heart…resting there for a few moments….feeling the love that your are deeply in your body
- Allowing your heart to open and radiate outwardly in all directions more love, allowing this love to envelop your entire body…the entire room…your neighbourhood, your city, your state, your country, connecting your love with mine, RECEIVING my love, and together…gifting our collective love to our Gaia and our galaxy and beyond…feeling the sensations of love within your being, your body, as we allow our palms to slowly unfold and open in offering this Divine Love…imagine our world cradled in the palms of your hands…
- Beautiful… Thank you all for that Beloveds, that was lovely…ahhhhhhhhhh
- Okay…how are we all doing…
- Let’s talk about the homework in-depth, and I’ll share my own life experiences so you can allow yourSelf to relax into this work, whether you did it or not... I want to be real and transparent with you, so you can go deep—no-holds-barred, and feel inspired to unraveled and integrate your feminine and masculine within…
The Journaling Homework…
- Journal about your fears regarding your own Divine Feminine nature—what are your challenges? My Divine Feminine nature used to scare me back in the days when I hadn’t really worked through my mom issues, along with the feelings of mistrust and betrayal by my sis-STARS…so in those days I was deeply fearful of RECEIVING because receiving meant there were strings attached, and then people would be entitled to take from me. Because of my background and traumatic upbringing—I saw the feminine as purely sexual and pretty much all fluff, regardless that SHE was extremely capable…and I saw her as INSANE, PSYCHO, HELPLESS, VICTIMISED, and villified—everything was HER fault—and that included men because SHE gave birth to them…yeah do the math on that…As you can see, my universe was pretty messed up…I betrayed my true nature and defaulted to my inner Masculine—I was hell-bent on DOING IT ALL, and DOING IT WELL ON MY OWN, because I learned that men weren’t dependable, and mom was either too busy or too emotional or too nuts!
- What do you appreciate about your Divine Feminine nature? Now I truly appreciate my kindness and highly empathic-compassionate nature. I appreciate my physical beauty, my elegance, my ability to flow, my intense creativity and self-expression—my versatility in dance and music and singing, art and writing-- and my desire for beauty, balance, and harmony. I appreciate my deepest intuitive wisdom, my changeability, my capacity to love and devote mySelf to those I love, and to those causes that are important. I love my ability to embody the Divine Mother in a way that is without sacrifice, yet I appreciate and value the sacrifices that were required of me. I appreciate my vulnerability and my softness, my sensuality, sexiness, and my juiciness, and my openness to RECEIVE—be it a compliment, abundance, and prosperity, a download or PLEASURE…and do so without apology or obligation. I also love my ability to be wrathful, and dignified and pull out the sword and call out the bullshit both women and men try to get over on me and be outrageous and unreasonable in my rage, and be total with all of my Feminine qualities—VIVA DAKINI. I love that I can truly sense my truth through my body sensations—through my heart and my yoni (women have two hearts—their physical heart and yonis…check it out).
- 2) Journal about your fears regarding your own Divine Masculine nature—what are your challenges? Once upon a time, I believed that the Divine Masculine was a man—and I didn’t trust HIM as far as I could throw HIM…Yet I saw that his cruelty, his physicality, his rage, and authority were well respected and great qualities to embody—especially as a 5 foot tall 90-pound Eurasian woman. My masculine nature early on was quite unconscious—HE was angry and wanted to prove himself and kick-ass—everyone’s ass. I wasn’t really afraid of my inner masculine, but I certainly overworked HIM, I cut his balls off, actually, in denying my inner Feminine her turn to take the helm. HE was ON 24/7, even in my intimate relationships—I was always a bigger man than my man—NOT a necessarily good thing in manifested THE ONE. I often manifested boys looking for sexy mommies. OY. Rest can be a challenge when I’m connected into that DOING and deflecting of the real—like emotions and feelings.
- What do you appreciate about your Divine Masculine nature? He is smart, logical, emotionally centered, courageous, and in his heart, walks his talk, physically masterful in practicing meditation, yoga, and martial arts, a major strategist, he loves science and can geek out on fixing things and is handy, calm, grounded in groundlessness, dependable, trustable, a stud, and an amazing master manifestor, and if he had to—he’d kick ass.
- Which Principle or energy tends to override and knock you off balance in your day-to-day? Definitely my default patterns on being too much in my Masculine and doing doing doing…it’s way better now…I prefer pleasure and flow…and Inspired Doing and can now revel in the masculine’s Active Stillness, rather than default into chaos.
- Who do you need to be in order to embody the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine? I require being physically emotionally vulnerable and undefended (yet able in a nanosecond to absolutely Defend myself if physically threatened) and trusting in allowing my Feminine to open and RECEIVE everything I desire, risking everything, including the possibility of losing everything (which I have, by the way) . I also require my Feminine to relax and trust, that my masculine is conscious and wise, and allow my masculine to take ACTION and DO what’s in right alignment with my purpose. This can only occur when my feminine and masculine are both loving and courageous—that is coming from my heart, and from life’s direction of what’s happening right now—life’s directive through circumstances—not based on past. I am required to face all my reactions, feeling my feelings, experience everything, and own them, without indulging them, becoming them, and believing my stories.
- IT means burning in the fires of love and breathing through all my reactions and discomfort, especially when it gets really challenging and I’m tempted to bolt and run away and go unconscious, whilst BEING deeply aware of the eternally wise Divine within.
- It means to allow life, and whatever life’s circumstance to the direction the NOW…I have the choice of allowing life to fuck me over, or allowing life to fuck me wide open…
- We are required to remember and OWN that We are born to create.
- We are all hard-wired to create—moving Formless into Form—make connections, communicate and manifest as FORMLESS – unmanifest-nonphysical MASCULINE energies-ideas, visions, dreams + plus Conscious Intention yielding FORM – FEMININE energies made manifest-physical…
- Ultimately, In the Marriage of Spirit—The Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine masculine within, we are dissolving the primal separation from Source God Goddess All That is…
- Hieros gamos or Hierogamy (Greek ἱερὸς γάμος, ἱερογαμία "holy marriage") is a sexual ritual that plays out a marriage between a god and a goddess, especially when enacted in a symbolic ritual where human participants represent the deities. It is the harmonization of opposites.
- The hieros gamos is one of the themes that Carl Jung dealt with in his book Symbols of Transformation.
- This Primal Separation runs deep within, it’s instinctual…this is what we are attracted to certain people as potential mates…we are seeking completion…yet we have within us the masculine and feminine…we are complete already…
DIY Ritual outline for your own ceremony of Hieros Gamos:
The Sacred Marriage Ceremony of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within:
- Journal about the qualities of your inner feminine and your inner masculine
- The entire creation flowing from the Source is an incredible and fascinating interplay or "dance of the polarities," summed up in the ancient symbol of sacred marriage, which represents the sacred marriage of the opposites, the heiros gamos of antiquity.
The entwined triangles of represent the archetypes of masculine and feminine, the "blade" and the "chalice." They are also occasionally called the "fire" and "water" triangles respectively, and correspond to the Yang and Yin of Oriental philosophy. This sacred symbol is found in ancient shrines in India where it represents the God Shiva and his consort Shakti, but it is also found in the sacred writings of scholars and mystics of Judaism, where it is known as the seal of Solomon." - Write out your own sacred marriage vows include the elements of honouring, valuing, respecting, loving, cherishing, worshipping, all that you are and are ever becoming; devoting yourSelf to be all yours, to be in your heart the rest of your life no matters what happens—with or without an actual partner; committing to your love, values, truth, and beauty—in service to the Divine God-Goddess-All-That-Is…
- In this vow, You are expressing a commitment to yourSelf—that your true essence can never be owned, that your esteem comes from within as you are Source—God goddess all that is. Express a way to promise yourSelf that you will love, honour, adore, worship yourSelf as whole, honouring your Divine gifts as HE-SHE—the holy embodiment of God-Goddess all that is…
- Create a ring vow as well, and close the deal—so to speak, and actually buy a ring and put the ring on your finger of choice….
- Create time and space for you to actually marry yourSelf, or hire an actual minister or ceremonialist to hold that sacred union space for you
- Invite your most intimate friends to witness and attend your wedding
- Buy yourSelf a sacred object such as a crystal, ring, or pendant that represents your commitment to love, cherish, and honor your Divinity
- If you’ve done this ritual before, consider renewing your vows.
- Be as elaborate and creative as you want—perhaps in full costume and majesty.
- Do have fun! Celebrate your love for yourSelf and have a party!
So, do create your own Inner Marriage Ceremony. It’s fun and powerful!
We are at the end of our time together… Thank you so much for your love and your willingness to go deep with me…