- Why do the “left” and “right” disagree on so many unrelated issues?

 - How do smart people have such blatant inconsistencies in their thinking?

 - Thoughts on democracy

 - Difference of intellect or values?

 - Are we fighting new ideas, or rehashing centuries old conflicts?

 - Thesis of The Revolutionary Phenotype, evolution, & the welfare state

 - How can we prove something, when you can always say “It would have been worse had we not done what I said.”

 - Why are there no standards for the high priests of statism?
Fauci Lies: https://lbry.tv/@libertariantruther:0/275452470_60MINUTESFAUXIMASKS:e

 - Can you change someone's mind? How have the masses gone from accepting monarchy to accepting democracy?

 - Democracy = Ignorant people voting to impose policies violently

 - Exploitation & entitlement

 - Seeing through propaganda

 - Leftists no longer interested in the ‘working poor’ - https://lbry.tv/@libertariantruther:0/The-Impact-of-Regulatory-Costs-on-Small-Firms-(Full)_0:e

 - Alt platforms - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n25CHp5UBlq5/

 - Debunking ‘white privilege’

 - Unique hatred of Trump

 - Nationalism, racism, & in group preference

 - Author recommendations

 - Why won’t smart people admit they have political blind spots?

 - How JF got $25,000 from Jeffrey Epstein

 - Does a desire for freedom correlate with intellect?

 - Are American ideas something unique, and worth preserving?