Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 174, my take on the uber-trolling effects of our last video as a prelude to the continuation of our short introduction to the True Energetic Nature of Trauma-Based Mind Control. This info is the precursor to our discussion on my work regarding the Three Trauma Cages and ABM—Absolute Balanced Mastery-Energy Mastery, which facilitates the alignment of Heart-Mind-Body with the Divine, which is also known as Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination.
Our last video, for whatever reason, created an avalanche of verbal and psychic attacks, along with criticism/dismissal of my work—which makes me giggle because they assholes are clearly gatekeepers to keep humanity enslaved in victim consciousness, forever stuck in the Matrix and obeying all its scripts of this and that.
There are shills out there that want to convince you that if you’ve suffered any form of trauma—including trauma-based mind control—you are forever a victim—without any possibility of healing or moving from surviving to thriving—moving from victim to victorious. These evil motherfuckers are fucking lying to you—endeavouring to seduce you to roll over and totally give up your sovereignty and renounce your True Divine Creative Natures and stay stuck in the fucking limited hell-realms of the Matrix and their various shitshows. These assholes even claim to be truther-freedom and sovereignty anarchy-no rulers-no-slaves advocates, yet have no fucking idea how actually to wield and mould reality as a free Grand Creator.
Wake Up, kids! This evil is the bullshit I’m constantly referring to within the Matrix, and YOU CANNOT FALL FOR THEIR BULLSHIT.
Much of what I offer in this introduction is unique to my collaborative work of over three decades in working with survivors of all forms of Trauma DeActivation (including SRA-MKULTRA-Trafficking Survivors—Generational Rape Camps, etc.)—its system elements, including the Human Energy Field, the seven primary Chakras and their superpowers, and the meridian pathways from 5 Element Chinese Medicine. This healing technology is not well known, let alone spoken about in so-called professional trauma healing circles that include psychological-sociological models and other decorated experts. I created this modality to stand alone without any state-certification-shitstem interface. All trauma is physiological and trapped in the limbic brain. Trauma is also energetic and also trapped in a complex grid of intra-inter-extra-dimensional time-space realities-locations of past-future-composite-alternative timelines.
Mind control of humanity begins energetically with the control harnesses of demonic technologies that set up humans to forget who they are. This amnesia is vital in the continuous enslavement of humanity ad infinitum and humanity’s ongoing temporal reality displacement, which traps hoomans in victim consciousness and stuck forever in the Matrix.
Funnily enough, The content of our last video offended quite a few people and triggered a whole lotta haterz. OMFG. Like, wut? Really? I am perplexed why these folks are so stuck in their preconceived notions, dismissing the short introduction, and ready to fight tooth and nail to be right in their limitations. OK, whatever. Go ahead. I really don’t give a shit.
I am here creating and sharing content for the brilliant souls ready to Exit the Matrix, armed with vital information distorted and occulted by pop psychology, New Age Bullshit, all the shitstems of control, and all the designers and fabricators of Weaponised Woundology—also known as the powers-that-wanna-be and their order followers.
My offerings on LoveTruth&Beauty are for those of you who hunger to be free of the human slavery that so many of you secluded armchair truffers, sitting in front of your fucking computers, and wanna-be-celebrity whistleblowers erroneously defend as if you are free. You Are Not free, fucking far from it when you have to diss me and my work, knowing muy nada about it.
You haterz just outed yourselves by closing off to learn about effective, cutting edge, alternative healing technologies. Still, you are more interested in remaining polarised with the Matrix’s Divide & Conquer mind controls. You are part of the perpetual enslavement loops designed to keep pertinent information secret and humans biting at their own victimised tails, remaining faithfully ignorant.
It’s so sad that offering up a short intro to an actual practical working blueprint for the energetics of trauma, along with an alternative possibility for dissolving trauma and mind-control, got me hated on, and attacked in cruel ways. This flurry of unsolicited hate mail and name-calling alarmed some viewers such that these loving souls reached out to me via email over the weekend to give me the head’s up, along with offering their loving care and protection—immense thanks and appreciation to those who had my back and protected me from psychic attack. And here’s a first, kudos to youtube for holding back those ugly-ass comments from those ugly ass trolls.
I guess I shouldn’t be too shocked; I’m a veteran at getting hated on because my work is practical and empowers people to wake up from their zombified existence and learn to thrive. But my offering requires the Great Work and mastery of Natural Law and the Law of Attraction and requires left-right brain synchronisation.
I am an avid fan of the delete and block buttons on social media, along with my ability to give the eye roll and swipe left and stay centred amidst all the rudeness, character assassinations, criticism of my work—which most folks no ZERO about, and criticism about the content of the introductory video because I didn’t mention this or that, and name-calling, goading and trolling, and even threats of violence upon my person, moi.
Sometimes a physical purge will be necessary when detoxing from a psychic attack. Sometimes you’ve got to puke it all out or shit it out of your energy systems, including your physical body.
Trolling and naysayers and haterz are active parts of doing the Great Work and offering innovative content and solutions out into the Universe that go against the grain of perpetual victim consciousness, along with creating and maintaining enemies inherent to being stuck in the Matrix. Remember that waking up and exiting the Matrix is about owning your attention. It is your attention that waltzes in and out of the Matrix. Raising your frequency is what allows you to go stealth and virtually undetected by the Matrix and its trolls. Still, sometimes, you can garner the attention of certain gatekeepers whose job is specifically to fuel and fan any Divide & Conquer Potential==healing Trauma-Based Mind Control is considered an insult to those still captive and under the influence of its masters. Creating and Maintaining enemies at all costs in faux defiance to any Matrix status quo maintains the status quo. If you don’t get that—I can’t help you. No one can help you. You will never be free. Carry on.
Content creators take note: Handle trolling with easeful care. Permission granted to Willfully Ignore trolls and naysayers and haterz. Most want attention—most feed off of being offensive and offended. Avoid getting defensive.
Trolls want to upset you. Trolls will try to trigger you. Would you please not fall for any of it? Do NOT respond. If you feel in danger or have received threats of violence or death threats, do take these very seriously. Take a screenshot, report it, block/delete. If you create videos or write blog articles, you can also consider disallowing viewer/reader comments.
Trolls and Haterz are terrific excuses and inspiration to learn Energy Mastery so you can Master your energy, remember to go stealth by raising your frequency, also known as Engaging protective measures. Energy Mastery tools allow you to Exit the Matrix, stay vertical, and in your lane.
Give these low-vibe psychic vampires and demonic entity motherfuckers, nothing. Starve them out.
The moment a troll has your attention: Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit the Matrix. Compose Reality.
OK, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my beautiful Divine-In-The-Flesh, that is my speech! We will continue this ongoing conversation of the True Energetic Nature of Trauma-Based Mind Control.