"During COVID"

In 2020 things such as group Zoom calls, watching Tiger King, learning TikTok dances, enjoying nature for the first time, baking bread, and cutting your own hair were some of the top trends. And these things were just that; trends that have come and gone as so many other frivolous past times have over the years. Unfortunately, other things such as mask wearing, social distancing, contact tracing, and quarantining that were instilled in public life in 2020 have persisted. Even though these things have carried on, many of our neighbors have now gotten so accustomed to the current state of life to accept it and consider it normal. Normal is a relative term as a summation of your personal daily habits and expected events. So quickly have people come to accept this new normal as if it isn’t new at all and that we have always lived this way. They do recognize that there was a transition period however, they fail to recognize that things were ever different prior to that transition. The term “during COVID”, incorrectly used in the past tense, has been so frequently spoken to me referring to this transition period, as if we aren’t still living within this created crisis. I have heard “during COVID” used to describe the time of the initial 2020-2021 government enforced pandemic lockdowns. They refer to this time as if it’s almost nostalgic. As if they enjoyed being locked inside, irrationally scared to death of an invisible virus, and told what they can and cannot do by the government every second of the day. They use this term as they are trying to speak to me through two masks behind an acrylic sheet all while still being afraid to shake hands or even smile at me. This is a blatant showcase to the level of psychosis and brainwashing that some people have been victim to. I ask, are we not still subjected to this newly created society where the previous scientific and political scripture is ignored and contradicted? Are we not still being forced to wear masks in certain places? Are we not still forced to openly disclose our personal health status to gain access to certain aspects of society?

The fact of the matter is that we are still living “during COVID”. I have already referred to this period as After COVID (AC). Writing this in year 2AC there are no signs of the tyrannical global governance slowing down. Those who fail to recognize this trend are the same ones incorrectly using “during COVID” in the past tense. Do we not still have to take off our shoes at the airport? Are we still not victim to invasive surveillance at the whim of the government? The declaration of emergency from the 9/11/01 event still gets renewed every year. The new declaration of emergency for the COVID-19 crisis will follow suit and be renewed every year granting the very same people who perpetuate the crisis expanded powers to further advance their control over society. Welcome to the biosecurity state. Welcome to the machine.

Taking a perspective more closely tied to reality, we are not forced to do anything in which we don’t want to do. I am not forced to wear a mask. I am not forced to present my personal health status. I am not forced to inject chemicals into my body. No one is forced to do any of these things. We are all living human beings and have the power to make choices for ourselves. If someone is asking you to do something you do not want to you have the choice to simply say no. No, I will not wear a mask. No, I will not get tested. No, I will not disclose my personal health status. No, I will not inject chemicals into my body. It’s as simple as that. If someone or some entity does not want to do business with you because of your choices then that is their loss. They are the ones inhumanely discriminating and promoting segregation. Let them live with that on their conscience and if they live through this period hopefully they will look back and learn from their mistakes. This is the only way to end the crisis.

I am now making it my goal to be able to use the term “during COVID”, correctly in the past tense. If we can accomplish this that means the government has succumbed to the will of the people rescinding the restrictions imposed in response to the created crisis. Better yet, this could mean that the government has ceased to exist at all. This could mean the people have finally awoken to the reality that we can govern ourselves on an individual and voluntary basis. We can determine what is best for us and our kin. We can choose to do business with who we please and how we please without infringing on the natural sanctity of our neighbors. That is my goal and that is what I am working towards every day “during COVID”.