Bull and cow symbolism is widely used in many ancient cultures. The cow, bull and horn symbolism is related to the Sun and consciousness symbolism of resurrection and rebirth. This symbolism is also the source for the first letter in many languages, the letter A (alpha/aleph/alef, al/el/God), and also what was once considered the last letter, T (tav/tau). Aleph/Alef and Tav/Tau, first and last, beginning and end, is like the reference to Alpha and Omega as the beginning and end. These are the letters A and T, which relate to Bull/Tauro symbolism, as does the Ancient Egyptian word ka. The ankh is symbolism of the Tau Cross (bull/Taurus) and Ru mouth/gate/womb symbolism for higher, realer, truer life through bearing our own cross and crossing over or passing over to a new world we take upon ourselves to create. Aspiring to the oval, mouth, gateway and womb of higher consciousness symbolized by the air element.
Originally posted on Evolve Consciousness