0:58 - What is ‘free market capitalism’?
1:56 - What is the difference between the state and the market?
3:18 - Why are you an Anarcho-Capitalist?
7:25 - Why should a poor person support free markets?
12:06 - Inequality
14:01 - Monopolies
18:38 - Why are some countries wealthy and others poor?
22:34 - Environment Kuznets Curve - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuznets_curve
25:43 - Who protects the ‘workers’?
31:05 - What is Social Desirability Bias?
35:15 - Would open borders lower American incomes?
42:04 - What if all 7 billion came today? Aren’t resources limited?
46:02 - What about cultural differences and language barriers?
52:29 - What is the most important thing you learned from….
52:29 - Jason Brennan
54:28 - Michael Huemer
59:04 - Ayn Rand